The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 122 The original love is deep

Cold, colder than those in the dungeon. Yu Meiren hugged her body desperately and felt that the bones all over her body were clucking. Then she struggled and woke up from the nightmare of ordinary fear, and the cold appeared more clearly in reality.

The whole body is soaked in water, which is colder than ice. There is a huge pool around it. There is still white fog floating above the pool. The pool is surrounded by a mirror. Every picture is her confusion at this moment. Yu Meiren suddenly remembered that this is the cold bath in Nangong Fu's bedroom. She As soon as his fingers approached the surface of the water, he was retracted by the cold and tingling, and now his whole body is soaked in it.

It hurts. Her whole body seems to have been drilled open, and her body is so stiff that she can't move. It's hard for Yu Meiren to imagine that this kind of thing that she thought was unimaginable would happen to her own. Nangong Fu really threw her into this pool. Isn't she afraid that she will freeze to death?

Fortunately, her body leaned against the edge of the pool wall, resisted the numbness of freezing, and tried to turn around and climb to the top of the pool.

When completing this series of actions, Yu Mei began to gasp, out white fog, and then coughed. Five fingers began to hurt because of excessive force after stiffness.

The toes slowly move open, the teeth trembled with cold, and the head was dizzy. I vaguely remembered what had happened before. The clothes were wet and stuck to my body. Fortunately, nothing happened.

Some of her fear wanted to get up from the ground and persisted until she stayed away from the pool, and her body slowly felt warm. In this way, Yu Meiren dragged her slowly regaining her senses and began to feel pain, and walked out of the hall little by little.

She has no energy to care whether Nangong Fu is in the hall or not. Now she just wants to miss any chance to stay away from him, otherwise she may not be so lucky next time. Is it an inhuman torture waiting for her or the devil to die like this? She doesn't know how she can stay here. A cold place.

Escape, she must escape from this tortured place and escape from this man's abnormal way of getting along with each other. Yu Meiren gritted her teeth and restored her consciousness to a short period of clarity. Although the sun was warm, she still felt very cold, and even her body was getting heavier and heavier. She could not stay in this place. Even if she did not die, she would be killed by that The collapse of the devil's torture.

her consciousness became more and more blurred, which made her extremely panic, and then her feet seemed to be stepped on empty, and her body was about to fall forward as soon as she softened.

A pair of powerful arms supported her body that was about to fall to the ground in time. Yu Meiren tried very hard to open her eyes. When she was sure that she was dressed in white, she completely fell into darkness.

Xue Feizi felt that the woman in his arms was as cold as ice, and he couldn't help but be a little stunned. He seemed to think of something and reached out to put on the pulse of the other party.

So it turned out that he frowned and looked at the woman in his arms worriedly. His pale little face without blood, his slender eyelashes moved in pain, and his body couldn't help shrinking in his arms. Xue Feizi couldn't bear to take the woman into his arms, and then turned to the woman who had lived. Go to the hall.

When Yu Meiren was carried back by Xue Feizi, the two maids were already in front of the hall. They were not surprised by such a scene, but this woman was special. She was actually hugged back by Zuo Hufa, which made them a little strange in their hearts, but after all, they were just a The little girl still lowered her head and waited for Xue Feizi's order.

"Leave one person and the other to prepare some hot water. I'm going to prepare some herbs to make bubbles for this girl."

Xue Feizi opened his mouth and did not look at the two maids, but walked straight to the inner hall.

One of the maids handed a color to the other maid and followed them in.

Xue Feizi put Yu Meiren on the couch, sighed, turned around and ordered, "When the water is boiled, you can help her take her coat and soak her in. I'll get something and come back in a minute. If the palace owner comes, you can say that the girl's physique is very weak and needs to be maintained by medicine to wake up."


The maid nodded, as if she remembered everything, and Xue Feizi left at ease.

When Xue Feizi left, the maid turned around and removed Yu Meiren's coat. The place she reached out and touched was cold, as cold as a dead person. The maid was shocked, and then reached out to stay in front of Yu Meiren's nose for a while, feeling a weak breath wandering away, and then pressed the position of her chest. , relax.

When the hot water was ready, the two maids put Yu Mei in the bucket. The water temperature was a little biased. As soon as the two maids had done what Xue Feizi ordered, they heard footsteps outside the door.

