The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 110 Yinghong

Luoyang, Beiqiu Military Camp.

Before dawn, all night, the beautiful face under the mask was a little tired. In the past few days, she had trouble sleeping and eating. This situation lasted for a long time, but pretended not to let outsiders know.

sighed over and over again. Beauty Yu doesn't remember how many times she has done this. In martial arts, she can indeed be regarded as a master, but when it comes to strategy and arraying, she is simply an idiot. In the past, Yinghong has helped her make suggestions, coupled with her little tricks and herself. The icing on the cake of low martial arts, I'm afraid that the reputation of the shadow general no longer exists.

Yinghong, Yinghong, where the hell are you?

Yu Meiren began to be anxious, especially at dawn, when she, as the coach, had to give orders to her subordinates, but now she knows nothing but war.

The shadow general is just a mortal who can't deal with fighting. I'm afraid no one knows that the real god-like existence is with the help of the female Zhuge behind her.

Her maid Yinghong may be a coincidence that she saved her from the hands of human traffickers. The descendant of the so-called "smart star" general who was framed against the enemy and killed all over the door. Although the general was not as legendary as the god general and the shadow general, he was a resourceful general before the birth of the shadow general. His contribution to the Beiqiu Dynasty was also great, but unfortunately his light was covered by the other two generals, just because he was accused of treason when he was about to reach the peak of his life.

It happened that Yu Meimei saved the general's daughter when she was a child, the little girl who was better than her father. From then on, she abandoned her surname and changed her name. It was they who jointly created the legend of Shadow General.

Her head was a little dizzy. Beauty Yu pressed her temples hard and tried to cheer herself up, but when she heard someone approaching the tent outside the door, she couldn't help frowning.

"Report to the general that the rebels have gathered 100 meters outside the city."

The person who notified did not enter the tent, but just made a military salute outside, because Yu Meiren issued an order before. No matter how urgent the matter is, the person who came to inform can only pass the message outside the account, and no one can enter the account without her permission.

Although no one knows why General Shadow issued such an order, even in a very urgent situation, all the soldiers felt that General Shadow's words must have her reason.

Beauty Yu was stunned for a while when she heard the words. Now she can only rely on her own strength. After thinking about it, she asked, "Where is the other party's coach?"

"Yes, the abandoned prince sits in the town, and the people of the demon faction are the vanguard."

The person outside the account answered like this. Beauty Yu grabbed the details of the words and flashed in her eyes, but there was still some uncertainty in her heart: "Is there only the waste prince? So, what about the Nangong devil?"

"I'm not sure if the demon is there, but according to the report, I only saw the abandoned prince."

Is there only Beiqiu He? Yu Meiren was relieved for some reason. If Nangong Fu was not there, even if Nangong Fu's order was there, she would not be ten times willing to dispatch Beiqiu He. Then what she had to do now was either close the city door and wait for the other party to rush nearby, and let the archers shoot arrows; or find a way to provoke him. In the meantime, let the other party mess up.

It's a pity that Yu Meiren was not as smart as Ying Hong. She couldn't think of any good ideas. After thinking about it for a long time, she said, "I'm going to let the archers lurker at the gate. Our army can't avoid the gate for the time being and wait for the other party to attack."

After Yu Meiren said, the people outside the account faded, and then she exclaimed.

Really, she is not suitable for making suggestions at all. The methods she can think of are used countless times, but she is not a good method, but there is no way. She can only be a general who can do martial arts, but she can never be a military advisor.

Without Yinghong, she was difficult to walk. Suddenly, she found that she was really conceited. This battle was not impossible for her, but for her and Yinghong. However, she was not afraid to come to the muddy water, but there was nothing she could do, just as she believed that Beiqiu Yin was not allowed to be her, which was simply self-deception.

At this time, Beauty Yu just thought that if they closed the city and did not go out, either like the routine written in the book, making the other party impatient, or it was outside her imagination, at least there would not be too many casualties.

It turns out that Yu Meiren's idea is really too naive. In Beiqiu He's camp, most of them are first-class masters. There are demonists. It's not difficult to invite such a master, but they didn't expect that the shadow general who has always used soldiers like a god would make such an ordinary decision. They overestimated the strength of the shadow general, or did the god-like general have another deep meaning. In fact, closing the gate without going out has a different meaning.

For a while, the counselors on Beiqiu He's side could not pay attention to it, so they chose to watch. If the other party did not send troops, they would not send troops. Moreover, now the owner of the South Palace is in a coma, and they are not sure of winning. It's better to wait until the Lord of the South Palace wakes up.

