The Bright Moon Ballad

Chapter 45 Seven Years of Spring and Autumn, Things Are Things Don't

Chapter 45 Seven Years of Spring and Autumn, Things Are Things (Part 2)

Ouyang Xizhou's medical skills really live up to their reputation. In the Qing Dynasty, whose medical technology was so backward, I have only recovered for more than half a month. In addition to some scars on his body, they are feet. As he said, there are some slight crutches when walking.

Yu'er helped me walk in the yard several times. The people standing next to me looked at my feet with a pity or pitiful look. Although I thought it didn't matter, it was really inconvenient to walk. As for others, I think they will get used to it in the future.

I still have to apply medicine on my feet, and it's cold outside, so I still often stay in **. Yuer is very naughty and always makes some jokes or strange things for me. Last time, she said that she saved a nest of sparrows. She showed me that it was indeed two cold and trembling sparrows. I don't know why she didn't fly to a warm place.

Yuer said, "You see, this sparrow's leg is broken. It must be the one who doesn't want to abandon its wife, so we stay together to keep warm with each other."

I'm surprised how she knows which one is male and which is female. I think she is also a girl's mentality, which attributes the sensibility of the weak side to her mother.

Yuer is actually very good. Her personality is very cheerful and beautiful. She has been following me all day long and pulling me. It seems that the fifteenth brother has just begun to fall in love.

I met A Xing when I was as old as her. On the bright moon night, we ran around holding hands in the streets and alleys of the capital. However, that was my psychological age than her, so I didn't have as simple love as her. At that time, I was still timid to avoid A Xing, and later I realized that I had loved him into life.

It seems that she began to recall the past again. Yuer didn't know when she went out. She couldn't stand me not saying a word. I looked at the window and imagined that it was snowing outside, and the birds rescued by Yuer were raised by the stove, flapping their wings from time to time.

I don't know how long it took for someone to come in. I thought it was Yuer. I looked at the window and didn't look back and said, "Yuer, it's snowing. It's snowing heavily. Do you remember the snowman I told you about?"

"That's the year when you pulled the snow dolls made by the girls in the thirteenth mansion?" A low voice came.

I turned my head, and the fourth master was taking off his hair and looking at me with deep eyes from time to time. In these years, although he has had some fine wrinkles on his face, he is still equally indifferent and has a fearful aura.

"Fourth Master is auspicious, and I can't say good luck to you." I said.

"I didn't come from the capital to ask you to be safe. I'm here to bring you back." The fourth master sat on the chair beside him.

I was stunned for a moment and said softly, "Yes, I have to go back and can't avoid it."

I didn't talk to him. The room was quiet. The two sparrows flapped their wings and were about to fly, but Yuer tied their feet with a rope. No matter how hard they tried, it was useless. Finally, they gave up and returned to the nest to squeeze together.

"I'm leaving. I'm going to call the Empress Dowager." He got up and walked to the door, opened the door and put down his hand and said, "You have promised the marriage, and you must have given up your fourteenth brother. The fifteenth brother is also a good destination. I also gave up. We all gave up and let ourselves be less worried.

He walked out of the room, and I heard the footsteps of his boots stepping on the snow fade away and gave up. We all gave up. Yes, maybe this is the best ending. We are not insisting on it.

The fourth master never came to see me again. When he arrived here, it seemed that he had dealt with everything. The fifteenth master was not so busy. He spent more than half of the time with me every day to play chess with me.

It will soon be New Year's Eve. I can get out of bed and walk around by myself and help Xiu silk with some New Year's trifles. She is already alone, and sometimes I suddenly feel as if it is useless. It's inconvenient for my legs and feet to do some work next to me, which is also a mess, so I have to wander in the yard by myself.

I went to the kitchen and saw Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu busy cooking in it. I suddenly thought of Wu Jing and ran away.

"Girl." Aunt Wu may have seen me.

I turned around and said, "Madam, I'm shaking everywhere. You're busy by yourself."

She looked at my feet and said, "Don't stay outside. It's easy to slip in the snow."

I nodded and burst into tears. Aunt Wu came forward and said, "Good girl, don't cry."

I cried and said, "Madam, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's my fault."

"How can you blame the girl," Aunt Wu also cried and sobbed, "It's all fate. That's Jing'er's life. It's all the fault of those murderous mountain thieves."

