The Bright Moon Ballad

Chapter 43 Don't be affectionate, sob the fragrant mountain night rain bell

Chapter 43 Don't be affectionate, cry at the night rain bell of Xiangshan (Part 2)

Just as I was afraid of my thoughts, Wu Jing had already shouted: "Run" and pulled me to the carriage.

He pulled me forward and didn't stop when I was about to get to the carriage. I only heard him shout, "Black wind, go ahead."

It turned out that the horse pulling the cart was Wu Jing's black wind. Previously, I heard that Wu Jing raised a wild horse called Black Wind, which was not only the best among the horses, but also only listened to Wu Jing's words.

I looked back and the mountain thieves were catching up. When the black wind turned around, Wu Jing and I happened to arrive at the carriage. Wu Jing didn't care about anything else and immediately took me into the carriage. Those people had caught up. Wu Jing asked me to get into the car. He jumped into the carriage and pulled out a big knife from the leather bag on the horse's back. He cut the mountain thief who was going to climb into the car. Red blood splashed out of the mountain thief's broken hand. I didn't want Wu Jing to be distracted. I covered my mouth with my hand and didn't call out.

He cut off the mountain thieves on the other side again. Wu Jing shouted, and ran out like a black wind. At the same time, the sound of those mountain thieves driving horses came from behind.

Suddenly, something seemed to hook the roof of the carriage. I held the window and looked up. The first half of a knife was cut down directly. Fortunately, I didn't stand up, otherwise I might have died.

Before I could breathe, another machete hooked the window again, so I had to walk outside, but the carriage drove too fast and was thrown back to my seat as soon as I took a step.

The knife on the window seemed to pull back harder, and only a mountain thief shouted, and the carriage rolled over. I only felt that the sky was spinning, and there was a sharp tingling from my right arm, and my head became heavy. I looked at my arm and it was already bleeding. It should have been scraped on the knife.

"Girl," Wu Jing opened the broken and deformed carriage with his bare hands, helped me up, frowned at my bleeding arm, and the mountain thieves came up to surround us.

I just found that we had reached the end of the road, with a steep hill behind and a group of mountain thieves in front of us. Wu Jing protected me behind him. His shoulder seemed to have been injured, and his black clothes were wet with blood.

"Bad boy, you have told yourself to escape, but you have to die with that girl." The mountain thief spat, and I knew from his words that they did come to me and wanted me to die. I have been in the palace for many years, and I have not offended anyone in the palace, let alone have no grievances with others outside the palace. Who else would want to kill me? Only the German concubine who did not do anything for her son like Concubine Yi.

"Who paid how much money to buy my life? I'll give you double the money, and you let us live." I shouted to the mountain thief.

"There are rules in the Tao, and you also need to be honest as a thief." The mountain thief said that the brainless guy not only exposed the employer, but also didn't know how to do business.

The group of people pressed up, and Wu Jing pulled me tightly and said, "Girl, you can only fight hard to protect the girl and die. Wu Jing dies without regret."

He had cut it out when he said the last word, and I followed him closely. Although Wu Jing is a first-class master, there are a large number of mountain thieves. He also brought me this drag bottle. It can be imagined that we were outnumbered, and we were forced to retreat step by step.

Originally, Wu Jing's knife method had made some mountain thieves afraid to come forward, but the previous mountain thief's head shook a hook and hooked Wu Jing's arm. The sharp hook pierced Wu Jing's meat, and the mountain thief pulled away the flesh on Wu Jing's arm again. He suddenly shouted in pain.

Seeing that Wu Jing was like this, several mountain thieves stabbed him with swords, and two knives directly stabbed Wu Jing's chest. I immediately hugged him from behind and dragged him back.

"Brother Wu, let's not resist. You can't stand it." My tears hit his blood-covered clothes. "Since we are all dead, we can't be killed by them like this."

Wu Jing smiled. He knew that I meant jumping off the steep slope next to him. "Wu Jing is also satisfied to die with the girl."

His words were still in my ear. I felt weightless, and then there was a long slope. He held me and rolled together, and there was a piercing pain behind me.

