The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 215 Preparation

"Okay, I promise you."

Lu Wan Wan nodded: "But I don't know, what do you want me to do? Let's say the ugly words first. If it hurts others, I won't do it. I'm not as conscienceful as you. I don't want to be woken up by nightmares when I fall asleep in the middle of the night.

"Don't worry."

The body was a little heavy. Beauty Yu stretched out her hand and dragged her waist, took a few steps closer, walked to the side of the woman, and stopped.

"I choreographed a dance a few days ago. On the Empress Dowager's birthday, someone needed to complete it. Your qualifications are good. Although it is not perfect, it is the best choice."

"Aren't you the best at dancing? Why don't you jump by yourself?"

Lu Wanxuan looked sideways and immediately stopped when he saw her with her stomach.

"Let's not talk about whether I can dance now. Even if I can dance, I won't dance again in my life. A dance in Luoyang City is the last dance of my palace."

Lu Wan Wan suddenly felt an empty and stuffy pain in his heart. He didn't come, but felt that the woman's words were too light, and the expression on her face was too light, and strong pain, as if she had been stabbed in her heart, and she was speechless.

"The day of the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, as long as you dance for me, I guarantee that you can not only get the holy favor, but also make the Empress Dowager look at you with new eyes."

"Can you tell me why the empress dowager and the emperor can be different from me with a dance?"

Lu Wanwen felt strange and simply asked the doubts in his heart: "I'm actually curious. Haven't you ever thought about letting your own sister, Yu Ji, do all this? Wouldn't it be better for your sisters to work together?"

"I asked for a long time, but it turned out that I went back far again."

The beauty smiled and said, "I have said that no one in this harem is more suitable than you. If you dance in this palace, you must make friends with this palace. The empress dowager and the emperor will treat you differently."

After listening to this, Lu Wanwan only felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't say it.

Of course, Beauty Yu will not tell her the truth. Lu Wan's head is single-minded. If she only says half of it, she will not ask again in the clouds, but if she says it clearly, she will follow this rope and ask to the end. If she has to ask clearly, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no trouble again.

"Don't worry, the name of this dance is hibiscus pressing begonia. On the day of the Empress Dowager's birthday, your hibiscus will definitely stand out."

Before Yu Meiren finished speaking, the door of Zihua Palace was suddenly pushed open with a creak, and the light poured in, reflecting the bright yellow gorgeous clothes, which was a little dazzling.

Lu Wan Wan turned around and saw the man's face. He panicked for a moment and called repeatedly, "Your Majesty."

I didn't come early, but I didn't come late, but at this time, I don't know whether it was Beiqiu Yin's coincidence or her bad luck today. However, Yu Mei knew that he didn't have the habit of eavesdropping, and she couldn't see anything from his face, so she smiled and complained, "The emperor didn't know how to inform him when he entered the door. Our sisters were talking about their minds. It's really disappointing to be interrupted by you.

Lu Wan Wan was stunned when she heard the sound. She never thought that Yu Meiren would be so presumptuous in front of Beiqiu Yin. Suddenly, she became jealous and couldn't control herself several times.

Yu Meiren had already seen it, pretended to be dizzy, and her body shook twice. Beiqiu Yin immediately reached out to help her, and her body instinctively stiffened, remembering that he framed Youcheng's mansion to kill her parents cruelly, always like a thorn across the tip of her heart, faintly painful.

"Relatedly, my body has become more and more bulky. I don't know if it has something to do with pregnancy. I always feel tired."

Beauty Yu stood up, suppressed the ups and downs in her heart, and quietly broke away from Beiqiu Yin's arms. Her face also showed a little fatigue and looked at Lu Wan Wan: "It seems that I can't accompany the emperor today, so I have to bother my sister to accompany the emperor for a while to relieve my boredom."

Beiqiu Yin was stunned on the spot when he heard the words. He finally saw her today, but he didn't expect that she pushed him out. Now it's not easy to care for them in front of them.

