The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 82 Phoenix Weeping Blood

In the painting that makes everyone stare, there is a woman embroidered with a light golden cherry pattern palace costume on a black background. A tedious carved hollow phoenix hairpin is inserted in the delicate bun. The woman's eyebrows are beautiful and her skin is white. Although she is not beautiful, she is also beautiful. If you look closely, you will feel that the woman should have been like this. .

However, the most eye-catching thing is the woman's arrogant eyes. Even if it is just a portrait, people can still feel a strong sense of oppression. Xia Yan and Xia Wuchen are very familiar with that feeling. Whenever they visit their father, they will have that feeling.

Looking down at the world, he holds the power of life and death.

"Is it that the woman in this painting is the owner of this villa?" Xia Yan took a few more steps closer and looked carefully. The arrogance between his eyebrows was a little familiar. In a trance, he remembered the Dugulan who is now pregnant, yes. Sometimes, Dugulan will also have this kind of arrogance in her eyes. It's just that compared with the woman in the picture, it seems to be a little less decisive.

Ouyang Wan dragged his chin and replied, "It should be, but this woman's dress seems to be Xia's palace dress."

"What seems to be the palace costume of the State of Xia." Xia Yan said, "This palace costume is called Phoenix Weeping Blood. There are two pieces in the palace, one in the imperial mausoleum, and the other one is unknown. I don't know who was rewarded by the emperor's grandfather. Now it seems that the eight achievements are given to the owner of this villa.

"Why do you want Phoenix to cry blood?" An Luo asked.

"Many people will think that it is a falling cherry at first sight when they see the embroidered pattern on their clothes. In fact, it is the blood and tears of the Phoenix." Xia Yan helped Ling Yue approach the painting and explained, "Actually, this palace dress should be matched with a phoenix. Look at the phoenix's head, which means phoenix, and the pattern on the black palace dress is the blood and tears of the phoenix. Phoenix is reborn in a bath of fire, and once it cries blood, it will lose the opportunity to be reborn.

"Why does Phoenix cry blood?" An Luo continued to ask, "It's very unlucky to hear you say that Phoenix sobs blood. In this case, why is there such a palace costume?"

Xia Wuchen nodded and agreed: "You're right. Phoenix crying blood is indeed an unlucky symbol, but only the queen and the empress dowager can use the phoenix pattern. Although princesses, princesses or particularly favored women can also use the phoenix patterns in many canon ceremonies, that is not true. The positive phoenix is still different in embroidery. In other words, Phoenix's blood palace costume is prepared for the queen or the empress dowager. A hundred years ago, Queen Wenxiao was so talented that she had political courage and means that many men could not match. Gradually, Empress Wenxiao mastered the power of the whole court and incorporated the 27 cities of Shu and Cang into the territory of Xia.

"What happened later?" Ouyang Wan couldn't help asking, "Why haven't you heard of this history?"

Xia Wuchen smiled and said, "This is the secret of the Xia royal family. I also have nothing to do and accidentally found it in the library. Later, Empress Wenxiao was given poisoned wine by the emperor, and of course, she declared that she died of illness. After his death, he was buried in the imperial mausoleum and buried the phoenix weeping palace costume. The purpose is to make the soul of Empress Wenxiao unable to be reincarnated. It is said that the golden silk on the palace is mixed with the ashes of 108 Taoist monks to suppress the dead.

An Luo covered his chest and looked sad: "What a sad story. Is there something wrong with the emperor of your Xia Kingdom? The queen worked hard to calm down the country, but was finally killed by poisoned wine.

Ouyang Wan also echoed, "Yes, this is simply conscienceless."

Xia Wuchen and Xia Yan suddenly had a black line on their faces. It's okay to scold An Luo, but Ouyang Wan, as a minister of the State of Xia, scolded the first emperor of the State of Xia who had been buried in the imperial mausoleum.

Seeing Xia Wuchen and Xia Yan's pale faces, Ouyang Wan scratched his head: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Huh? Why is the girl who just led us in missing?

