Qing Che Ruyi

The 12th episode I'm Long Xinyi

I made a large table of dishes for them to eat for dinner. Five people sat together happily. Everyone talked and laughed, but it was really like a family. Even Yan Fu, who is usually serious, is no longer restrained at this moment and quarrels with us.

After the meal, everyone was quite boring. I suddenly remembered playing cards, so I took Yan Yingchen to the study and quickly drew a picture.

I happily took the soft "poker" to show them. Huai Shu asked me what it was like a curious baby, but my mysterious smile did not tell him,

Then teach them what each card is called and teach them to play "Fight the Landlord".

After the four learned, we divided into two groups. Yan Yingchen and I were in one group, and the remaining three were in one group.

After playing for a while, I couldn't help thinking of a question. I think people are really a strange animal, and they will be unwilling to lose.

But if you win all the time, you will feel boring. That's how I am now. I yawned with them.

Because after a few rounds, Huaishu's group always loses. I guess it may be because they have never been exposed to this kind of thing and have not mastered the essentials.

So I spread out my hands and said, "I won't play anymore. You play slowly. I'll play the piano for you."

Yan Yingchen looked at me with a warm smile when he heard the words. Then he turned around and continued to play with Huaishu.

I went back to the house and tried my best to get it in the yard, and I was secretly grateful that my house was not so heavy. Otherwise, I can't get my small body now.

I put the basket in the courtyard, and I sat directly on the ground regardless of my white dress. People say that women who are disappointed in love are all crazy. I don't know if I'm disappointed in love now. But I know that my behavior is not very normal, at least the four people opposite seem to be like this.

Because I clearly saw the whole process of the four of them staring at me with big eyes like cows and sitting on the ground with incredible faces.

I didn't care about them. My heart beat steadily and put my hand on the strings.

"Speaking to the West Building alone,

The moon is like a hook,

Lonely sycamore deep courtyard locks Qingqiu,

It's still messy,

It's the sorrow of separation, and there is another feeling in my heart.

is Teresa Teng's "Up to the West Tower Alone". The song borrows the words of Li Yu, the queen of the Southern Tang Dynasty, with a leisurely tune, which is very interesting. I cut off a monologue when I sang, but at this time, it sounded very sad in my heart.

"Your Highness King Li." It's Yan Fu's respectful voice.

My hand shook, and the sound was chaotic.

Looking up again, the man stood with his hands on his back and looked at me fixedly.

Yan Yingchen looked at Ziqin, and Ziqin was so conscious that he wanted to retreat with Yan Fu.

Seeing this, I got up in a hurry and stopped her: "Ziqin, don't have to."

Then Lianbu gently moved to Li's body, worshipped Yingying and said, "My daughter Yan Nianqing has seen His Royal Highness the King of Li."

I got up and saw that Li's face was very painful. My heart feels as uncomfortable as if I have free time, but I can't compromise. I have to do it.

Because I don't want to be an accessory, I don't want to be one of his many women, let alone his weakness.

Li, let's go and leave me. I can't accept your arrangement for me. I have a life that I want to live. Because I am Long Xinyi, I am no longer the soft Yan Nianqing in your mind.

"Qier, please remember what I once said to you." - If you want to marry in your life, that person can only be me.

Li, I will remember, but I also remember the sentence I once said - you Nangong family, no matter who you are, Yan Nianqing will never marry!

This sentence is true, not an angry word. Maybe I have known in my heart that you and I can't do it.

Li turned around and left, leaving me a chic back.

Yan Yingchen came over and gently grabbed my shoulder and said, "Why do you need to do this? You know what he means.

"Why do you need to ask me? You know what's on my mind." The voice raised the bar with him faintly.

"You girl always have such sharp teeth." Yan Yingchen said helplessly.

I couldn't help laughing and changed the topic and said, "Brother, I'm going to Qianwei Pavilion tomorrow. I haven't been there for many days, and I don't know how the business is. My boss is really bad."

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow morning?" Yan Yingchen is really a good brother.

"Well, okay. I'll wait for you tomorrow morning, uncle. After saying that, I turned around and jumped away, leaving Yan Yingchen's popular stare, and there was nothing I could do with it.

I ran back to my room pretending to be happy, shouted "good night" to them, and then poured directly into ** without washing.

But anyone can see that what I did was very reluctant. This is me, Long Xinyi, a loser who wants to be a strong woman but can't be. But my friends always comfort me that this is a sign of true temperament.

To be honest, I feel very uncomfortable to let go of Nangong Li, but it's not the kind of hardship. I just feel that the world is very impermanent and people live helplessly.

Just like now, in fact, I can't decide anything. I can only take a step back like this to protect myself and the people I care about.

