The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 252 The Prince is punished

When Yu Meiren returned to Zihua Palace, she saw Beiqiu Shuo kneeling on the ground. She didn't know how long she had been kneeling. Her face was a little white and blue. She saw her move her knees slightly and trembled, but she didn't dare to get up.

"Your Highness."

Xinyu was more anxious than her. She had run over to help Beiqiu Shuo, who was kneeling on the ground, and her face was completely worried.


Shulan made a sound. It was still cold in the winter wrapped in the quilt. If she knelt on the ground like this, she was afraid she would suffer the cold.

Beauty Yu knew that the weather was cold, and her son who was pregnant in October was kneeling on the ground. How could she not be distressed? She just had to be punished if she made a mistake. Although she had taught him since she was a child, she must also make him remember this time.

What she doesn't understand is that Beiqiu Shuo has always known how to make such a big mistake this time.

Beauty Yu did not make a sound, and Beiqiu Shuo seemed to have made up his mind. He wanted to spend time with her and did not admit his mistake. She was so stubborn, but she didn't find it before. She thought that the child was not as stubborn as her. Now it seems that it is a little bit inherited.

"Xinyu, go and add clothes to the prince and get the knee pads prepared before by the way."

Yu Mei went to one side and sat down, came to a cup of hot tea, held it in the palm of her hand to warm up, and then suddenly opened her mouth.

Xinyu was slightly stunned and felt distressed. Now that Yu Meiren opened her mouth like this, she wanted the little prince to continue to kneel down. She was just a teenager. Xinyu couldn't figure out how her master would embarrass her son.

Although I couldn't bear it, I knew that what Yu Meiren decided could not change, so I had to get a thick cloak, took the knee pad and put it on for Beiqiu Shuo in person.

Beiqiu Shuo did not refuse, allowing Xinyu to put on his knee pads and then continued to kneel.

The teenage child had a stiff face and did not admit defeat or feel dissatisfied. He just knelt down and didn't know how long it lasted. Yu Mei finally sighed and said, "Do you know it's wrong?"

Beiqiu Shuo raised his head, and he didn't know if his little face was frozen. He was a little blue and purple. He opened his lips slightly, and his voice was clear but a little trembling: "Has the mother's anger ever subsided?"

Yu Meiren was a little surprised. She didn't expect him to ask her back and couldn't help smiling: "Do you think I punished you because I was angry?"

"Shuo'er dares not." Beiqiu Shuo stared at her and her attitude was neither humble nor arrogant: "Shuo'er only knew that she had done something wrong today, which affected her mother's concubine. Shuo'er was willing to be punished. The mother's concubine said that as long as she did something worthy of her heart, it was not wrong, so Shuo'er felt that she was not wrong. If Shuo'er was allowed to choose again, Shuo'er would still do so. Shuo'er asked her heart. It's worthy."

It's interesting to know that it's wrong, but I feel that I haven't done anything wrong, but...

When Xinyu heard Beiqiu Shuo's words, she couldn't help but worry. Unexpectedly, the child was so stubborn that she cried out with the beauty. If she angered her master, she didn't know what kind of punishment she would receive.

"Get up." Yu Mei put down the teacup in her hand. Beiqiu Shuo looked at her in surprise, as if she couldn't believe it. Xinyu had breathed a breath and immediately reached out to help her little master and said with a smile, "Thank you for your grace."

It's like she just punished her child.

Beauty Yu smiled and said nothing. Shulan could already guess some of her thoughts and immediately reminded her: "Your Highness, why don't you tell your wife what happened in Zihua Palace today? How did you have a conflict with Yunfei?

Two consecutive questions are exactly what Yu Mei thought, especially the performance of today's queen. She has always wondered why she protected the position of prince so much, and even worried that the child in her belly would rob the position of prince of Beiqiu Shuo.

However, what she wants to know more now is what happened in Zihua Palace today. Beiqiu Shuo suddenly changed his personality and clashed with the Yunfei, which really surprised her.