Yu Meiren's words were also unexpected by Lu Wanwan. Thinking about it carefully, maybe the woman really wanted to help her, but if she really agreed like this, she would leave her mind on the surface and immediately refused, "My sister's kindness has been accepted. The emperor must be thinking about her sister now. If her sister is really the same emperor. If you go up, you will ignore the emperor's wishes. I think let the emperor stay with his sister.

Beiqiu Yin turned his head in surprise. According to the past, Lu Wan Wan would have been ecstatic, but today he is so indifferent, as if he has no intention to compete for favor. Moreover, the two people have been with him since childhood. Naturally, there is no way to live in harmony.

Is he suspicious? Looking at this, the two sisters are afraid that they have already turned into jade and silk, and they have pushed him outside, but he has become an outsider.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help smiling bitterly. Seeing that the woman in her arms was pale and seemed to be tired, she was no longer reluctant.

"Well, I won't disturb the beauty's rest today."

Yu Meiren had already expected the ending, nodded and let Xinyu come and help her walk through the inner hall.

Hearing Beiqiu Yin's answer, Lu Wan was overjoyed and did not show it. When he turned around, he also turned around and walked out with him.

The next day, the news that the unfavored concubine was suddenly spread, and the news that the concubine had made friends with the imperial concubine spread throughout the harem.

Beauty Yu couldn't help but feel funny when she heard the news. It seems that even heaven is helping her. Now the concubines in the harem will think that as long as they have friendship with her, they will be favored by the emperor. In other words, her beauty is the one who flipped for the emperor.

"The Empress is so awesome that she can expect things like a god."

Xinyu praised from the heart, and Yu Meiren had to shake her head: "Stupid girl, you still think your mother really has the ability to do it. I didn't expect the emperor to come at that time. I was shocked at that time. I'm really afraid that the emperor would hear anything."

"It seems that even God has to help the mother."

Shulan made the bed, and Yu Meiren sat down to ** and leaned back. She couldn't help sighing: "Shulan is still good for this palace. The bed is always soft. It's really comfortable."

"The Empress is really biased." Someone has begun to complain dissatisfiedly and stared at her: "Tomorrow is the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. Does the Empress really want the concubine to dance to help her celebrate her birthday?"

"I have already said free arrangement, why do you still talk so much?"

Hearing this sentence, Xinyu couldn't stand it any longer: "Mother, you now dislike the slave and the maidservant talking too much. The slave maidservant is worried about you. In fact, sometimes the slave maidservant really doesn't understand. Is the world really that important? Why are so many people fighting and robbing?

This sentence is really like a person. Yu Meiren's thoughts stagnated and came back to her senses: "Woman, don't worry. I have a big belly now. When there is delicious food, I will definitely fill it in my stomach."

"Your mother, you know that the maidservant doesn't mean that. In just a few days, if the concubine jumps, won't it smash your signboard?"

Xinyu said this, but she didn't believe she had never worried.

"Do you still need to ask the Empress about this kind of thing?" Shulan interrupted the dialogue between the two with a smile: "When the Empress chose this road, she knew that it was dangerous and had her own tricks to deal with it. You'd better do the things at hand first."

Xinyu pouted and stopped talking.

"Actually, on the day of the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, I have one thing for you to do."

After thinking for a long time, Yu Mei opened her mouth and glanced at the two people with a deep smile.

"Do you think this palace wants Lu Wan to dance? Do you really just want to please the Empress Dowager? Now the Empress Dowager is keeping a close eye on me. I'm afraid that what I want to do can't hide it from the eyes of the Empress Dowager, but tomorrow's birthday is a good time. Before the birthday, there must be stacks of fireworks. At this time, one of you must put a signal for this palace, and the old department of this palace will see it.

"However, the Empress Dowager's mind has always been meticulous. Both of you must be present. In this way, no one can do the signal. Now you can only rely on the people in the palace to mix the signal with the fireworks and release it all together. The essence of this matter still needs to be done. After thinking about it, only the best time for the concubine to dance. "

"It turns out that the master has such a mind."