Once you make up your mind, the soldiers on both sides stand still and are deadlocked with each other, as calm as before.

When the soldiers came to report again, Yu Meiren couldn't help sighing that Beiqiu He was really patient. According to what she knew about Nangong Fu, this person would definitely attack their army, instead of being calm now, and the two armies seemed to have just truce, unless it was Nangong Fu's injury. Not well yet.

Thinking about this, it makes an explanation, but Beiqiu He is not a brainless person. Why did he choose not to move his troops?

Beauty Yu doesn't understand. She doesn't know anything about military use. She is now waiting. A few days ago, she has ordered someone to find Ying Hong. Until now, there has been no news, and she can only wait now. I hope it's not bad news. Ying Hong can appear earlier.

One day, the two armies maintained the same deadness until the other side withdrew their troops. They didn't know whether their prayers were too sincere. Even heaven was moved by her, or whether she was destined to bear the honor of the shadow general, and soon a shadow guard appeared in her tent.

The shadow general himself cultivated his own power, which is divided into the shadow army and the shadow guard. The shadow army refers to the army owned by the shadow general on the surface. It is mixed with the army of Beiqiu. The number is not large, but it is carefully crafted. The dark guard is the hidden force of the shadow general, all over the country. They can be a vendor, an old lady in a brothel, or even a huge martial arts family. Two of the top ten martial arts sects that Nangong Fu once destroyed are the forces of Yu beauty shadow guards, which is also one of the reasons why Yu beauty was dedicated to killing each other before. In addition, the existence of Yinghong is between the Ming Dynasty. In secret, it can be said that they are both masters and servants and partners.

The news brought by the dark guard is the best news so far. Ying Hong has contacted the dark guard and will find a way to meet her before tomorrow.

Only then did Yu Meiren feel relieved. The news of Yinghong is her biggest pillar now.

This night, the beauty went to bed very early, but only after sleeping for a short time, she was woken up by the noisy sound outside the tent and quickly put on gold armor. The mask on her face had never been taken off when she slept. She straightened her messy hair and walked out of the tent.

It's still dark, and a lot of soldiers gathered outside the battalion commander. Is it the enemy's attack at night? Or did you do something small? Yu Mei was alert and approached with doubt, but when she saw the woman with her hands tied and her hair a little messy, a smile appeared on her face, forcibly suppressed the excitement that kept rising from her heart, and lowered her voice and called, "Ying Hong."

Yinghong raised her head when she heard the sound. How long has she didn't hear such a call? When her eyes touched the ghost's face, which also contained all kinds of feelings, her heart trembled slightly. She broke away from the soldier behind her and rushed to the woman not far away, but was stopped less than two meters away. .


The familiar voice trembled, which made Yu Mei's heart tremble. At the same time, she opened her mouth and shouted, "Let her go."

The people present dared not disove from the order of the Shadow General. Soon, Ying Hong rushed in front of him and stretched out his hand to grab her arm. Through the armor, Yu Meiren could also feel the strength.

How's it going? You are not injured. I heard that you went on an expedition and didn't sleep well all night. How are you? Is there..."

"No, I'm fine."

Yu Meiren shook her head. How nice it was. In this way, she saw her best sister Ying Hong again. They had nothing to do as promised.

"Go to my account. I have a lot to tell you."

Beauty Yu reached out and took the other party's hand. Seeing that the other party nodded, she smiled again.

When the two left, someone reacted and asked, "Who is that girl just now?"


The person who was pulled reached out and hit the other party's forehead hard and curled his lips: "You're really stupid. I can't see that the girl must have been a good match of the shadow general. If the shadow general hadn't come in time, the girl might have been really hurt by us just now. Now my heartbeat is still fast. ."

"Of course I can see it."

The questioner stared: "That girl is really good-looking, but the woman in the barracks is a big taboo."

"Oh, this is an ordinary person. Can the shadow general be compared with ordinary people? It's not too much to drag your family with you, but then again, do you miss a girl?

The person who answered hit the other party's shoulder hard and narrowed his eyes into an arc.

"Don't talk nonsense."

After saying that, the questioner turned around and took out a delicate earrings from his arms when others were not paying attention. As he walked, he looked at it for a long time. He was staggered by the stone under his feet and settled himself. He turned around and looked at the dark starry sky, and gradually began to be stunned.