Beiqiu Shuo knelt for several hours, but now her calf began to be numb, but she didn't dare to sit down. She had to let Xinyu hold it and think about it and said, "Today, not long after the mother concubine just left the Zihua Palace, the Empress Dowager came with Concubine Yun. Shuo'er thanked them. Who knew that Concubine Yun actually said that Shuo'er was saluting to her now, that She couldn't afford to salute the prince in her womb. Unexpectedly, she just finished speaking as if she had been moved by something and bumped into Shuo'er. Shuo'er wanted to reach out to help her, but she thought Shuo'er was going to hurt her and hit the corner of the table by herself. Shuo'er did nothing wrong.

Indeed, if this is really the case, Beiqiu Shuo is not wrong. He has just knelt down for so long, but he has wronged him a little.

"Shilan, go move the stool and let the prince sit down. Xinyu, go and heat the ginger soup."

After being ordered, the two immediately acted. Seeing that Yu Mei's popularity had subsided, Beiqiu Shuo was finally relieved and didn't want to listen to the other party again.

"Although you have been wronged, I have just punished you, and I don't think it's wrong. The only fault is that you are involved in this matter. If I let you choose again, I will still punish you. Do you know why?"

Beiqiu Shuo was slightly stunned, but he knew that Yu Meiren's words were reasonable. He thought about it for a moment and replied, "Because of this matter, no matter what the process is, the mother and concubine may become a thoughtful person, and even Shuo'er's position as the prince will not be guaranteed."

Beiqiu Shuo answered reasonable, but Yu Meiren couldn't help shaking her head and laughing: "You're wrong. No matter what the mother's concubine is, you don't care about you, because the mother concubine is free to solve it. The reason why I want to punish you is that everyone in the world will make mistakes, and everyone in the world can make mistakes, but you can't, because you will definitely be the person who dominate the world in the future. If you make mistakes, the world will be in chaos, especially small things as a lesson. Do you understand this?

Beiqiu Shuo gently locked his eyebrows, and Yu Meiren nodded: "What the mother's concubine taught me a lesson is that Shuo'er will follow her mother's instructions, and there will definitely not happen again."

"You were born and raised by your mother's concubine. Naturally, your mother's concubine knows your nature." Yu Meiren sighed: "But the people in the world don't know who you are, and the people in the world don't care what their emperor's surname is and what they look like. They only want to have enough food and clothing, live and work in peace and contentment, and no longer be bullied. If you can hide this from them, you will be a good emperor.

"I remembered what my mother said today."

Beauty Yu smiled faintly. According to the description of Beiqiu Shuo just now, if it was not a coincidence, someone deliberately arranged it like this. Fortunately, how could Concubine Yun suddenly trip over her? If it was the Empress Dowager, then the woman's heart was too vicious. That's her grandson.

Thinking of this, Yu Meiren couldn't help reaching out and touching her lower abdomen. She once stayed here with her second child. In a flash, she lost the child. Hasn't her heart become more fierce?

Obviously, it can be saved, but the physique is a little weak at birth, and it may not last one year old, but after all, it is a life.

"Mother, what are you thinking?"

Beiqiu Shuo couldn't help making a sound. Looking at Yu Meiren's face, he seemed to recall some painful memories, which was solemn and distressing.

"Nothing." Beauty Yu came to her senses and reluctantly smiled: "I just remembered an old friend."

Yu Meiren said and saw Xinyu holding ginger soup. Shulan brought foot washing water and came in with pain.

Beauty Yu got up, went straight to Beiqiu Shuo, bent down, and reached out to replace his slippers.

"Mother concubine." Beiqiu Shuo was shocked and quickly dodged. Yu Meiren raised her head and pouted as if: "Yun'er has become big. Is she starting to dislike her mother?"

"No." Beiqiu Shuo frowned, as if it was difficult to say, "Shuo'er has grown up. How can she let her mother give Shuo'er slippers?"

"Don't think I don't know. Over the years, it's all your aunt Xinyu washed your feet." Yu Meiren's eyes stared. When she said this, Beiqiu Shuo's face turned red, and Xinyu couldn't help laughing.

