The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 160 Golden Armor Shadow

A group of soldiers held their breath and looked at General Jin Guang coming out of the coach's tent. Most of them were puzzled. On that day, they clearly saw that the shadow general was injured by the devil of Nangong, and his death was unpredictable. Today, they stood in front of them. Some people boldly speculated in their hearts that some people used transplanted flowers and trees. The current shadow is not the real shadow, subconscious fear, these curiosity can only be speculated from the bottom of my heart, but I dare not ask.

Seeing the performance of the generals, Yu Meiren already knew it, but she saw that the silver armored guards had been kneeling on the ground first, especially the leading woman, with an excited and slightly arrogance. She was different from the delicate woman just now, and her attitude was extremely respectful: "See your master."

Yu Meiren saw the expressions of a group of people. The performance of the silver armor guard quickly dispelled many concerns present. However, in the hearts of everyone, the shadow general quickly rose to the class of God and was able to act as usual after only two days of serious injury. This is not what ordinary people can do. I'm afraid that there is only one person in the world. If it's not a god, is it still a monster?

"I dare not."

The leading generals have been half-knelt on the ground one after another, and the people behind them have also knelt down on the ground, bowing their heads to show their fear of God, and sweating for their actions just now.

"I know that in your hearts, I guess I'm not human anymore."

There was a bit of ridicative tone in the roughness. Yu Meiren's eyes glanced coldly at the soldiers who raised their heads. They bowed their heads repeatedly and couldn't help sneering at the bottom of their hearts. Although these people have undergone strict training, some of them have been fighting in the battlefield for a long time. Unfortunately, they have only known how to obey other people's command, coach If they die, they can't help but lose their momentum, and they don't even want wisdom. If it goes on like this, it will suit Nangong Fu's appetite.

"I'm not a human, can I still be a god?"

A rhetorical question, it was obvious that someone was shocked. As she expected, someone really worshipped her as a god.

"It's a pity that if I were a god, I would definitely destroy the Beiqiu Dynasty first, so that someone would not go out and be embarrassed. It's a pity that I am a human being. If I am a person, I will be weak, and I will die. If I die here today for the Beiqiu Dynasty, I don't want all of you to become a headless fly. What I hope to see is that even if the Beiqiu Dynasty does not have me, each of you can give full play to your ability and cooperate with your comrades-in-arms. There is hope to live. Nangong Fu can become a demon, which is not born, and you can defeat the devil, not by nature.

Yu Mei's voice sounded calm, but there was some indescribable prestige in the silence, especially when the tone was high, which made them afraid.

It's a pity that no matter how much the stubborn stone is carved, it is just a stubborn stone. This is a very realistic society. Yu Meiren knows that no matter how the bloody men rise, they are not Nangong Fu's opponent. However, what she wants is just to make them feel that hope is still there, and they can't lose to the other party only kill in the position.

"Now, as long as you are ready to listen to the order and then go to war. Yinjiawei, as I said before, you can act. Oh, by the way, one more thing, my camp is not allowed to enter except General Han."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, she had exerted light skills and jumped towards the tower. The silver armor guards behind her were all in high spirit, as if they were not aware of the war would lose their lives.

The soldiers of the Beiqiu Dynasty got up and looked at the group of soldiers in silver armor as far away as a river. Suddenly, there was a strange feeling. It seemed that this team should not exist in such a troubled time, belonging to the team of God.

Perhaps many years later, when a soldier who narrowly survived here met the charming girl in silver armor again, he also asked why the young woman who had become a wife followed the golden armored teenager so regardless of life and death, and the woman's face actually appeared on the watch many years ago again. Love, proud and trance, looking at a certain direction of the void, his voice is as resolute as a vow.

"When I first saw that person, he was as beautiful as a fairy. At that time, what she brought us was a life and a belief. In fact, the most beautiful time is not the way she wears gold armor, but the real appearance that lives in our hearts, which will never be forgotten. Maybe the silver armor on our bodies is just to wait for the moment of dyeing her red.

That paragraph made the soldier respect. Perhaps, as the woman said, there was no leader in the silver armor guard, but only a belief, which was brought to them by the Golden Armor General. Such faith was also brought to everyone who witnessed the battle in the Beiqiu Dynasty.

Blood, like the surging Manzhu Shahua, spread all over the killing scene. Yu Meiren can no longer remember how much blood she has been stained in her blue, while the man in red and silver-haired stood not far away, quietly staring at her, as if she had no intention of making any action.

