The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 118 Torture 1

Cold, boundless coldness penetrated every inch of her skin, dark and night-like darkness. This is a dungeon without light. Beauty Yu woke up from her dreams again and again. Her arms were chained behind her back, and the thick and cold chains fell from the top. Her knees knelt on the bed collapsed, in this room In the narrow cell, I don't know how long this lasted.

It may be because of drugs. She only feels very tired now. Endless nightmares are entangled in her sleepiness. There is no water, no food, and on her body is only the red dress she wore when she danced that day.

Nang Fu, he is no longer the same as she knows. If she remembers correctly, what she saw that day was a silver-haired demon, and his whole body was full of cold and trembling breath. Is it a dream? It's still a nightmare reality.

I'm so tired, my body is so tired, and my head hurts so much that I want to crack. She seems to fall into a normal sleep, and I really want to stop doing those reincarnation-like nightmares. Those pictures are about to drive her crazy, but she can no longer control her own body, like the spread of drugs, and then those hallucinations. The picture of making her life worse than death.

The sound of the chain "dangdang" and her body swayed back and forth. Days and nights, she survived like this. Suddenly, the only door of this dungeon was penetrated into the cell by everyone. The strong light made the person who raised his head instinctively close his eyes. A very warm feeling came from that position, Beauty Yu Slowly opened her eyes, her little face was pale and transparent, her lips were dry and white, the light in her eyes had lost the flexibility of the past, and her long hair was messy on the side of her face.

Someone came down from above, and the footsteps were slow, but they echoed throughout the dungeon, and then the torch was lit around.

The red coat was a red hem, which instantly ignited the fear in her heart. As the moment the man's enchanting and beautiful face appeared in her sight, her body was like a withered leaves trembling in the cold wind, pushing back in fear.

Dantian was empty, and there was almost no strength in her body. She tried to shrink her body, and Xiyi's footsteps stopped quickly.

Fear, like a big net, trapped all her senses and made her a little suffocating.

She lowered her head in panic but couldn't move until the long silver hair swayed in front of her eyes. She raised her head in horribly and was facing the man's dark pupils at night. The deep and temperatureless color, and the ice-carved face was also transparent and faintly visible.

Is this a human? Is it the Nangong Fu who once made her feel warm?

"Are you afraid of me?"

A completely emotionless question. Isn't she sleepy when she pulls back from her dream to reality? Her body is very tired. Pray to God to let her sleep like this.

"I'm hungry."

He said very seriously, like a child who has not grown up, showing a pure and unreal smile.

Is it an illusion for Yu Meiren to look at the smile in a daze? Or a real dream? But soon, she knew how cruel and frightening the real dream was.

The man in front of her suddenly came to her, then lowered his head and buried it in her neck. She felt the stiff Tong's neck. The neck seemed to be penetrated by something. The sudden pain made her moan and struggle, but she was held tightly by the other party, and then Something keeps flowing out of the body.

Cold and stronger cold made her even struggle thin. She tried to open her eyes, and the scene in front of her became more and more blurred. Her teeth bit the other party's hair hard, and then suddenly realized what a terrible thing he was doing, like a vampire in his previous life. He was actually drinking her. Blood.

Pain, empty replaced by hellish fear. When she always opened her eyes and felt that her eyelids were a little tired, she thought she would die like this. The person holding her raised his head and kissed her lips, warm and wet full of bloody smell. Ru, which resonated with the hunger and thirst in her body.

He was very satisfied. She could feel his satisfaction. He reached out and clasped the broken hair from her mouth, then reached out and squeezed her chin and looked at her seriously: "I don't like you like this. You're disobedient. It hurts here."

After saying that, Nangong Fu reached out and touched the position of his chest, and then breathed as if he had been stimulated. There was some panic in his pupils. He reached out and pulled his hair, wrapped it hard, and then pulled it off. His eyes became cold in an instant. He looked at her and reached out to tear the clothes on her shoulder. Crack.

The cold fingers covered her pain. The two bloody holes kept touching Nangong Fu's affectionate concentration, as if it were an unparalleled treasure. In the pain, Su Su Ma's coolness, the beauty raised her head with difficulty, and her eyes were in a trance to see the evil demon. Her face and fear had exceeded the time limit, and her voice was almost inaudible, but she asked the doubts that had been in her heart.