When Ouyang Wan said this, everyone found that there were only a few of them in the huge hall. The candlelight suddenly dimmed, the breeze, and the woman in the black palace costume in the painting couldn't help shivering.

"She said let's wait here for a while." Liu Yeyou said quietly.

In the dungeon, the lark curled up in the corner and quietly waited for the night to come, because then she could continue to saw up the iron fence. After wasted a day of escaping from death last night, including tonight, it will take three days to escape. However, there may be no need to cut it completely. If there is only a little left, you may be able to break the iron railing with all your strength.

After each saw, the lark will carefully put the railings back together. On the surface, it looks nothing, but in fact, as long as you use a little force with your hands, you can take them off.

seems to be earlier than usual, and two girls were used. Looking at the two girls dragged out, the lark thought so. Because usually, a girl will not be taken out until night comes completely and the moon rises over the treetops, but today, as soon as the sunset falls, two girls are taken out.

What happened? The lark shook its head. Now is not the time to guess what the monster is thinking. She must pay careful attention to everything around her. Since A Meng said in despair last night that she had a dagger hiding and wanted to escape, the lark became extremely nervous. But it seems that no one took Meng's words seriously, which made Lark very happy.

Standing before getting up and watching the twilight outside the window, suddenly, the lark widened its eyes and grew its mouth in horror. She wanted to turn around and run away, but she didn't even have the strength to take a step.

Outside the air window, she saw a bloodless, white face. No, it can't be called a face. It should be said that it is a pure white mask. The eyes are crescent-shaped and the mouth is also crescent-shaped. Seeing it in the twilight is really the same as a monster. Maybe even if it is a monster, it will be better than that white face.

After the stalemate, the lark only saw a slow white smoke floating into the bed, and then there was a ghost-like voice: "cover your mouth and nose."

The lark tried her best, covered her mouth and nose with her hand, and stared at the white smoke floating into the dungeon. Before long, the girl in the dungeon and the old man in charge of the guard seemed to have been spelled and couldn't wake up. When the white smoke dispersed, the lark carefully put down his hand covering his mouth and nose and asked softly, "Who are you?"

"Do you want to come out?" He asked with a white face.

The lark nodded: "You, can you get me out?"

The white face thought for a while and didn't say anything, but took out something like a cicada wing and pointed it at the last iron fence that had not been cut off. With just two times, the iron bar broke: "Hatch my hand."

The lark clung to the hand stretched out to her from the air window. It was a woman's hand, white and clean, but the palm felt slightly damp. With all her strength, the lark's body climbed out of the air window little by little. When she completely left the dungeon, she lay on the ground as if she were exhausted.

It was not a white face. It was clearly two people in black wearing white masks that appeared in front of her.

"You, why did you save me?" The lark slowly stood up from the ground and gasped violently.

"Come with me." Judging from the voice, she is a woman.

"Why did I go with you?" Lark didn't know why he asked this.

"If you don't go with me, just stay here."

"No..." When the lark saw that the two men in black were going to leave, they immediately chased after them. "Tell me with you. I won't stay in such a ghost place anymore."

"Then let's go."

Although the larks behind the two people in black are afraid, even if the two men in black will kill her later, it is better than dying in that kind of place. What's more, if the two want to kill her, why save her? Thinking of this, the lark's mood was a little relaxed.

"What time is this?" The woman in black asked.

"The seventh time."

Ah, it's the seventh time. I have never understood why he likes this kind of woman. Do you know?"

"You asked such a strange question again." The tone of the man in black seemed to be a little helpless. "Jiang Mozhu has inferred all the facts, and you don't seem to worry at all."

"It's useless to worry. I risked to kill her once when I was in Yiyun Mountain, but as a result, I suffered the same injury. The rules cannot be overturned casually."

"Strange rules."

"Hehe, if it's not strange, it's not the rule."

The lark didn't know what the two men in black were discussing. At this moment, she looked at the boundless night and couldn't help crying. She just wants to see her parents and sister as soon as possible. Go back to your relatives and forget what happened in Suhe Villa.