Yu Meiren guessed that Nangong Fu should be more or less surprised by her vitality and had no serious injury at all. She should also lament the man's ruthlessness and watch his men lose the signs of survival little by little under their knives. She couldn't understand him more and why such ruthless people would still So many people are willing to die for him.

The sword in her hand floats with a faint green light, almost. Today's purpose is just to destroy some people of Nangong Fu, rubbing the spirit of the other party, and also to cheer up the army of the Beiqiu Dynasty.

With a wave of the sword, his fingertips touched the tip of the sword. With blood beads as a letter, he saw the signal with his eyes and immediately sent the same signal. The silver armor guard quickly withdrew to the city. As soon as Yu Meiren wanted to leave, she felt the sound of the wind behind her, and quickly turned around and flashed. The afterglow caught a glimpse of the corner of the red dress and was forced to retreat a few steps by the palm wind.


Someone's retreat in the silver armor guard stopped, and then stopped one after another. Yu Meiren did not look back. Nangong Fu's palm just now did not hurt her, otherwise she was powerless to dodge at all. Why was he testing her? Could it be...

Such an idea made Yu Meiren nervous, holding Qingxiao's fingers tightened, and her voice came from her chest: "Recede."

Although Yinjiawei was reluctant to hear the words, the military discipline is like a mountain. At any time, he must not violate the rules followed by Yinjiawei. No matter what the situation is, he must act in accordance with the regulations, so he has to grit his teeth and return to the city.

Nangong Fu was obviously stunned, but he still said coldly, "You are not a shadow general."

A positive tone, but fortunately, it eliminated his previous doubts. I'm afraid that Nangong Fu still feels that she has lost her voice. It seems that her previous decision was right. The hand holding the sword has returned to just the right strength. Yu Meiren looked up to the sky and smiled, and then her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, but she was a little more angry than usual: "Master of Nangong Palace Saying that the shadow is not the shadow is the most ridiculous joke the shadow hears.

"Although you and the shadow have some imagination, according to my understanding of the shadow in the battle these days, he is very different from you. You are not a shadow."

Nangong Fu spoke very slowly, as if he could deny her identity with a few understatement.

"Don't forget that only the Shadow General himself can mobilize the silver armor guard."

Yes, only the shadow himself can let the silver armor guard go out. The color of Nangong Fu's pupils suddenly deepened, and it was getting darker and darker. Yu Meiren was shocked that she couldn't help thinking that it was bad. Before she had time to think about it, she used light skills and swept away in the direction of the city.

"You lied to me."

The magic in Nangong Fu's body began to spread, and there was no room for the people in front of him to leave. There was only one thought left in his mind, that is, to break him to pieces.

The magical Chengdu beauty of Nangong Fu can predict that she can't return to the city now. It is very dangerous to attract Nangong Fuding, but time can't wait for her consideration. Her body has made a choice that is not controlled by the brain and hides in the direction of the back of the city.

Although it was faster than the other party, Nangong Fu's figure was as fast as lightning. If she hadn't been prepared, she would have become a fish on the nail board, which would have been nailed to death.

What should I do? Should I continue to attract him, or...

has turned a big circle, and the city should have been fully prepared, so she will die, and she will have to fight more or less.

Thinking of taking out three prepared smoke bombs from the waist, they were thrown at different forces according to the envisaged three points. The smoke bombs dissipated and swept away behind the other party, and then took out another one to form a huge smoke array around Nangong Fu. In an instant, they lost their sense of direction and could only wait until When the smoke dispersed, it turned around, and the figure of the golden armor had long been unknown.

Unexpectedly, he was tricked by the other party. Nangong Fu turned around and his face became more and more gloomy, until the dark color in his pupils gradually faded. His footsteps suddenly moved, and then his body quickly disappeared to the original place.

After a long time, someone came out of the side of the tree shadow, shining in gold armor, but she could not hear the sound lightly. Under the ghost's face, there was a tricky smile on her lips, a little naughty and a little happy. Unlike the ghost face, it was as beautiful as a water hibiscus, but a slight face. He looks pale and more or less tired.

After a while, a dark shadow flashed out from the other side, with a black armored iron face, and the appearance could not be seen clearly.

General Jinjia did not feel surprised, but untied the golden armor in front of the man. The woman was dressed in white like snow, and her smile was as bright as flowers behind the ghost's face. She put the golden armor in the arms of the visitor, but she still smiled and said nothing. She nodded and patted the black armor man on the shoulder and turned around. The light white figure turned to another city in a blink of an eye.