The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 94 Nine Agate

After Dugu Ba figured out a few words on Mu Jian 16 times, he finally understood that everything was just a conspiracy of the great and suspicious Xia Emperor to regain his military power. From the death of the crown princess Ke Ruyan to the transfer of Ke Wu, the Marquis of Ning, from the army, from his daughter Dugulan becoming a lobbyist, to Ke Wu felt that he had an alien and took the initiative to lead troops to secretly monitor. From the million army suddenly emerging from the State of Jin to the wooden simple in his hand at this moment, Duguba has to admire the person who came up with this series of strategies. I'm afraid that it is not the emperor who really made a plan. Even the emperor may not be able to think of such a tricky scheme.

The eyes fell on the last three words of the wood, Jiang Mozhu. It seems that all of us have ignored the existence of Jiang Mozhu, although as early as before, Duguba heard that General Feiyu of Cang Kingdom not only used troops like a god on the battlefield, but also a rare unicorn talent in the court. Unfortunately, Jiang Mozhu has never appeared in the Cangguo court for several years, and most of his deeds are just hearsay, so that people think that it is just an exaggeration of literati.

However, at this moment, on a hot summer day, there are gusts of wind blowing on Dugu Ba's back.

What kind of deal did Jiang Mozhu and Xia Di reach? Even if Duguba can connect all the clues together, he can get a reasonable truth. But he can't speculate about deeper things.

"You haven't been silent for a long time. Have you seen any famous scriptures?"

Dugu Ba sighed: "Marquis, let's just take it."

"What? Hand-tied? Are you crazy?" Ke Wu, who was sitting in the chair, jumped up directly, pointed to Dugu Ba's nose and scolded, "What benefits did the Jin people give you?"

Duguba held his forehead. He doubted how Ke Wu's head survived on the battlefield until now: "Marquis, don't be impatient."

"You have to be captured by me, and don't be impatient."

"This is the emperor's will. How can we not obey?"

Ke Wu looked puzzled: "What does the emperor mean?"

Duguba nodded repeatedly: "It is exactly what the emperor meant. The emperor wanted to recover his military power, so he let Jiang Mozhu plan a series of things."

Duguba analyzed all the details to Ke Wu one by one, but when he finished talking to Ke Wu, he began to regret it again. Because as the truth of the incident gradually surfaced, Duguba could obviously feel Ke Wu's anger.

"So, Ruyan's death was arranged by the emperor?"

This is exactly what Duguba is worried about. He wanted to find an excuse to fool him, but Ke Wu was not smart when he should be smart, and he was blind when he shouldn't be smart: "You can't say that. The death of the crown princess may be an accident."

"Accident? How can there be such a coincidence." Ke Wu sneered.

"Marquis, now we are with knives and can be slaughtered. There is no other way but to be captured." Duguba paused and said, "I know you have a good relationship with Shu, but who can guarantee that Shu will try its best to help you. It's better to hand over the military power here, and maybe it can be preserved.

"No." Ke Wu's chest fluctuated violently, and it was obvious that his mood had been extremely angry. "It's better to be broken than to be complete."

"Marquis, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your son Chengyang."

"Well, at worst, let Chengyang resign."

"It's easy to resign. How should Chengyang explain to the president of the supervisory institute?"

Ke Wu was suddenly stunned. Although he was a marquis of a country with 500,000 military power, he had no doubt that if the dean of the supervisory institute wanted to kill him, it was just a matter between turning hands: the supervisory institute... dean.

"Exactly, if you really defect, even if you pass the emperor's level, you may not pass the dean's level."

"General, the pigeons are ready." With that, a soldier entered the tent with a pot of fragrant braised pigeons.

"Go out and feed the dog." Ke Wu waved his hand, and he was not in the mood to taste the pigeons at this moment.

"Don't waste it, put it on the table." Duguba said.

"Dugu, are you really sure that this is the emperor's will?" Ke Wu showed doubt, "In this case, what role did Jiang Mozhu play in it? I always feel that the boy is not a good thing."

"Jiang Mozhu, I'm afraid it has become the second Xiao Ruyan."

"It's impossible. He is a prisoner of Cang Guo. How can he become a staff soldier?"