I know that marrying the prince is tantamount to putting myself at the center of the struggle. At the beginning, Yan Xiu asked me to marry Yi, and Li asked me to marry Yi, also to keep me away from that dangerous situation.

But the good intentions of the two of them were misunderstood by me. I realized that I didn't understand this interest until last night.

Because everyone except Yi may be the victims of this fight. Yi is an Anle prince. Whoever is in power will not touch him.

Yi has no military power in his hand and lives his own life without asking the world all day long. He is the most playful and noisy, and he has always been cynical, so no one has ever regarded him as a threat.

What's more, among the Nangong royal family, only Li and Xian can compete for each other. Li is the brother of Yiyi's mother, and Xian is the brother who loves Yi the most. Both of them will only protect him and will definitely not hurt him.

Li asked me to marry Yi because he believed that he would have that seat. I also know that Yi loves him so much and will protect me for him. After Li gets the world, you can find a reason to bring me to you, justifiable.

This was a good plan, but it was broken by me for no reason. Maybe the results now are doomed, who knows?

In retrospect, if I really listen to their arrangement to marry Yi, then I will not be happy in the future. Of course, this will not happen, because I am Long Xinyi.

So, I pushed myself to this dilemma. But I will definitely not marry Xian. I can't and don't want to.

Marrying Xian is difficult to guarantee that there will be a conflict in the future, and I will not become a weakness of Li. Even if there is one in ten thousand possibilities, I won't let it happen.

Then, escape has become the only way for me. Escape... Oh, I raised a smile in the dark, and it's finally this day.

If you want to escape, you need enough money and a careful plan. The important thing is not to be noticed. This is not a matter overnight, and it has to be discussed in the long-term.

I escaped from the prince's marriage, so I can never be arrested. If you are caught, it must be a big crime. Maybe your head will move.

Then I won't stay in Nanyuan. I'll go to Linsheng. Linsheng is well-developed in business, which is suitable for me to use my skills. I can open a restaurant there and continue to make money.

And most importantly, I can't leave Ziqin and Huaishu at Yan's house. Ziqin is my maidservant. If I escape, I'm afraid she will die. Huaishu is a thorn in Yan Liang's side. As soon as I leave, I will not have a good life.

Just how should I tell the two of them? This matter still has to be studied. Ziqin is fine. I have to find a good reason for Huaishu.

But when I left, I was sorry for Yan Yingchen. But I can't take him with me. If I tell him that I want to run away from marriage, I'm afraid he will not go with me, but will tie me up and take care of him in person.

But I deeply believe that Yan Yingchen will not be implicated by me, because he is smart enough and has a hard enough background.

Put aside these trivial things. I calculated with my fingers. There is still more than half a year before the wedding, and I have enough time to arrange it.

I think my escape route is very important. I have read a lot of books on human geography before, and I am not unfamiliar with the geographical climate of these countries.

However, my only knowledge comes from books, and it is inevitable that there will be a gap with reality and certain limitations. This requires me to ask a knowledgeable person.

But I can't ask Yan Yingchen for advice, so who should I go to? Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to the thought of a person. Yes, it was him, sir. I have heard from Yan Yingchen before that my husband has been to many places and has read a lot of books. He is a very profound person.

And on the other hand, I don't think it's necessary to go to remote places, mountains and forests all the way. After all, it's not a glorious thing for His Royal Highness to run away from his daughter-in-law. They will definitely not publicize to post portraits to arrest me.

So I can travel freely through the town, traveling and relaxing. As long as you are more careful when you are sharp and live in the store.

Thinking about it, I can't help but feel much more cheerful. I no longer feel depressed and hazy, as if I saw the rainbow after the rain. After thinking about it carefully, I finally figured out my feelings for Li. I don't think it's love. Maybe I just like him, but I have some dependence on him.

Fortunately, my feelings for him stopped here, otherwise what kind of pain it would be? It's good and really good.

Twist your body, put on a comfortable shape, slowly empty your head, don't think about anything, and let yourself gradually fall into a dream.

"Who are you?" It's the childish voice again.

"You're annoying." The owner of the obsidian-like eyes finally spoke, and his voice was slightly hoarse, but it was pleasant to listen to.

"This candy is delicious for you." Stretch out your pink little hand. This hand seems to be mine, but it doesn't seem to be mine.

"Go away, don't touch me." The man knocked off my hand and left.

Another strong sense of oppression, and I still didn't see the child's face clearly.

I suddenly opened my eyes and found that it was not yet dawn. A mass of questions suddenly came to my mind. Who is my child who refuses? Is this the memory of Yan Nianqing?

Why does her memory remain in her body and so strong? Is that child... the person I should know? Why are these like a mess of wool, which disturbs me.

I couldn't figure out anything and had a complete insomnia. I had to do it again from ** and sit until dawn...