Yu Meiren continued to move in her hand. Beiqiu Shuo's body stiffened and it was difficult to avoid it any more. She had to let her take off her shoes for him, try the water temperature and put it down.

Beauty Yu asked someone to bring a cup to wrap it around him, so she felt warm.

The door of Zihua Palace suddenly babled, and someone hurried in from the outside, disturbing the original warmth in the hall.

"Empress, the concubine of Anle Palace just woke up and made a lot of noise. She insisted on seeing the emperor. The maidservant had just reported it to the empress dowager and the queen. They all said that they would leave it to the imperial concubine."

When Beauty Yu heard this, there were not many surprises. She had already expected that Yunfei would make a scene when she woke up, but she didn't want to come so quickly.

"No one of you will go to Qianxi Palace, will you?" Beauty Yu raised her eyebrows and knelt down when she saw the maid's face shaking and said, "I dare not. Without the instructions of the Empress, I dare not bother the emperor."

Hearing this, Yu Mei calmed down, stretched out her hand to pull the maid and said gently, "Look at your fear, it seems that this palace is a man-eating tiger. I'm just worried about the emperor's body. Take me there."

Most of this is from sincerity. She is not afraid that Beiqiu Yin knows that she also has a clear conscience about Yunfei's petty. The only thing she is worried about is the child in Yunfei's belly. After all, it is also the flesh and blood of the earthworm. When the second prince died, his appearance is also The tiger can't eat the baby.

Now that he is not in good health, this matter must not be sad.

Turning her head, Yu Meiren said, "Xinyu, stay with the prince and don't let the prince catch a cold."

After saying that, Yu Meiren nodded to Shulan. In fact, even if Concubine Yun didn't make trouble today, she also had something to say to her in private. Since it was earlier, her plan also needed to be earlier.

Out of the Zihua Palace, Yu Meiren found an excuse to send the maid away and only took Shulan to the Anle Palace.

"Do you think this palace has done too hard today?"

When she made up her mind, she also asked herself whether it was too cruel to treat another woman like this.

"If people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed. Moreover, today, Concubine Yun gave birth, and I don't know whether it was a coincidence or with intention. If it is a coincidence, it can only be blamed for Concubine Yun's life, and it is impossible for a mother to rely on her son in this life. If she does it with intention, then Concubine Yun will take the blame for herself, and such an ending is also a punishment from heaven.

Shulan's words are light, but they seem to see through the secular state.

"Listening to your words, it seems that I have decided that I will not do it."

"The Empress is a kind-hearted person. If she can't see the misery of Concubine Yun, she will definitely turn the case over for her."

Yu Meiren sneered, but now some people say that she is kind-hearted, which is not ironic.

When she arrived at the door of Anle Palace, the little maid who was guarding the door saluted respectfully. Now that the Yunfei has lost her power, she is also exempted from notification.

As soon as she stepped into the hall, she heard a bang, as if the porcelain bowl had been smashed to the ground. Beauty couldn't help poking her eyebrows and walked to the inner hall. She smelled a strong smell of herbs and saw the ** woman. Although she looked sick, she glared at the maid on one side, as if she wanted to cramp her skin.

The little maid trembling and did not dare to clean up the broken medicine bowl on the ground. Seeing her, she immediately seemed to be relieved, regardless of the ** person, trotted in front of her and knelt on the ground in a few steps.

"I want to see the imperial concubine."

"It's you..."

Beauty Yu raised her head, stretched out her hand to lift the bedding covering her body, opened her eyes angrily, and made herself barefoot on the bed.

Her heart moved and there was no time to hesitate. Yu Meiren quickly moved to the bedside and stretched out her hand on the other party's body. Before the other party's feet touched the broken porcelain pieces on the ground, she clicked the hole, then turned around and said in a stunned little maid, "You step back. There is my palace here."

The little maid didn't have time to thank her, so she got up and stumbled and ran out.

Beauty Yu turned her head, looked into a pair of angry and sad eyes, and listened to the other party's voice, which was as bitter as usual.

"Beauty Yu, you are so cruel!"