The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 69 Marriage in the Rain

On June 30, there was a downpour, lightning and thunder.

Dark clouds are rolling in the sky, constantly pressing close to the ground. Li Rongrong, with a phoenix, is about to enter the nine-fold deep palace dreamed of countless noble women. Since Xia Kang said lightly that day that she would die, Li Rongrong seemed to have changed into a person and become silent.

Rain beads passed through the cracks of the curtain blown by the wind and wet the wedding clothes embroidered with Luanfeng and Ming patterns. The scene along the road was blurred by the rain. If it hadn't been for the rain, the streets would have been full of onlookers. And the flowers flying all over the sky will definitely hover above the clouds for a long time.

However, at this moment, only the continuous downpour accompanied her.

The phoenix walked to the palace gate and suddenly stopped.

Xia Kang was dressed in golden armor, his eyebrows were sharp, and he sat proudly on a horse as dark as ink. Behind Xia Kang stood a soldier also dressed in silver armor and holding a sword halberd. The silver armor glowed coldly in the rainstorm, like a large silver tide.

Li Rongrong once fantasized about countless fantastic weddings, but she never thought that she would marry into the palace in such a way, let alone her husband would greet her in such a way.

Lightly lifting the curtain of the sedan chair, Li Rongrong walked down the phoenix carriage and walked towards the man step by step.

Hate, she did hate when the man said such cruel words to her. At this moment, her heart is full of mixed feelings. Why is the handsome and resolute man in front of him like a huge mountain and river, which is frightening, but he wants to get close to know his real him?

Xia Kang stretched out his hand with a cold face.

Li Rongrong was stunned, and then held Xia Kang's hand stretched out to her. At that moment, Li Rongrong found that the hand was so warm, thick and powerful.

The rain wets the delicate makeup, and the soft green silk sticks to the face. Li Rongrong hugged Xia Kang with a ghost, his armor tentacles were cold, and he flew on the wide palace road.

In my ear, the wind roared by and the rain blurred my vision.

Why is it not her sitting behind her? Why is it not her who holds herself tightly and snuggles up to her? Xia Kang felt that there was a fire in his heart, constantly burning his reason. He was about to go crazy, so he could only greet Li Rongrong in a crazy way.

The horse stopped in front of King Kang's mansion. Usually, once the prince was crowned king, he would leave the palace, but Emperor Xia especially allowed him to stay in the palace. Xia Kang looked up at the plaque hanging on the lintel, and suddenly felt that the magnificent royal palace seemed to recognize a cage and trapped him in it and could not escape.

The feeling of galloping horses has long been far away, and even though the palace is prosperous, it can't fly freely.

Many times, Xia Kang feels that the palace is like a huge chessboard, with 19 paths. Everyone is a pawn on the chessboard, and I don't know when they will be discarded or involuntarily fight. If you were not a prince, what would you look like?

Faking off his horse, Xia Kang held Li Rongrong's hand tightly and strode into the royal palace.

There are no three arrows shooting sedan chairs, no wordy words of Shanggong, and no tedious and lengthy rituals. Xia Kang took Li Rongrong directly into the newly prepared new house.

The red candle shines brightly in the hall.

On the table are red dates, curtains, longan, and a golden title symbolizing good intentions.

Close the door, all the wind and rain are blocked outside the door, the room is warm, and the incense burner is slightly damp. Li Rongrong looked at Xia Kang with the same cold expression on her face. She saw anger in Xia Kang's cold eyes. It's like knowing a wounded tiger, but she can't understand where Xia Kang's anger came from.

Xia Kang didn't say anything and walked to Li Rongrong step by step.

While Xia Kang walked forward, Li Rongrong retreated step by step and finally retreated to ** full of petals. Li Rongrong had no way back. Potong, fall and sit **. Xia Kang fell down, and Li Rongrong instinctively closed her eyes. But it took a long time for her to open her eyes impatiently and find that Xia Kang was just staring at her so coldly.

Li Rongrong's breathing became more and more rapid with the passage of time.

For a long time, Xia Kang stepped back a few steps, walked to the table, and drank one cup after another. Soon, a pot of wine came to the bottom.

I don't know why Li Rongrong felt that Xia Kang was a little lonely in addition to anger.

After that, after a long time, the two were silent with each other like that.

I don't love you, so I will never touch you.

When Li Rongrong heard Xia Kang say that sentence indifferently, she finally knew where Xia Kang's anger came from and why he could let himself die so lightly.

There are already other women in his heart.

And there are already others in her heart.

Two people who already have their own hearts got married because of a decree. Whether the fate is ridiculous or the imperial fate is difficult.

You should be happy, so that you can still keep Xia Wuchen's seat in the purest place in your heart. But Li Rongrong was not happy, but had a sad feeling. That heart acidified into tears, and a big one slipped down his cheeks.

Xia Kang looked at Li Rongrong. He didn't know why Li Rongrong cried. In his opinion, Li Rongrong should be happy, but she cried.

Li Rongrong's tears fell silently, and the woman who galloped in the cold wind and drizzle came to Xia Kang's mind. It's not beautiful, but it can haunt her. Why did he have the courage to walk to Ling Yue's bedside and announce his love for Ling Yue to everyone like Xia Wuchen?

Every time he thinks of this, Xia Kang will be so sad that he wants to go crazy.

Ling Yue stood in the corridor, and the rain fell down the eaves like broken beads.

Her mood is unprecedented and unprecedented loss. The life that used to operate as high as a computer has long been far away, as if it were 18 floors away from hell. In this world, she has no use or power. Even if she likes Xia Wuchen, she is not sure whether it is true.

Just one meeting, Ling Yue felt that she liked Xia Wuchen, but she was not sure in her heart.

In the coral bushes made of reinforced concrete, there are aquariums in the city, and her soul has been dormant in the silent and surging sea for many years. With the passage of time, there is an increasing number of unstoppable wounds and desires.

What are people born for?

Liuye didn't ask the reason for Ling Yue's loss, or even who Ling Yue had ever been.

And he is also the only one who has seen Ling Yue cry.

I, Su Rou, don't live for men. That sentence was engraved in the heart of the night like a red-hot iron. What kind of Shanghai did this woman suffer so that she could live so coldly?


The long-lost name came out of a stranger's mouth, and Liu Ye felt that fate had made a big joke on him.

If there is no Murong Lingyue, then you don't have to hide in the dark forever and live a life like people and ghosts like ghosts. In his memory, he can always smell the fragrance of rhododendrons, and then a clear and gentle voice sounds in his ears.

Xiaoye is the most obedient.

My brother likes Xiaoye the most.

Xiaoye, will you disappear for the sake of your brother?

The face gradually blurred, and only the gentle voice often sounded in my ears. Since then, no one has called him brother, and no one has ever called him Xiaoye.

You are my brother.

Without warning, Ling Yue called him gently.

Unlike the voice in memory, Ling Yue's words always have irresistible but happy warmth. And the voice that sounded in my ear when I was a child, although gentle, was indescribably cold.

Just because he was too young at that time, he always naively thought that the coldness could be called gentleness.

Foshan birds broke through the sky and sang sadly. When did Liu Ye feel that it was all about his life? Whenever the sadness does not appear for a long time, he has a feeling of being abandoned.

However, now, he is afraid of the emergence of that kind of sadness. He was more afraid that Ling Yue would be hurt, so he practiced martial arts desperately and just wanted to protect her forever. As long as you look at it silently, you will be satisfied.