It would be good if she could scold me and beat me, but she didn't blame me. Simple, I have no face to face them.

"Who told you to come out, Yuer?" Ouyang Xizhou took a fan and came out of the stove aggressively. "If your feet are cold now and leave a cold air, it will hurt every year in the future, not to mention that I haven't cured you."

This man has been white all his life and doesn't know what to do here. I raised my voice and said, "It's early. It's Yuer who let me out. Don't fend people."

"Yuer, this little girl doesn't know where to go crazy," he frowned, reminding me of the three words 'wrare frown'. His beautiful eyes are slightly angry, and I don't know how many times he has been compared with thousands of years of beauty.

Maybe he thought I was looking strangely. He pointed to me and said, "You, hurry up and go back to my room."

I ignored him and felt not as heavy as before. I comforted Aunt Wu and said a few words before leaving.

I just entered the door with my front heel, and Yu'er followed me. She pouted with the medicine and said, "This brother is getting worse and worse."

I looked at the medicine and remembered that Ouyang Xizhou came out of the stove with a fan and boiled the medicine for me again. I asked Yuer, "Yuer, the medicine I drank was made by your brother himself."

Yuer nodded and said, "Yes, the medicine you drank and applied was boiled by the senior brother himself. He said that if he didn't do it well, he would lose his reputation, so he couldn't be too confident as before."

This person is really scattered, what is too confident? I drank the medicine and thought that Ouyang Xizhou was not so annoying. People have a way to live. Maybe that's his way. Will it be easier?

"Brother, fifteenth brother, fourth prince, Mu Nian, who will you choose?" Yuer suddenly asked.

I was almost choked by the medicine. Why is this girl so simple and stupid?

"Brother is a little fierce, and the fourth prince is even more fierce. I heard that he handed over all the mountain thieves in Shanxi a few days ago, and even the eunuch was reprimanded by him. It's really like what the storyteller said." Yuer said to herself, "It's better to be the fifteenth brother. He has a good temper and is also romantic."

I shook my head, and the girl was poisoned. However, if she is just playful on a whim, if she really promises her heart to the fifteenth master, she doesn't know how sad she will be when we return to the capital.

At night, the Empress Dowager asked everyone to have a New Year's Eve dinner and sent red envelopes to everyone. I gave my savings for many years to Aunt Wu. They didn't want me to reward Wu Jing's life-saving kindness, so they accepted it. The guilt for Wu Jing would accompany me for the rest of my life. I just want to do something to atone for my sins, as if I had to recite scriptures every day.

After the Lantern Festival, the fourth master on the way back to the palace discussed with the empress dowager to equip things for the trip in two days before leaving.

Everyone took care of me and didn't let me work, so I went up the mountain to incense. Maybe this was the last time I went to Yanshan Temple to incense. In the seven years before I was injured, I came up every day.

It didn't take long to hear the footsteps behind me and smell a sandalwood, so I didn't turn around.

If it is the sequela of this injury, it is that the hearing has become extremely sensitive. I asked Ouyang Xizhou, and he said that he always feels unsafe, so his hearing is in full at all times, and his hearing is **. He also advises me to know that he should rest assured, otherwise his hearing will become very poor when he gets old. I don't know if he is scaring me. I'm 25 years old, and I'm old among ancient women.

"Your feet will be fine if you take such a steep ladder?" He asked me.

I said, "It's all right for a long time, but they all make a fuss."

"It's you who always takes your body seriously."

There is still some snow on the stairs. I was very careful, but I still slipped. Fortunately, I was dressed thickly and my knees were not very painful.

"When will you not be strong?" He came to help me and squatted in front of me again.

I looked at him puzzledly. He looked at me and said, "Come up, I'll carry you on."

I took a step back and said, "Prince Yong, I don't dare. If this spreads, I will kill myself again."

Suddenly, I felt that I had said something wrong and was silent. He took my hand and put me on his back: "Don't move."

I feel that my face is having a fever, but I still dare not move on the mountain road. If both of them fall down, I will not only die, but also be charged with the murder of the prince.

"My mother knew that the fourteenth brother wrote to you, and she knew that it was a letter from the fifteenth brother..."