When we stopped, I was almost dizzy. After a long time, I gradually woke up and lay on Wu Jing. I got up with unbearable back pain, not only my back, but also my whole body seemed to be broken, and my foot seemed to be injured and bleeding when I just rolled down the mountain.

"Brother Wu," I patted Wu Jing's face. There was a lot of blood on his face. What's the matter? Did he suffer an internal injury?

After a long time, he woke up in a daze and looked at what I was going to say, but his voice was extremely low. I listened to him and heard him say, "Girl, Wu Jing is not worthy of a girl. I am already very happy to protect the girl Wu Jing." His hand slowly took out a plain veil from his clothes, which was my handkerchief, because I was always The word bright moon is embroidered on the corners of the handkerchief. I remember that it was a few years ago when he went up the mountain with me, because he was sweating and I wiped his sweat, but he has been cherishing it.

I took the handkerchief stained with his blood: "Why are you so stupid, Brother Wu, what do you want me to do..."

"Girl... you laugh..., you smile very well...but you rarely laugh... you laugh for me... once, I think..."

My tears hit his face, and I gently wiped the blood and dirt on his face with my hand. I smiled and said, "Brother Wu, be stronger. Someone will definitely come to us."

He didn't speak any more, and his eyes were closed. I still gently wiped his face with a handkerchief: "Brother Wu, don't fall asleep. Someone will come to us, Brother Wu..."

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know if I fainted, or because I was tired after crying for a long time, I fell asleep. In the dream, Wujing's face became flesh and bloodless, and then A Xing's face, the empress dowager's face, the aunt's face, the tenth master's face, the thirteenth master's face, the fourth master's face... The faces of everyone around me were in blood.

When I woke up from the nightmare, I lay in a cabin. The simple wooden house was filled with the smell of medicinal herbs. I sat up without so much pain and changed into clean white clothes. A few rays of sunshine crawled in playfully from the cracks in the wooden boards of the wooden house, and I wondered if I had entered heaven.

The next second, the door creaked open, and the people who came in leaned against the door with a bowl of medicine and smiled. I knew that I had not gone to heaven, because heaven would not want such an unfaithful fool to take a step. Ouyang Xizhou looked at me and said, "Wake up, I thought you were going to be a living dead."

"D. Ouyang, thank you for saving my life. I don't know if you have saved Brother Wu beside me." If you ask for someone, I will be patient first, and a gentleman can bend and stretch.

"You don't seem to understand what I said. How many times did you say it last time, call me Xizhou." He came forward and handed me the medicine bowl and said, "Drink the medicine quickly. You just got up after three days in a coma, so you are thinking about others."

I quickly took the medicine and said, "How's Brother Wu? You are a magic doctor, so you must have saved him."

"You seem to be so persistent in everything. They call the magic doctor. You can rest. I'll take you to see him when you get out of bed in a few days." He took a sip of the waterway.

In this way, he also saved Wu Jing, but I don't know how his injury is. I was in a coma for three days. The Empress Dowager and the 15th Master were worried and looked for it randomly.

"I've been in a coma for three days. Where are we? Did Dr. Ouyang inform the Empress Dowager? The Empress Dowager and the 15th Master should be worried. When can I go back?"

"I just pulled you back from the Lord of Hell, and you asked so much. If I'm bored, it won't be difficult to send you back," he pointed to me. "You'd better shut up and have a good rest. There are only two of us here. You're half dead. If I go to inform them, the mountain thieves will find you, or you can do something. What's the matter? Who cares about you?

"That mountain thief?" Has he seen the mountain thieves?

"When I saw you the other day, there were mountain thieves looking for you. Fortunately, I cleverly dug a hole and hid you. I won't bring you back here until they left."

The mountain thief was in such a hurry, and there was still time to wait for him to dig a hole. I didn't believe it. I remembered something again: "Wait, you said it's just the two of us here."

He looked at me doubtfully and nodded firmly. I said word by word, "So, me, clothes, who changed?"