"Ha ha, the Cang Kingdom no longer exists. Today, Jiang Mozhu is a Taige university scholar of the State of Xia, and it is also reasonable to plan the world for the emperor." Duguba said, "It's just that this person is too feminine and shady. If he is an enemy, it's really terrible."

Ke Wu showed contemptuous face: "How can you be afraid of a dying man?"

"The person who is about to die? If it's really a dying person, it's even more terrible. Duguba looked carefully at the wooden slip in his hand, and then turned the wooden slip back. He saw a line of beautiful words above and wrote, "If you accept the emperor's kindness, the golden soldiers will retreat immediately. Please write the answer on the wooden slip and send it back by the carrier pigeon."

Ke Wu pointed to the plate of braised pigeons on the table: "Let this pigeon send it back? Are you kidding?"

"If it hasn't been braised, it shouldn't be a joke."


The nightingale crows for the first time, and the flowers fall all over the ground.

Drunk and listening, the horizontal flute sounded like breaking the intestines. In the imperial garden, the pool is sparkling, and the fragrance is gently blowing with the night wind.

After the song, the crisp applause broke through the air. Li Jinglue held the wine pot in his left hand and staggered slowly: "Wonderful, Your Highness, this song is really soft."

Xia Chen stroked the jade flute and a smile slipped through his lips: "Why did Prime Minister Li use wine to relieve his worries?"

"Ha ha, it's not to relieve my worries with wine, but to have nothing to do. Take a few drinks and a few drinks." Li Jing looked up a few times and looked resentful, "It's going to change, it's going to change."

Xia Chen turned his eyes to the full moonlight: "The sky is always the sky. Occasionally, people think that the sky has changed. But I don't know that this day has never changed since Pangu opened the world.

"Since it hasn't changed, how can it be cloudy, sunny, rainy and snowy?"

"The reason why there will be cloudy, rainy and snow is just a fantasy. In the final analysis, genius is unchanged." Xia Chen's voice was slightly lazy, and it seemed that he never woke up. "It's already so late, ah, it's time to go to bed again."

Looking at Xia Chen's distant figure, Li Jing's face was slightly solemn.

"Li Cheng." A slightly green voice sounded.

"Nine Princess?" Li Jing took a deep breath and tried to get rid of drunkenness.

" Prime Minister, you are drunk." Xia Xin smiled and said, "In this case, I'll come back to you another day when the Prime Minister wakes up."

"What's the matter with the ninth princess looking for Weichen?"

Xia Xin tilted her head: "The Prime Minister is drunk, can you still remember what I said?"

"Ha ha, Weichen just had a few drinks and was not drunk. What's wrong with the ninth princess looking for Weichen?"

Xia Xin took a string of crimson agate from her neck: "Do you recognize this?"

"Nine Xuan agate is worth a great value."

"Yes, this agate is produced from Wanyuan Mountain in Shu. How can it be worth Liancheng? It is one of the seven treasures in the world, and Jiuxuan agate ranks fourth. Now, I will give it to Prime Minister Li.

Li Jing's eyes have changed continuously. There are not a few people who want to be attracted to the power, but he has never thought that the ninth princess will have something to ask him: "Princess, your words are important. If you have anything, if you can help, you should do your best. Jiuxuan agate is a precious thing given to the princess by the emperor. I hope the princess will not hurt the emperor's heart.

"Since my father rewarded me, that's mine." Xia Xin said, "I hope that the Prime Minister can protect my brother in the future. As a promise, I promise that no matter what happens in the future, I will save you once."

"Hehe..." Li Jing didn't say anything, but smiled a little awkwardly. If a colleague who is also deceitful tells him that, he can come up with 99 ways to deal with it, but it is only a 14-year-old girl who says this to him now.

"Does Prime Minister Li think my words are funny?"

"Don't dare, dare. It's cold here. Princess, you'd better go back to rest early.

"Your Excellency, you have to protect your brother no matter what." Xia Xin couldn't help putting Jiuxuan agate on the ground, stepped back a few steps, and looked a little cold. "Your Excellency, of course, you can take my words as a joke today, but I think one day, when you cook, you will be glad to have this promise with me.


"Li Cheng, I'm serious. The situation in the imperial court is unpredictable, and no one will know what will happen in the future.