The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 341 Accident


When Xinyu stepped into the Zihua Palace with the little prince, Yu Meiren seemed not to see it and was only stunned at the chess piece.

"Mother concubine."

Beiqiu Shuo stretched out his hand and pushed Yu Meiren's arm. Yu Mei came to her senses. Seeing her son's face, she couldn't help smiling. Her throat was a little itchy and coughing.

"Is the mother sick? Aunt Xinyu, go and send it to the doctor.

Beiqiu Shuo panicked and turned around and opened his mouth to Xinyu. The eight-year-old child did not have the prestige of the emperor. Seeing that Xinyu had something to do, Yu Meiren immediately took Beiqiu Shuo's little hand and shook her head: "Yun'er, the mother is not sick. The mother is just thinking about something."

"What was the mother's thinking about? Shuo'er jumped a lot."

Beiqiu Shuo patted his chest and asked.

"Yun'er, my mother asks you, do you like your younger brother or sister?"

Beiqiu Shuo originally had doubts, but when he saw Yu Meiren's serious face, he had to think about it carefully and replied, "Mother, in fact, Shuo'er wants a younger brother."

"Why? Aren't you afraid that if you have a brother, he will grab things with you and take away the best things your father gave you?

Beauty Yu is a little puzzled, and she doesn't know that Beiqiu Shuo is young and doesn't understand what she wants to say. However, according to her young mind, a child must think of herself first when she has good things. If someone grabs her, she will make a scene or fight.

"Mother concubine." Beiqiu Shuo's little face was wrinkled and tight, but his big eyes looked at her without blinking: "There are enough good things for Shuo'er. The mother said that Shuo'er should put the world first. Taifu told us the story of Kong Rong's pear. Shuo'er felt that if she had a younger brother, Shuo'er would definitely give him the best thing. Besides, And Shuo'er's sister is enough. If Shuo'er wants to have a younger brother, she can ride a horse and shoot arrows with Shuo'er when she grows up.

"Shuo'er thought so, and the concubine was relieved."

Yu Meiren smiled happily, but she was a little worried in her heart. Beiqiu Shuo's character is very good. She has not inherited Beiqiu Yin's selfishness and has not been infected with her stubbornness. It is very reasonable. However, if such a person is a good emperor in a comfortable era, how can he become a hero who governs the country in troubled times? .

So, did she protect him so well that he was not contaminated by the secular world at all? If he had a brother, would he learn to be more mature? At least, she could rest assured.

"Mother, do you and your father have another child?"

Beiqiu Shuo's words sounded like a child's innocence, but Yu Meiren shook her head and her heart was slightly bitter. Over the years, she has slept with that person night by relying on the dementor, but when she was really awake, it was only a few. I'm afraid there are few opportunities to conceive a child. Now listening to this child, I can't help but feel a little regret.

"It's the concubine of Anle Palace who is pregnant, but she still doesn't know whether it's a man or a woman."

"Oh." The little child nodded, and then there was some excitement in his voice: "It should be a younger brother."

"Are you so sure?"

Beauty Yu turned her head and looked at Beiqiu Shuo. She saw him raise her head, as if she had decided something. A strange color was reflected in her pupil: "Shuo'er likes her brother. God will definitely understand Shuo's state of mind, so this time it must be her younger brother."

This expression...

Beauty Yu was stunned, as if she had seen the innocent and arrogant girl at the beginning.

"I have liked him for many years. I'm afraid it's difficult for a woman to deserve him. I take the world as a matchmaker. He promised me to wear a phoenix crown. Why should we separate when we are so matched?"

At the beginning, she was also so confident that she didn't expect that it was just her self-righteousness, but it eventually became a joke.

However, her life is bumpy and she encounters such a calculation, but her son may not be the same as her fate. She has her fate, and he also has his doom. If everything is already destined, they will go together.

"Mother concubine, Shuo'er is sleepy, and the mother concubine can sleep with Shuo'er tonight."

Beiqiu Shuo's words softened Yu Meiren's heart. At such a big age, it was not long for her to really accompany him, especially at night, she rarely accompanied him. Now, she can't bear to refuse.

nodded, and Beiqiu Shuo couldn't hide his happiness. He took her hand and let her take it with him and walked towards the inner hall.

Yu Meiren was busy dealing with the empress dowager. Yunfei's pregnancy was quickly forgotten by her for the time being, until suddenly there was news that Yunfei almost had a child.

The news of pregnancy has not been announced, but she was almost killed and had an abortion. Yu Meiren was shocked. The Yunfei had stumbled into the hall and stretched out her hand and slapped her hard, making her head rumble.

"Princess Yun."

