The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 92 Heavy Kitchen

Liu Ye walked into the kitchen, but he didn't know what to ask for a moment.

When the kitchen clerk saw Liu Ye standing at the door for a long time, he finally couldn't help asking, "Brother, who are you looking for?"


"Oh, you want to eat dumplings. Go to the front to order dumplings."

"I don't want to eat dumplings. I want to find someone who makes dumplings."

"Oh, I just went out. Well, as soon as he left, your back foot came in.

"My lady said that the dumplings here are delicious, so let me have a look." Liu Ye walked into the kitchen and saw a pile of shredded cabbage piled up miserably in the corner. Then he saw a fingerprint on a piece of pork and said with a smile, "This cabbage is really uniquely cut."

The clerk laughed and said, "This is also thanks to our Mr. Chu. He hasn't been staring at this dough all morning. He has to ask why the flour is white, and then brushed the cabbage with a few knives, and the cabbage will turn into cabbage foam."

Liu Ye pointed to the pork: "Why is there a hole in this pork?"

"Oh, Mr. Chu insisted that the pork had been filled with water and pressed hard with his finger on it, which made such a hole."

"The eldest son of Chu?"

"It's the person you're looking for to make dumplings. You said that this strange thing happens every year, and there are a lot this year. A good rich man doesn't do it. He has to go to this small shop to make dumplings, and he has to pay out of his own pocket to use some high-quality materials. You said this is not a palace, so what to pay attention to.

"When did Mr. Chu come here?"

"It's been half a year since I came here."

"Does he cook other dishes besides making dumplings?"

"Yes, the dishes in the restaurant are all made by Mr. Chu, but since Mr. Chu came, the business in our store is really good and can't be compared with before."

Liu Ye nodded: "Then why did Mr. Chu come to this cook?"

"I don't know that this hobby of rich people is different from ordinary people." The clerk suddenly asked doubtfully, "I said why you inquired so much?"

Liu Ye said righteously, "Continent on kneading the dough. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. How can there be so many words."

After saying that, he left a very handsome back to the guy.

"What kind of person is this?" The man's head is full of black lines, and he bows his head and continues to face.

It's just that Liu Ye just took a few steps out and saw Ouyang Wan coming towards him angrily: "Louye, why are you here?"

"The princess asked me to ask about the dumplings."

"So you also came to ask about dumplings. Just in time, I'd like to see which bastard made my favorite dumplings so bad." After saying that, Ouyang Wan walked into the kitchen angrily and said, "Come out of the dumplings."

With this roar, all the guys suddenly looked up and looked at Ouyang Wan. One of the short-sighted guys said, "This grandpa is very angry."

"Where's your talented grandfather? I, Yushu, is in the wind, and I have been pressing begonias with pear blossoms. Where is grandpa? Do you have bad eyes?

The kneading man said, "This gentleman, Ah Qi's eyes are not good. Your adult has a lot."

Although I don't know who Ouyang Wan is, I don't know whether the sword in my hand is old or how the white hair is, so I know that the identity is not simple.

"To be honest, who made that plate of shrimp dumplings?"

"Oh, you are also here to find Mr. Chu. He just went out. What's wrong with shrimp dumplings?

Ouyang Wan roared: "What mushrooms are there in the shrimp dumplings? There is something wrong with your brain. Let's go at night.

"Where are you going?"

"Find the psychopath who likes to put mushrooms in shrimp dumplings." Ouyang Wan just turned around and suddenly turned back to the kitchen. He pointed to the cabbage in the corner and said, "What's wrong with this cabbage?"

The kneading man said, "Mr. Chu's masterpiece."

Ouyang Wan stared at the cabbage for a long time: "The knife is good. When will this person appear in the world?"

"Look at the meat." Liu Ye said.

"What meat?"

Liu Ye picked up the pork from the chopping board and put it in front of Ouyang Wan.

"I went. Who is so immoral and poke a hole in this meat?" Ouyang Wan turned his attention from cabbage to pork, stretched out his index finger and pressed it. "I'm wondering if I should practice martial arts well. Liu Ye, you can press it and have a try."