"I know that Concubine De is like Concubine Yi. It's right for every mother to love her son." I looked at his black boots step by step, "Fourth Master, Curtain Moon... Do you love her so much?"

I don't know if it's appropriate for me to ask this. I just want to know whether the woman of Lianyue loves the ninth master or not, and whether she refuses to go with him for the sake of the ninth master?

"Her Ama used to be kind to me, and I helped me a lot when I was in Jiangnan. She has always thought that others have never had me in their hearts.

Then the curtain moon has always loved the ninth master, and the fourth master saved the curtain moon just to repay his kindness. The ninth master has always blamed the wrong person. What about the fourth master? Did he bear the ninth master's fault in order to protect the curtain moon? Or is he actually doing it for the good of the ninth master, just as he persuaded me to follow the 15th master now, and also for A Xing to be good.

"I have never thought clearly. The eighth brother thought you were the spy of me and the thirteenth brother, so I knew Zhang Mingde and thought it was Zhang Mingde arranged by us. But how do you know Zhang Mingde when you live in the palace? Why did you decide that the eighth brother should not act rashly and say that Huang Ama would not give up the second brother? I was not so sure at that time.

"I don't know Zhang Mingde, but the eighth master has always been cautious, but he was too radical after the abolition of the prince. The tenth master told me that there was a man named Zhang Mingde who told the eighth master's fortune, and I knew it. I tried my best to adjust my tone and heartbeat to prevent him from hearing that I was lying. Fortunately, he is now behind my back and can't see my eyes. "I'm not sure that the prince is back on his feet, but I think the buddies are all shrewd, and the forces in the court can't be underestimated. The Eighth Master has attracted a lot of officials. Long live the prince, he will not I can balance you."

After saying that, I was shocked. I didn't know what this was analyzed.

"What books do you usually read and how do you think about these in your head?"

I laughed and said, "Three Kingdoms, Sun Zi's Art of War, I am a fox, you all treat me as a little girl. If I were a man, I would definitely be in the top. You really can't brag, it will get bigger and bigger.

"What does your letter tell me not to be too enthusiastic about the court and win the trust of Emperor Ama with filial piety first?"

"The prince is too angry and will eventually be abolished. At that time, the long-year-old master who was sad for the prince needs the care of a filial son. Besides, which Ama would want his son to fight? In this way, you can win the trust of Long Live Lord. Without saying anything, he said, "Actually, these four masters have known for a long time, don't they? Otherwise, how could they believe my words and fade out of the court and become a leisurely Prince Yong before him?"

"It's here." He said, I looked up and took off Da Qiu's hat. We have arrived at Yanshan Temple.

I went to incense, and the fourth master had already been taken away by the little monk to find the host. After reading the scriptures for a while, before they came back, I went down alone, so as not to ask him to recite it awkwardly later.

As soon as she entered the manor, Yuer cried and ran to hold my hand and said, "Mu Nian, take me away, or I won't see the fifteenth brother."

"You're all right, and I'll stay soon. Yuer is noisy. Don't listen to her." Ouyang Xizhou came over in white, still like a ruffian.

I think it's better for Yuer to break her mind earlier, and she is still studying medicine. I took Yuer and said, "Yuer, you can come to me when you come to the capital. Now you can learn medicine well and become a doctor then."

With the name of Prince Yong, we are really powerful on our way back. Every night, we live in a rest place prepared by the government, and there are officers and soldiers escorts along the way. At this speed, it is April when we arrive in the capital.

The long-year-old master, concubines and buddies picked up the empress dowager at Shenwumen. Xiu silk helped the empress dowager out of the carriage. I have been in the same car with the empress dowager and came down with them.

The royal celebration of so many people, but I don't think my slight lameness will attract their attention. But I saw A Xing at a glance. He stood beside the thirteenth master who was troubled by leg disease and frowned and looked at my feet. I subconsciously glanced at Concubine De. She also looked at me, so I had to lower my head.

The palace is still the same as usual, with red palace walls, brown glazed tiles, and all kinds of people who can't guess in their hearts.

After tidying up everything and sitting in the yard at night, I found that Ningshou Palace didn't seem to have changed anything, but the people sitting here were no longer the twilight of the past.

The gorgeous Bauhinia City, seven years away, has been different.