The hot burning sensation on her face, Yu Meiren has not yet recovered, and Xinyu has caught the zero-one slap that is about to fall for her.

"This is Zihua Palace. How can you commit the following crimes?"

Yu Meiren raised her eyes when she heard the words and saw that the woman's eyes were fierce, but her face was pale and pale, and she felt a little unbearable.

"Beauty Yu, I know that I can't compete with you, and I have not competed with you. Why do you still refuse to let go of the fetus in my womb? He is just an unborn child and can't hinder you at all. How can you be so vicious?"

Concubine Yun has always been calm and introverted, so angry and desperate. It turned out that it was for the child in her womb. Beauty Yu frowned. Yesterday, I just heard that Concubine Yun almost had a misforth. Fortunately, it was not too late to find that it was not too late to save the child. Now that she is angry at her, she must have been identified as the murderer.

"I have no grudge against you. How do you think it's me?"

Yu Meiren will definitely look at her, not retreating, and her voice is not impatient.

"The imperial doctor found trace amounts of drugs that are harmful to the fetus in the food they usually eat in this palace. It is none of you who dares to do such a bold thing in this harem. I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy except you, and even the maid of my palace didn't know it. If I insisted on it, that is, the emperor, will the emperor kill his own son? That's the emperor's son."

The emperor also knew that this sentence made Yu Meiren feel cold. She has been planning to deal with the Empress Dowager these days, but she has left this matter behind. It seems that she has also made a mistake.

"Believe it or not, I have never wanted to harm your child."

Beauty Yu said coldly and looked straight at each other's eyes without any modesty.

"No matter what you say, I can't believe you. When the queen's son died, it was your son who personally sent the waste queen's pastry to her. You even killed your own sister. How can I trust you?"

Concubine Yun said, and her voice became sharper and sharper: "I will tell the emperor everything you have done and the conspiracy between you and Zuo Cheng. I would like to see how the emperor will protect you."

"No." Beauty Yu panicked, reached out and grabbed the other party's arm and gritted her teeth.

If she goes, I'm afraid it's really difficult to save the fetus in her womb. I'm afraid she won't know that the person who wants to harm the child in her womb is the emperor today.

"It's up to you to hurt me, how can you stop me? This harem is not that you can cover the sky with one hand."

Yunfei said and broke away from her arm. Yu Meiren's heart was fierce and shouted harshly, "If you want to go, I can't guarantee whether the fetus in your womb can survive today. If you are calm, I can still guarantee that your mother and son will be safe."

Beauty Yu's words fell, and Yunfei's footsteps stagnated slightly. For a moment of silence, she turned around and her voice seemed to be coercion.

"Beauty Yu, from today on, I will not step into your Zihua Palace again. If the children in this palace have any loss, I will not let you go."

After saying that, Yunfei snorted heavily, then turned around and walked out of the hall.


As soon as Yunfei stepped out of the hall, Yu Meiren seemed to have exhausted her strength and shook her body. Xinyu immediately held her, and her voice could not hide her worries.

"I did a wrong thing, Xinyu, come on..." Yu Meiren's chest was blocked, and the second half of the sentence was that she couldn't lift her strength. She pressed the old wound on her chest and the pain escaped.


Shulan couldn't help coming over and gently patted her back to let her breathe.

"Go and invite the emperor to see this palace."

Yu Meiren finally finished a sentence, and Xinyu couldn't help but be shocked: "Is it the emperor... How could it be? The tiger doesn't eat the son. The emperor can still treat the little prince like this. How can he treat his own flesh and blood like this?

After saying one sentence and two wrong sentences, Xinyu saw that Yumei's face turned pale, immediately silenced, raised her head, and saw Shulan staring at herself fiercely.

"Why don't you go?"

Beauty Yu began to be anxious, and Xinyu turned around and walked out. Shulan sighed, held Beauty Yu to sit at the table, squatted down and said, "Master, the emperor is not so cruel. How could he do such a confused thing this time?"

The coldness rubbed the bones and gurgled. Yu Meiren closed her eyes, and the astringentness could be seen between her eyebrows, and her voice was even more tired: "On that day, I asked the emperor to have no other sons, but it was just a whim. Later, I only thought about the empress dowager and forgot about this matter. Who would have expected it? Yunfei happened to be pregnant at this time.

"It's no wonder." Shulan finally sighed: "The emperor's love for the Empress, only once, I'm afraid it's really heavy enough."

Yu Meiren was stunned when she heard the sound, slowly opened her eyes, raised her eyes, and suddenly got together, and her body trembled uncontrollably.


Shulan seemed to be scared by her, and the corners of her mouth trembled. Seeing her standing like that for a long time, her body seemed to sink and sat back in place heavily.