Liu Ye stretched out his index finger and pressed down on the pink meat.

Three pits appeared on the good pork, and Ouyang Wan's face was a little cramped: "Crazy, I'm going to practice."

"Didn't you go to see Mr. Chu?" I threw the pork on the chopping board at night.

"Yes, I was hit too hard." Ouyang Wan patted Xia's forehead and said, "Let's go and find someone."

"Are you looking for me?"

While talking, Chu Xuan leaned against the kitchen door, holding two chickens in his hand - chickens that had been pulled bare but were still alive.

"You..." Ouyang Wan rushed to Chu Xuan with an arrow step, "Is that you put mushrooms in the shrimp dumplings?"

Chu Xuan nodded and waited for Ouyang Wan to continue talking.

"What's wrong with your brain? What mushrooms do you put in the good shrimp dumplings?"

"I didn't put mushrooms, I put mushrooms."

"It's all the same." Ouyang Wan's eyes fell on the two chickens in Chu Xuan's hand, "Why doesn't this chicken grow hair?"

"The hair has been plucked."

Ouyang Wan squatted down and looked sympathetically at the two chickens that were clucking and pulled out feathers: "Tut, the legendary Ling Chi's death is not so cruel."

"If Ling Chi is executed, Ling Chi will be executed. Why add a legend?" Chu Xuan held two chickens and threw them into a dark-looking jar. "What's the matter with you looking for me?"

"My lady said that the dumplings were delicious, so let me order more plates." Return at night.

"Bai Mao, what are you looking for?" Chu Xuan asked.

"I said, why do you put mushrooms in shrimp dumplings? Oh, no, it's mushrooms."

"Oh, just don't let it go next time. Is there anything else?"

"It's all right."

"If you have nothing to do, go back."

"Oh." Ouyang Wan walked out of the kitchen calmly. After walking for a while, he suddenly said to Liu Ye, "Lou Ye, why do I feel a little blocked?"

Liu Ye said lightly, "Drink vinegar."

"What do you do with vinegar?"

"Aren't you blocked? Drink some vinegar to relieve your food."

"I don't mean that. I just feel a little uncomfortable looking at Mr. Chu. By the way, I also think you are a little uncomfortable.

Liu Ye thought for a moment and said seriously, "It's normal. In terms of appearance, Mr. Chu is better than you. In terms of martial arts, he is also better than you. It's normal for you to be jealous of him."

"Then why don't I like you?"

Liu Ye thought about it again and said seriously, "It's normal that my martial arts are better than you. The most important thing is that many people are usually disliked by neuropathy, and most of them hate mushrooms, and sometimes even mushrooms."

" Liu Ye, after hearing your words, I feel even more blocked." Ouyang Wan was extremely serious and said calmly, "Lu Ye, let's go and fight."

"I don't fight with psychopaths, ah, I remember, the princess is still waiting for me to go back."

In the kitchen, Chu Xuan kept pouring all kinds of seasonings into the black jar. Suddenly, he picked up the pork on the chopping board and looked at it for a long time: "Why are there two more holes in this meat?"

The man who was still rubbing the dough said, "It was made by the man who was not male or female and had gray hair."

"Oh." Chu Xuan lowered his head and studied the pork for a long time, and then ploped, and the pork was thrown into the black jar. With the lid on, Chu Xuan slowly walked to the pile of cabbage in the corner, "Cabbage, cabbage, why are you called cabbage?"

The dough-kneading man shook his head and whispered: Mr. Chu is sick again.

After looking at it for a long time, Mr. Chu, who was sick, found a dustpan and a broom from nowhere. He carefully swept the cabbage, then carefully threw it into the pigsty in the backyard, and then slowly returned to the kitchen. Suddenly, he rowed in the air and pressed it on the table with one hand: "The kitchen is heavy, and idle people are not allowed to enter in the future. Fatty, go write a sign and hang it at the door.

"Cunzi, I can't write." The fat man who rubbed his face said.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot. Come on, I'll write it myself."