"How did you become like this?"

Nangong Fu's original chaotic eyes suddenly burned clear at the moment he heard Yu Meiren's voice, and gradually expanded the flame breath. He stared at the woman's equally pale face, and the cold skin oozed small beads of sweat, which was crystal and lovely.

She was asking him why. It was really ridiculous. That feeling made him so painful, and his voice shouted again in the bottom of his heart. It was her, this woman. She had always wanted his life. She always faced him with a fake face and deceived him just to beat him to death.

Let her suffer, quickly, make her crazy pain, the same despair as the pain you have suffered.

Someone called in his ear. Nangong Fu seemed to be controlled by something, and the magic from the bottom of his heart spewed out, and then his fingertips pressed hard on the bleeding hole.

The silent pain almost broke the nerves of the beauty's senses. She raised her head to shout, but her voice seemed to be stuck between her throat, and she could only gasp uncontrollably, and then her body was cold ** open.

"Does it hurt?"

Nangong Fu suddenly hugged her hard, and Yu Meiren's chin hung weakly on the other party's shoulder, and she didn't even have the strength to open her eyes now.

"Are you hungry? That's just like me."

The end of the nerve seemed to be broken. Yu Meiren wanted to struggle and push the other party away, but she had no strength and couldn't even make a sound.

The pain, like the fear that crossed her heart, came from her own wrist. The iron lock that had trapped her hands opened with a bang. Even if she couldn't open her eyes, she could feel someone bit her wrist hard and then sucked it hard again.

Nangong Fu sucked a few times along the woman's wrist, and then suddenly raised his head, showing a nearly bewitching smile, as if talking to himself: "Isn't it good for me to be like this? Why do you ask? Soon, soon, I will make you like me.

After saying that, Nangong Fu raised the beauty's wrist to her lips, and then there was no next move.

A sweet smell suddenly came from the darkness. Beauty wanted to avoid it, but the smell was getting closer and closer. The darkness around her seemed to have changed to blood-like red. It was so painful. Her body was so painful, like being poked countless holes, and then those warm things were lost from her body little by little and farther away from her. Far away.

Thirsty, very hungry, scared her like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, but the smell was endless **, which made her want to spit out her tongue and lick it.

The growing sense of hunger and thirst broke through the limits of her body again and again. What should I do? Who will save her? Who will save her? What is constantly convulsing in her body? Yu Meiren closed her eyes, and the expression on her face was almost twisted and longing. The dark and wet on the red skirt was getting heavier and heavier, but the smile on the man's face became more and more. The more amazing it is.

Her pain is his greatest joy, and his current happiness is to torture her and make her fall.

With her body wrapped in cold, her struggling heart is becoming more and more desperate. Have you succumbed? Is she going to give in?

Beauty Yu closed her eyes and licked her thirsty lips in the dark, as if all the desires in her heart had been released. She opened her mouth and finally couldn't help taking a bite. He held the wrist that cut the wound and the desire that contained pain, and sucked it little by little.

Very good. Nangong Fu narrowed his narrow eyes and looked at the completely uncontrolled woman in front of him. He swallowed his blood completely greedily. Something slipped down the woman's little face and hit his arm, leaving a warm burning feeling. Suddenly, he couldn't find a feeling of happiness, as if there was only one left. The deeper and deeper pain gnawed at the chest.

Why shouldn't he be very happy? Every time he does this, he will be happy, but why does he only feel pain now? It seems that another strange feeling slowly pours out, making him open the woman's arm without even thinking about it.

Losing her thirsty blood, Yu Mei became flustered in the dark. She shook her head a little anxiously and moaned very weakly, and then suddenly her neck hung to one side and seemed to die like this.

No, she can't die.

A sound from the bottom of my heart became stronger and stronger.

This is just the beginning. All the pain you have suffered will happen to her. How can it end at the beginning?

Nangong Fu took a look at the blood-stained woman, and then turned around. When he walked outside the door, the person standing on one side saw the blood stains on his silver hair and shivered with fear.

Nangong Fu did not look back, his cold lips opened slightly, and his fingers clenched.

"Call Feizi to come here."