Shulan sighed and sighed.

"I was too resentful a few days ago, and now I have to wash away the mold with the Empress Dowager's birthday. If I can summon the old ministry, it will be much more convenient in the future."

"There is one more thing that you need to do for me."

Beauty Yu moved her body a little and said with a smile, "Go and find a way to help me find out. I went to the prison that day. The jailer in the prison is still alive. If he is alive, I want him to come to see me and go now. The sooner, the better."

Although Xinyu and Shulan were a little strange, how did the good master think of the jailer, but they knew that Yu Meiren had always had her own measured work, so they stopped asking more and turned around and walked out.

"Wait a minute."

Yu Meiren seemed to think of something. Xinyu and Shulan stopped and listened to the woman slowly.

"First ask about a member of the jailer's family. If the relatives are still there, give them some rewards and ask someone to take a personal belongings from his house."

Xinyu and Shulan trembled when they heard the words and looked at each other, but they didn't say much. They paused for a moment and sounded footsteps again.

A little tired, Yu Meiren leaned against the bedding behind her, and the strange smell of incense in the hall made her suddenly want to sleep. When she got up, everything was like a dream, and nothing happened.

The palm of her hand pressed against the slightly bulging abdomen and felt that a bubble seemed to spit out in her abdomen, which resonated very weakly. She couldn't help but evoke a shallow arc on her lips. For a long time, she slowly closed her eyes.

This sleep was a little long. When she woke up again, she lay **. It is estimated that the two maids came in last night and saw her leaning around randomly, so they changed a comfortable posture and covered her with a quilt.

There has been a slight white light on the edges of the window. She is pregnant and can avoid asking the queen.

Think about it, the people of other palaces are busy, and only her Zihua Palace is still deserted.

Beauty Yu remembered that on the Empress Dowager's birthday last year, Wei Fanger ordered someone to dress her early and brush her hair for herself. She urged her to work hard to please the Empress Dowager.

At that time, she always felt that her mother was very snobbish and always wanted her to climb the high branch without asking her whether she liked it or not. Now, she wanted to hear such words.

And her father, who is always serious, although Mr. Yu's tutoring is strict, he will be beaten if he makes a mistake and often locks her up. But every time, the bamboo stick was held in my father's hand, and his hands trembled with anger, but he couldn't fall down.

Now, she would rather old man Yu jump up and beat her firmly.

But since she chose the earthworm, she can never come back.

My heart was very painful. In the early morning, the whole palace was full of joy. Only she cried.

The door of Zihua Palace was pushed open. Yu Meiren reached out her hand to wipe away her tears. Seeing Xinyu and Shulan coming in and seeing her get up, she asked the maid of honor behind her to put the bright clothes in her hand on the table and ordered someone to fetch water to wash Yu Meiren.

"Madam, this is the clothes that have just been made. Which one should you wear today?"

Yu Meiren walked over with Shulan's help, and her fingers crossed the clothes. The color and workmanship were extremely luxurious, and she couldn't help smiling.

"It doesn't matter what I wear. What matters is today's concubine's dance clothes. Is that hibiscus-style fairy dance dress ready?"

Xinyu had already guessed her mind and nodded to Shulan. Shulan reached out and patted hard twice, and two maids of honor came in from outside the hall, holding a light pink and light purple dance dress in their hands. Through the reflection of the light, a thin layer did not know the truth.

When she got close, Yu Mei saw the appearance of the dance dress. The light blue glazed water-colored skirt with a light sling inside covered the beautiful spring light. The outer cover was pink and purple. The large hibiscus fell vividly on the cuff neckline, and the ribbon around her body was refracted in two colors, like a fairy dream, which made people fantasize.

Beauty Yu couldn't help sighing. She just drew it casually with her imagination. Unexpectedly, she couldn't help admiring it.

"It's really wonderful. It's the craft of the embroidery room, appreciate it."