The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 36 Conspiracy Agreement

It was noon when Ling Yue returned to Qinghe Hall from the execution ground. Before that, Xing'er told Yuner to enter the palace for only one year. No matter what strange behavior Ling Yue did, don't make a fuss. It was also because of this warning that Yun'er began to pay attention since Ling Yue returned to the Qinghe Hall. She really wanted to know what strange actions Ling Yue would do, so that Xing'er would repeatedly tell herself not to panic.

In the quiet afternoon, the sun fell into the corridor like broken gold, shaking with the shadow of the branches, like a spring swaying intoxicating. Ling Yue sat half back on the gray corridor railing and looked at the dead branches and trees in the depressed courtyard. Many days after that, Ling Yue sat in the corridor and looked at the courtyard in a daze. Even the meals carefully prepared by Yun'er and Xing'er just moved a few chopsticks and didn't eat them. In just ten days, people have lost a lot of weight and are indescribably haggard.

"Actually, you don't have to blame yourself. The deaths of those people have nothing to do with you." Liu Ye held a tray with freshly stewed clam lotus seed soup, and the rich and mellow taste floated out with the heat.

"I'm not hungry. You can eat it."

"What on earth are you doing this for? Don't eat, don't talk, just sit here in a daze every day. The deaths of those people have nothing to do with you. Why do you torture yourself like this? Liu Ye became more and more excited. Although he knew that the woman in front of him was not the Princess Lingyue he had served since he was a child, he didn't know why Liuye couldn't watch her depressed and watch her haggard day by day. Perhaps subconsciously, he really regarded this woman of unknown origin as his sister.

"I didn't torture myself."

"You're not torturing yourself, what is it? Look, you have lost weight like this in just a few days.

"Well?" Suddenly, Ling Yue's originally gloomy eyes suddenly glowed, "I've lost weight? Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes..." Liu Ye couldn't understand why Ling Yue was so excited when she heard that she had lost weight.

"Huangtian lives up to his painstaking efforts. It seems that the best way to lose weight is still to rely on hunger." Ling Yue picked up the still warm snow clam lotus seed cake and tasted it with relish. After eating only one-third, she put the bowl back on the tray. "You can't be greedy. You will get fat, so you can only eat half."

Liu Ye's forehead and blue veins burst: "You, you, the reason why you don't eat is that you think you are too fat?"

"Yes, what do you think?"

"Then why do you look trance every day, as if you are going to commit suicide?"

"Nonsense, of course, I'm in a trance when I eat so many mouthfuls of rice every day. As the saying goes, iron rice is steel, and I'm hungry. I'm hungry, do you understand? Xiao Zhengtai? And don't burst the blue veins on your forehead. You will become an uncle.

Liuye's face twitched a little, and he looked at Ling Yue with a hateful expression: "If you want to lose weight, you should say it earlier. Everyone has been worried about you for a long time and thought you couldn't think about suicide."

"Suicide?" Ling Yue smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if people all over the world die, I won't commit suicide. But to be honest, I thought I had the courage to face the bloody scene, but when I really got to the execution ground and listened to the sound of countless heads falling, I was still scared to death.

"If you are not afraid, then there will be a problem. To get back to the story, why did the emperor make Jiang Mozhu a scholar of Taige University? I always feel that there is something wrong with it.

Ling Yue thought for a moment and hesitated to tell Liu Ye about Xiao Ruyan and Jiang Mozhu. After thinking about it for a while, Ling Yue decided to tell Liu Ye half of the matter: "The reason why the emperor appointed him a university scholar is probably Xiao Ruyan's idea. Speaking of which, you once told me before that Xiao Ruyan is the smartest person, so do you know her past?

Liu Ye nodded: "Well. Speaking of the demise of the Congress, you have to bear half of the responsibility.

"What do you say?"

Three years ago, the emperor of Jin sent his daughter, and Xiao Ruyan sneaked into the country to explore the treasures left by Shen Haoran. Although Xiao Ruyan was extremely smart, he met Jiang Mozhu, the general of Feiyu, who was better in strategy. What's more ironic is that the two fell in love. After that, Jiang Mozhu went to the Kingdom of Jin, but when he returned from the Kingdom of Jin, his attitude suddenly changed and fell in love with Princess Lingyue, that is you. Xiao Ruyan, with a dead heart, left Cang but returned to Jin, but was expelled from the royal family by Jin. Finally, she was exiled to Xia and met Xia Di. Perhaps the resentment had not subsided, Xiao Ru died with her wisdom enough to destroy the whole world. In fact, if Jiang Mozhu had not been hammered into twelve bone-through nails and stayed sick for a year, perhaps the country would not have perished.

"Huh? You know so much, why didn't you say it earlier?

"You didn't ask me again. Besides, what did I say to you about this?" Liu Ye shrugged his shoulders and expressed his helplessness. "Now that the Cang Kingdom has perished, Xiao Ruyan is no longer useful to Emperor Xia. He can directly kill Xiao Ruyan and Jiang Mozhu, so that he can rest assured. In this case, why did you make Jiang Mozhu a university scholar? The suspicious character of Emperor Xia will never let a dangerous person like Jiang Mozhu stay with him. It doesn't make sense."

"In fact, I'm also thinking about this problem. According to common sense, it is that Emperor Xia should be cut down and eradicated unless..." Ling Yue seemed to suddenly think of something. Why did Xiao Ruyan hand over Jiang Mozhu's safety to himself before, and now Emperor Xia has named him a university scholar. All kinds of clues are connected, and Ling Yue came to an end. lun.

"Unless what?"

"Xiao Ruyan was determined to die. She knew that she could not escape a word of death anyway, so she saved Jiang Mozhu's life with her own death. No, this alone is not enough. She must have reached some agreement with Xia Di. Death is just an accessory to the transaction.

Liu Ye turned his head and looked puzzled: "What will be the agreement between Xiao Ruyan and Emperor Xia?"

"Why don't you ask?" Ling Yue stood up, took a deep breath, and then pinched her stomach with her hand, "Ah, there is still fat. I won't have dinner today, that's all. Liu Ye, let's go to Xuanhua Palace.

"Xuanhua Palace has become a forbidden place for the imperial palace."


"You haven't been out for so many days. Naturally, you don't know what's going on in the palace. The emperor decreed that no one was allowed to enter the Xuanhua Palace, so unless Xiao Ruyan came out by himself, we could not enter at all. However, she has never come out like you for so many days.

"Do you mean that the emperor put Xiao Ruyan under house arrest?"

"It should be like this, so it's impossible for you to ask Xiao Ruyan directly."

"So, the emperor doesn't want anyone to know the secret agreement between him and Xiao Ruyan, or that the emperor is ready to do it." Ling Yue looked solemn. At this moment, she was eager to know what kind of secret agreement could make a suspicious king take such a big risk, and what kind of agreement made a military master with the ability to destroy the world willing to die.