When the man in white walked into the hall, the two maids immediately saluted and retreated. Xue Feizi walked to the bathtub and did not look closely at the woman in the bucket. He immediately poured the freshly boiled herbal juice into the hot water soaked by the woman, then took out the silver needle, walked to the woman, and quickly pricked the woman. The acupuncture points on the child's body.

In the darkness, Yu Meiren suddenly felt that her body was wrapped in a warmth, and then something swam around her body. At the moment she wanted to grab it, it all dissipated.

It's so strange that she just felt an internal force appear in her body, but it dissipated in an instant. Who is it? Who is bringing her warmth? Then help her. As long as she can recover her internal strength, she can find a way to get out of here.

Who is it? Beauty Yu tried very hard to struggle out of the darkness, but the more she struggled, the deeper she became. There seemed to be someone talking in her ear, but she couldn't hear clearly.


Xue Feizi stopped and continued to input her internal strength to Yu Meiren. Even in her dream, she was struggling desperately. The beautiful little face was so entangled that it hurt him. Obviously, she could choose to be an ordinary woman. Obviously, she could simply have those things that other women could not dream of, but why? Such stubbornness, wanting to do things that even men can't do.

Beauty Yu, beauty, he called this woman countless times in his heart that he may not belong to in his life. Only such stubbornness and pride can make him love so deeply and love so lingeringly. He likes her. When he dreams, he always dreams of her. When he dreams of him becoming Beiqiu Yin, she The coquettish boldness and the wisp of broken hair were stranded in his chest forever.

Unfortunately, he is not the man who is loved by her. Otherwise, he will die without regret in his life. In this life, except that night, I'm afraid she will no longer smile from the bottom of her heart to the second person. How lucky he is to be that peeping. The man who found her true feelings, but how unfortunate he fell in love with her pure love.

Xue Feizi stretched out his hand and touched his quiet face in his dream. He imagined that she opened her eyes like this, looked at him, and then continued the smile of that day and called him: " Feizi, how about planting a pool of hibiscus for me."

Well, of course he will promise her. She may not know that there is another person in the world who really understands her, remembers that she likes the precocious mood of hibiscus, and even does not hesitate to cut down the enchanting of peach blossoms, and is only willing to plant that pool of hibiscus for her.

How he regarded her as a treasure and how he hoped that she could be happy, so he didn't hesitate to be just a stand-in for the ninth prince of Beiqiu and made the promise she wanted. For the warmth of that night, he told the ruthless demon about her love for Hibiscus, and even told him that he wanted to win her. He must take her to the colorful hibiscus conference. He always protects her in the furthest distance from her in the closest way, but when he is closest to her, he hides his feelings with the most estrange attitude.

Will she know all this? She will know that he is not attached to her beauty, but just wants to have such a cunning and proud soul. No, she will not know, because he will never tell her that he once loved her.

Once and again, his fingertips finally left her cheeks. Xue Feizi turned around and walked out of the hall where she was. Unconsciously, the sky had been dyed orange and red. At sunrise and sunset, this was a change in the law of nature. This life may have already been destined for him and her. God knows how eager he is to have In the afterlife, he must meet her at the earliest time, and then tell her that he planted a pool of hibiscus for a person in his previous life, but he did not know whether he could wait for the beautiful figure during the flowering period of the hibiscus.

Xue Feizi stretched out his hand and touched the subtle light with his fingertips. Someone hurried from one side, breaking the existing tranquility. He turned around and put his hand behind his back. He heard the person's anxious mouth: "It's not good for the left guard. The palace master, the palace owner went crazy when he practiced."

Go crazy? Xue Feizi felt that his nerves were tight and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. It was impossible. Nangong Fu's martial arts had obviously broken through the last weight. How could he go crazy? Unless...

Xue Feizi turned his head and looked in the direction of the hall. Unless Nangong Fu's martial arts had never been really practiced, but was urged to the limit by pain and despair, so he had the illusion of great success. Maybe it was caused by emotional fluctuations, or it may have outlined some of his memories, so this kind of thing happened. , is it...

It can't be said whether it's happy or sad. Xue Feizi turned his head and looked at the man's anxious look. After a moment, he said to the man, "Stay here. When the maid comes back and let them change the water for the girls inside, I'll go to see the situation of the palace owner."