He looked at me and suddenly smiled, touched his chin and said, "Is there anyone else?"

Oh, my God, this is ancient times. You idiot didn't come from modern times. Can you be more conservative: "You... you are shameless and inservient."

He said, "You are ungrateful. I saved you, and you still scold me."

I looked for ** for a long time and only found a pillow when the murder weapon was thrown at him and said, "I'd rather die." You little man, take advantage of people's danger."

"Brother, if you don't change your stinky mouth, you will never get your daughter-in-law." A girl dressed as a man came in. In fact, he was well dressed and had a beard, but her voice revealed that she was a girl.

"Why did you come back?" The fool gave the bowl man in his hand to the girl and said, "Go wash the dishes and fry the medicine."

The girl didn't listen to him. She pulled her beard and ran to me and said, "Although there are still some scratches on my face, I can see that he is a beautiful person. What's your name? Don't worry, although my brother has a way to think about you, I helped you change clothes and medicine, and you are still wearing my clothes.

"Thank you to the girl." I nodded.

"What do you do with so many rules? Mu Nian, this name sounds good. I'm Xi Yu. You can call me Yuer." She seems to be very small, her eyes are clear and clean, and she speaks slightly.

"Ye, okay, Yuer." I laughed.

"It turns out that you understand people's words, so I told you to call me..." Before the guy finished speaking, he was stopped by the murderous eyes I had to leave the room.

I don't want to stay here for a long time, so I have to get better quickly. I obediently followed Yuer's instructions to drink and change the medicine. Yuer laughed and said that she had never seen such an obedient patient as me.

Ouyang Xizhou promised to help me go to the villa tomorrow to report my safety. At night, I drank medicine and fell asleep until dawn.

Yuer came to ask me to have breakfast before I woke up. I habitually stood up to wash my face, but my feet fell to the ground, and a tingling came from my right foot, and I fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with my feet?" I looked at Yuer, and she was a little speechless, "Yuer, tell me what's wrong? To be honest."

"Mu Nian, your foot has hurt a bone, but your brother will cure you," Yuer came to help me up. "You're fine. When you were dying, you met me and my brother, and that person was not so lucky."

Is that person Wu Jing? What does it mean to be unlucky? I grabbed Yuer's arm and said, "Brother Wu, what's wrong with him? Yuer, what's wrong with him? You didn't save him."

Yuer didn't seem to know that I didn't know the situation of Brother Wu. Seeing me asking eagerly, she was so scared that she didn't say anything and looked at me with big eyes.

"Yuer told her that she would face it sooner or later." Ouyang Xizhou came in from the door.

"Mu Nian, when my brother and I saw you, the man was already out of breath. His internal injuries and external injuries were very serious, and even if he didn't break his breath, he couldn't be saved." Yuer looked at me and said.

I don't go to see them and lie on the quilt and cry. I don't want others to see me crying, but Brother Wu died for me. How can I collect my pain?

"D. Ouyang, take me to see Brother Wu," I cried for a while and wiped my tears.

He nodded, and such a big attack wrapped me in the carriage outside the door.

Only four days, weeds grew on Wu Jing's grave. In this cold winter, it was going to snow heavily. Human life was so fragile, but the grass was so tenacious.

"Wu Jing is also satisfied that he can die with the girl." I still remember his smiling face when he jumped down the hill, but now I can only face this cold grave.

Yuer handed me a white handkerchief: "This is what you pulled in your hand when we were with you."

Yes, this handkerchief has been treasured by Wu Jing for so many years. I was so stupid that I didn't find what he meant to me. He said, "Wu Jing doesn't deserve a girl." Is this your reason? Brother Wu, the person who doesn't deserve it is me, and I don't deserve you.

I dug a small pit in front of his grave and dug it until my fingers bleed before I was stopped by Yuer. I don't deserve to wear this handkerchief. Brother Wu, I can only cry for you so much in this life. I hope you don't meet me in the next life.

Brother Wu, do you know that there is another girl who also hides you in her heart for six years? Xiu silk, Brother Wu loves her well in the next life, okay?