The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 155 Yinghong Appears

Before dawn, Yu Meiren heard the noisy sound outside the hall and turned over. After waking up a little, the wound was a little painful, so she had to sit up from ** and put on her clothes.

Wu Yue added incense to the incense burner as usual and was a little surprised to see her come out: "Madam, why don't you sleep for a while?"

How can she sleep soundly when it's so messy outside?

Beauty Yu didn't care about Wuyue's expression, but felt a little strange. Usually, it was quiet near her hall and there would be no movement.

Looking at the girl in front of her doubtfully, that look made Wu Yue more and more guilty.


Wuyue wanted to speak and stopped, which made Yu Meiren suspicious, but she was a little impatient. If she couldn't make a sound, she really wanted to say: 'Just say it directly. I'm not a man-eating tiger. What are you afraid of?'

"It's a girl who was blocked by Zuo Hufa, but she insisted on seeing her wife. Zuo Hufa didn't let me tell my wife."

Wuyue's mind moved quickly. Xue Feizi just gave the order not to tell her and Yunyao about the girl who came to find her, but the girl made so much noise. Even if she didn't tell Yu Meiren, Yumei would know that it would be better to be a smooth human relationship, and according to what she did to Yu beauty. Xie, she is not a person who can talk about fours.

It's Ying Hong. Yu Meiren has guessed eight points in the future, and also knows why Xue Feizi will stop Ying Hong. She is just afraid that she will do something unfavorable to Nangong Fu. Xue Feizi takes Nangong Fu so seriously and will cause trouble for her sooner or later.

Don't think much about it. Yu Meiren has walked out, pushed the door open, and saw Ying Hong dragged out by Xue Feizi, with a red face entangling with the other party, and abruptly grasping a pillar beside her with her hand.

Good Xue Feizi, Yu Mei quickly walked up and grabbed the other party's arm when Ying Hong's hand was out of the pillar.

Ying Hong's eyes widened with surprise and shouted happily at the moment she saw Beauty Yu: "Miss."

A young lady, Xue Feizi, who wanted to drag Yinghong away, stopped, turned his head and frowned.

Beauty Yu smiled and said nothing and looked at each other. Xue Feizi had let go of her hand. Ren Yinghong took Yumei in her arms, and then chattered: "Miss, it's really Miss. Ying Hong misses you so much. Is there anything wrong? Is there anything..."

Ying Hong raised her head. At this time, her tears were hazy, but Yu Meiren always smiled and didn't answer, making her hold the other party's hand anxiously: "Miss, are you good or not? Why don't you talk to me?"

Beauty Yu is really powerless at this moment. For the first time, she is so eager to talk. She wants to tell her how much she needed her at that time, how much she misses her when she is alone, how much she misses her father, mother, Yu Ji, and even the earthworm. Her unforgettable feelings have always talked to her, such as Don't mention how happy she wants to cry today, but she can't. Now the beauty of Yu can no longer casually show her feelings in front of people.

"It's not that she doesn't want to talk to you, she can't talk."

Xue Feizi suddenly made a sound, and Yu Meiren felt that Ying Hong's body trembled and turned her head: "What are you talking about? Miss can't talk? Why?"

Feeling the other party's worry, Yu Meiren patted the back of Yinghong's hand and shook her head, but Yinghong didn't. She turned her head to look at Xue Feizi again: "Xue Feizi, what do you think is wrong with our lady? Did Nangong Fu do something to her?"

"Not the owner of the palace."

Xue Feizi's expression remained unchanged and still looked at Yu Meiren.

"Why is that?"

Ying Hong's heart was clenched, especially when she thought that Yu Meiren didn't know what kind of torture she had suffered. Now she can't even speak, which made her feel uncomfortable as if she had been tortured.

"Why don't you ask your lady why she lost her voice?"

Xue Feizi is like a faint cloud after the rain, but it is very lethal in his ears. What happened is that only this person and she are tacit. Beauty Yu is still speechless and holds Yinghong's hand and turns to the hall.

When the two entered the hall, Yu Meiren ordered Wu Yue to exit the hall, then closed the door and went straight to the direction of the desk, which removed the original disguise.

Ying Hong was clear in her heart and saw Yu Meiren writing a line of calligraphy and leaving a line of handwriting on the white paper.

"How's it going over there?"

"Everything is fine, but the emperor suddenly disappeared a few days ago, and we have concealed the news."

Ying Hong seemed to think of something while talking, and her voice was light: "Miss, is the emperor's disappearance related to you?"


With two simple words, Ying Hong has understood the meaning of Beauty Yu, and her heart has been hanging for a few days.

"Miss, did something happen when you called me this time?"

Ying Hong continued, and Yu Meiren paused before writing.

