The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 40 Fresh Grapes

Spring is cold, and in a blink of an eye, it is the early spring season in March.

With the passage of time, Ling Yue gradually adapted to the status of the subjugated princess. Life in the palace was not as thrilling as described in the previous TV series, and even plain and boring. In order to avoid going crazy because of boredom, Ling Yue accepted Liu Ye's suggestion and recited poems and songs, but after only a few days, Ling Yue gave up, because she felt that reciting those painful poems and songs was simply torturing herself. Then, he turned his interest to the brush that had long been ignored in that world.

Long ago, Ling Yue felt that it was very proud to be able to write beautiful calligraphy, but even if she was in the workplace, no matter how independent she was, she could not use a brush to review documents or record data. Therefore, practicing calligraphy can only become a small wish in the heart, whether it is realized or not.

After more than two months and eight hours of cruel practice every day, Ling Yue finally practiced a handwriting that could see people. But according to Grandpa Hai, he looks like a god. However, it doesn't matter much for Ling Yue, because she is not going to be the second Wang Xizhi or Song Huizong who invented the thin gold body.

If possible, she hopes to become Shen Wansan, Soros or Buffett, and it will always be better to deal with money.

Of course, in the past two months, in addition to practicing calligraphy, Ling Yue also had to take time to teach Liuye English. At first, Liuye was very repulsive of the English taught by Ling Yue, because it sounded no different from the ghost spell, and he was also a ghost with a broken tongue.

However, under Ling Yue's almost forced education mode, Liu Ye gradually began to feel that the ghost spell was also very pleasant. After more than two months of study, he could also say some simple sentences. Sometimes they even talk to Ling Yue in English, but in the eyes of others, the two seem to be under the spell, which makes Xing and the others worry for a long time. But in the end, it didn't matter if the two people were not ghosts.

"Ah, the two of them are cursed here again." Ouyang Wan held a brown wine jar in his hand. After entering the door, he boldly put the jar of wine on the table. "This is the Huan soju I specially bought from Yuxue Building. Hey hey, how about it? Do you dare to try it?"

"Who is afraid of who? Just don't get drunk and play crazy with Princess Ben like last time." Ling Yue said with a smile.

"No, definitely not this time." Ouyang Wan scratched his head with some embarrassment. Since Ling Yue accidentally said that she was not drunk, Ouyang Wan thought of a way to find Ling Yue to drink. But after several competitions, Ouyang was drunk and unconscious every time, and then was dragged back by Xia Wuchen.

"Oh, so confident?"

"Of course." As soon as Ouyang Wan opened the lid of the wine, a strong aroma of wine floated out.

Ling Yue frowned and said, "I'm afraid this wine is 80 degrees. Drinking this thing is simply suicide."

"Hey, what, are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, but it's not good for the stomach to drink such a strong wine. How about we drink wine?"

"Er? What is wine? Ouyang Wan was stunned and thought for a long time, "Why have I never heard of it?"

"Ah, there is really no wine in this world." As Ling Yue had expected before, there is no bright and powerful wine in the world. "If you have a blessing, I will let you taste the wine made by this princess."

Ouyang Wan's eyes widened and said in surprise, "Can you still make wine?"

"Is it strange? All right, you come back in three months."

"Didn't you treat me to drink your wine? Why do you want me to come back in three months?"

"It takes time to make wine, and grapes are not easy to find at this time of the season." Ling Yue had the idea of making wine before, but because there were no grapes in the cold spring and she didn't know anyone in the palace, she could only put the idea of making wine on hold for the time being.

"Grapes, there are grapes at His Highness. You can ask him for them."

"Eh? Does he have any grapes?"

"Yes, a few days ago, Cangguo paid tribute to a lot of fresh grapes, and it was transported to Linyun with an 800-mile fast horse. Next time I come, I'll bring you some, but today we'd better solve this jar of soju first. Don't waste 100 taels of silver. Xie Tingyu also said that he gave him a 20% discount. Alas, what an iron rooster.

"Have you been quite rich recently? You are even willing to buy 100 taels of silver and a jar of wine. Could the emperor give you a raise?"

"You're right. The emperor did increase my salary by 300 taels of silver, and the salary of this bodyguard finally broke 1,000." Ouyang Wan danced excitedly.

"Well, 300 taels of silver can make Ouyang Wan happy like this. Should I say that you are a contented person, or are you a fool at all?" Ling Yue looked at Ouyang Wan with great contempt.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. Three hundred taels of silver is a lot. A princess like you who has been young will not understand the mood of ordinary people like us, but to be honest, if you suddenly think of the picture of Qingsong welcoming guests one day, don't tell others.


"You are stupid. The picture of Qingsong's welcome guests hides Shen Haoran's lifelong wealth. If you really think about it, you have to be the first to tell me Ouyang Wan, and then I will dig the treasure. After that, we will divide it into five. What do you think?" Ouyang Wan was serious and said the truth.

Ling Yue smiled and said, "You are so funny."

"I'm serious."

"Why does everyone think that Shen Haoran's lifelong wealth is hidden in the greeting map of Qingsong? Maybe it's just a legend." Although Ling Yue knew that the reason why she survived was that she was the only one in the world who knew how to draw Qingsong's welcome picture, and then she also learned something about Shen Haoran.

When Shen Haoran was only ten years old, he followed a woman to learn business skills. By the age of 20, Shen Haoran had become the best among businessmen in the world, and the woman who taught Shen Haoran's business skills also disappeared. When Shen Haoran was not confused, he had accumulated enough wealth to match a country. I have to say that Shen Haoran is a very talented businessman.

After that, Shen Haoran buried all decades of wealth in one place and drew a map indicating the location of wealth. If it is just a treasure, it may not cause too many people to covet. But it is a treasure that can compete with a country, and even emperors will be crazy about it.

It is said that in addition to the huge wealth, there is also a military art book called "The Way", which is even more rumored that if any country gets that book, it can be invincible on the battlefield.

However, all this seems to be a fantasy to Ling Yue. The truth of the facts is often very different from people's rumors.

"Don't say such words that will destroy other people's dreams. It's very vicious." Ouyang Wan complained.

"It's a sad thing to live in an unrealistic situation. I won't place my hope on that illusory treasure. If you really want to have a huge amount of wealth, then use your wisdom and hands to make money."

"Oh, it's because I can't make so much money at all that I need this beautiful dream."

"What are you talking about?" Xia Wuchen said and came in, followed by two palace hands, each with a basket of grapes that looked extremely fresh in his hand.

"Wow, you two really have a good understanding. Ling Yue just asked me to ask you for grapes, and you will send them now. Ouyang Wan bent down, picked a small branch, and ate it.

Xia Wuchen smiled and said, "Ling Yue, it turns out that you like grapes."

"I don't want to eat, I want to make wine."

"Wenery? Can grapes also be used to make wine?

"Of course, I'll treat you to wine in three months."

"Okay, I want to taste the wine you brewed yourself." Xia Wuchen said, "Yes, my father is going out to hunt in ten days. Do you want to go with me?"

"Hunting? Can I go too?"

"Of course. When my father summoned me yesterday, he specially asked me to ask you. If you are willing to go with me, I will reply. It doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Looking at Ling Yue's hesitation, Ouyang Wan immediately said, "Ling Yue, hunting is very good. It's a pity not to go, and it's only once a year."

"Can I take Liu Ye with me?"

"Yes." Xia Wuchen replied.

"Okay, I'll go." Ling Yue smiled, but she was a little worried. Hunting, the mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch, but the yellow finch is just someone else's prey.