The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 53 Picking Mushrooms

When everything is done, it will be half an hour later. During this period, Liu Yao took two pulses for Ling Yue. Although the pulse seemed to be weak and intermittent, according to Liu Yao, it was caused by excessive blood loss. He only needed to take some medicine to replenish qi and nourish blood.

After that, except for Liu Ye standing by the bed and looking at Ling Yue, who was in a deep coma, everyone began to study the copper block removed from Ling Yue's wound.

The copper block stained with flesh and blood was placed in a porcelain plate and held by a medical woman.

"Liu Yao, you have studied it for a long time, but what's the conclusion?"

"To the emperor, according to Weichen's opinion, this should be some kind of hidden weapon." Liu Yao replied.

"Dark weapon? Well, that's reasonable. This hidden weapon is not sharp. If you want to break it into the human body, you must need strong internal force.

"Your Majesty is wise."

"That's it. I'll go back first. Take good care of the princess. If anything goes wrong, come to see me with your heads.

"Weichen obeys the order."

Due to the cliffs on the four sides of Yiyun Mountain, the only east entrance is also guarded by heavy soldiers. It has been used as a hunting place for the royal family of Xia for thousands of years, and there has never been any dangerous event. Therefore, the whole guard of Yiyun Mountain can be said to be tight outside and loose inside, because no matter who, even the decision master in the world can't cross the steep dodge on three sides. According to Ouyang Wan, even the bald monk of the State of Chu can't do it. Because of this, there is almost no warning in Yiyun Mountain.

However, thousands of years of relaxation came to an abrupt end after Ling Yue's injury. Xia Kang and Xia Wuchen each mobilized 5,000 elite soldiers to surround the whole Yiyun Mountain.

In addition, Ke Chengyang, the left capital of the Supervision Institute, also led ten subordinates to Yiyun Mountain for investigation.

From the prince to the palace maids are all subject to inspection. Even Liuye, who had been accompanying Ling Yue, was repeatedly checked by Ke Chengyang three times, and the last time he even carried out a body search, which was considered a complete violation of human rights in Ling Yue.

For a moment, everyone's heart seemed to be crushed by a boulder, heavy and unable to breathe.

Although Xia Kang and Xia Wuchen are very worried about Ling Yue's injury, what they need to do now is to lead the soldiers to search the mountain to prevent the assassin from being assassinated again. However, what made them shudder was not that Ling Yue was injured, but that by noon, the two still had no clue about the assassin.

As Liu Ye said, everything happened at the moment of the strange noise. It seems that all the clues and evidence disappeared with the loud noise.

In the forest, the sun is swaying. If that hadn't happened, Xia Wuchen would have lay leisurely on the soft grass and take a nap. But at this moment, he can only aimlessly search for assassins who have not yet been confirmed to exist.

However, although it is nominally a search, if others see Xia Wuchen's leisurely appearance, nine out of ten will think that he is wandering in the mountains and rivers. Of course, except for Ouyang Wan.

"Relame, aren't you just an assassin? Why are you so serious?"

"Are I serious? If others see my leisurely appearance, they must think that I am swimming in the mountains and rivers.

Ouyang Wan patted Xia Wuchen on the shoulder and said, "Oh, who let me be the roundworm in your stomach? Your scattered appearance is indeed like swimming in the mountains and rivers, but you can't hide it from me. What do you think about this matter?"

"It's weird."

"Ah, say something new. Those imperial doctors have said this word 800 times. If this is not strange, what else are we doing here? Do you want to pick mushrooms?"

Xia Wuchen smiled leisurely: "You're right. We are here to pick mushrooms."

"Eh? What kind of medicine do you sell in this gourd?

"It's not a good medicine anyway."

"I guess so! Stop laughing. Seriously, your emperor's father is really angry this time. The combined strength of you and the thousand-year-old iceberg face is 10,000, and even the boy of the supervisory court has been dispatched. After such a large battle, he has not even seen the shadow of the assassin.

"Who said he didn't see it? At least Liu Ye still heard a loud noise!"

"Big noise, I think it's a fart." Ouyang Wan suddenly drew his sword and saw a cold light suddenly appear, and a sapling with thick wrists fell to the ground.

Xia Wuchen stopped and said, "Are you crazy?"

"No crazy, not crazy. Everyone is crazy, and Ouyang Wan won't be crazy either.

"What didn't you do without drawing your sword and cutting down trees? They stood on the roadside to bask in the sun, but they didn't provoke you.

Ouyang Wan put away his sword and sighed, "I'm annoyed. As soon as I see the guy next to Ling Yue, I'm annoyed and I can't wait to kill him with a sword."

"flowing night? Where did he provoke you again?

"He didn't provoke me, but I just hate him. Alas, maybe I don't like people who are neither male or female by nature."

On the other side, compared with Xia Wuchen and Ouyang Wan, Xia Kang and Jing Wuying are not so leisurely. Although Xia Kang disdained this kind of search behavior that is close to the after the fact, he must do enough on the surface so that people will not fall behind.

Ling Yue should be out of danger.

Every time I think of the first meeting, I suddenly slapped him, and then the woman who rushed to the cold wind and drizzle, Xia Kang's heart became inexplicably warm. All these subtle changes did not escape the meticulous mirror, but he did not know that his general liked Murong Lingyue.

"General, shouldn't you be..." After half of the words, Jing Wuying stopped abruptly and smiled meaningfully.

"What? I'm just thinking about the assassin. Xia Kang knew that his mind had never escaped the blind eyes, but if anything else was okay, he did not want others to know about this kind of love, even if that person was the person he trusted the most.

"Haha, General, what else are you selling in front of me? The general is thinking about Prime Minister Li's beautiful daughter on time."

Xia Kang smiled and didn't explain anything.

"Sure enough, I'm right. I don't think you still have such a delicate side."

"What a bold man to make fun of General Ben." Although Xia Kang said so, he did not mean to blame him at all.

"Haha, no shadow dare, no shadow dare not." Jing Wuying said with a smile, "General, you have been on the battlefield for more than ten years, and it's time to get a family. Although the emperor wants to restrain the prince in the name of marriage this time, it has to be said that it is a good thing for us.

"No shadow, do you have a woman you like?" Looking up, the sun was as bright as broken gold, but Xia Kang's heart seemed to be covered with a thin fog, which was indescribably uncomfortable.


"Oh? Why have I never heard you mention it?"

"This kind of thing should be hidden in your heart. How can you say it when you see someone?"

Xia Kang became interested and asked, "Which woman can make you hide in your heart and cherish it so much?"


"Why can't you even trust me?"

Mirror Wuying's eyes are heavy, but the heavy eyes are full of unspeakable regret: "She is a good woman, but unfortunately... It's a pity that she is a meticulous work."


"Famous prostitutes in the State of Chu, making shadows."

Ah? You actually fell in love with Dugu's concubine secretly.

"Silt, be quiet..." The mirror immediately looked around, but the soldiers did not hear it. "This is a secret, no, it's confidential, no, it's top secret, top secret."

"I didn't expect you to be fascinated by the famous prostitute of the State of Chu with a smile. Alas, it's a pity that I was too young at that time. Although I had seen a few times in my memory, I don't remember."

"I don't remember well, I don't remember well, so that I won't be sad."

Shaohua is like running water. He used to be young and frivolous. He always thought that the future would be long. Looking back, things had already changed, leaving a long sigh. The woman who looks like a fairy in Qiongyuan is enough to dump all sentient beings with just a glance.