"How did you get in?"

"It's Mr. Xue. I tried to see him first, but he didn't let me come to see you, so I tried to find your place. As you know, this little thing is not difficult for me at all, but unfortunately he found out again."

In a few short sentences, Yu Meiren already knew it and said, "Ying Hong, do you like Xue Feizi?"

Ying Hong was stunned and looked at Beauty Yu. Although she had thought that she would notice her thoughts about the renewal sooner or later with the exquisite heart of Beauty Yu, she didn't expect her to ask so bluntly at this time.

"I like it is like it. The reason why I was so persistent at the beginning was that I didn't want to leave myself regrets. It's a pity that I met people badly, but you don't have a good evaluation of him. If you don't say that you will never know what the other party is thinking, let alone a woman chasing a man."

Yu Meiren's handwriting fell quickly. After writing a chapter, she paused for a moment and immediately put it into the incense burner to destroy it, and then raised her head.

"I, miss, I..."

Ying Hong is a little unscrupulous, but Yu Meiren has been able to determine what she thinks, sinks in her heart, and then picks up the pen.

"Xue Feizi is the most troublesome existence around Nangong Fu. If you can turn him into a person on our side, then there are some things we don't have to do. Ying Hong, you should understand this."

"Miss, you mean..."

Ying Hong was stunned and tightened her fingers. If that person really became an obstacle, even she had to make up her mind, but...

"What should I do?"

For a long time, Ying Hong raised her eyes, and there was a faint trace of warm wounds in her eyes. Beauty Yu's heart was astringent, but she avoided her sight. When she wrote, she was cruel: "Find a way to make him fall in love with you."

"I understand."

Ying Hong smiled bitterly and then changed to a cheerful voice: "Miss, you haven't said yet. How are you doing? The last time I saw Nangong Fu hurt you, I almost couldn't help but want to open the gate.

Yu Mei burned up the writing paper, raised her head, and held the pen again: "Nangong Fu has become a demon, and I have always been his subconscious enemy. Although I have recovered my memory now, I can't guarantee that I am safe."

"Have you become a demon?"

Ying Hong was stunned, and Yu Meiren accelerated: "Before entering the palace, I was used by Beiqiu Yin and killed him, but he survived. From then on, he broke his love and practiced magic skills."

"No one in the Northern Qiu Dynasty is his opponent. Even if there is a token in hand and the battle between the two armies will be countless deaths and injuries. It's only a matter of time to win or lose."

Beauty Yu stopped writing, changed the new paper, and put the old paper into the furnace.

"I asked you to come this time to save the world. Nangong Fu has become a demon and must not be the lord of the world, so I have crossed a kind of poison in his body. Even Xue Feizi can't find the source of poison. I'm afraid there is still half a month of toxicity. Your task in this half month is to try to delay Xue Feizi and let him fall in love with you, and Nan Gongfu, let me deal with it."

"Miss, isn't it dangerous to get close to that person?"

Ying Hong is worried that if it is true as Yu Mei said, there is a possibility of death.

"Don't worry, the only thing I can be sure of is that Nangong Fu will not kill me. As long as the matter is not exposed, I am safe, but now Xue Feizi has known what I have done. Do you understand why I want you to come?"

Yu Meiren's pen just stood up, heard the door creaking, her fingers tremble, and her heart jumped up, but Ying Hong reacted first, threw the paper with words into the furnace, then picked up the pen in her hand, and quickly dropped a line of words on the paper.

Beauty Yu stared at the direction of the door. When the man in red and silver appeared in sight, she felt that her breathing was rapid, her fingertips trembled slightly, and her body trembled.

Nangong Fu didn't expect that there were other people in the room. He looked at it, remembered that it was Yu Meiren's sister, and smiled softly: "It turns out that there is still someone in this room. No wonder he has to close the door. Did he do something bad?"

Beauty Yu bit her lower lip tightly and listened to Ying Hong's words, "It seems that the owner of the Nangong Palace still remembers me. Just in time, it's better for the lady and me to guess the riddle again."


When Nangong Fu heard the words, Yu Meiren lowered her head. It turned out that Yinghong had just written a riddle on the paper.

Yu Meiren raised her head and saw that Nangong Fu took a look at the words on the paper without any doubt. She just said, "Look at the mountains from afar, and the water is silent. The flowers are still there in spring, and people are not surprised." Only then did he suppress his panic, hold on to the pen with a smile, and write a word "painting".

Nangong Fu was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Yu Meiren suddenly took action and had to smile: "Madam is so awesome."

Beauty Yu ignored each other and wrote, "Why do you have time to come here?"

"I just came back from the front. Because I miss my wife, I started a little heavier. I don't know if that shadow can still fight with this palace tomorrow."