The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 99 Conspiracy

The palace veil is hanging, and the garden is full of fragrance. The scorching light will disappear in a flash.

The pain of losing her son made Dugulan seem to be ten years old overnight, although she was still charming, but a little less fierce as before. Plain clothes, slightly pink, soft green silk into a simple bun, inserted with dark green jade hairpin.

The imperial edict should go out of the palace and will probably go to his father soon. It's just that this action is too fast. When Jiang Mozhu made a deal with her before, she didn't feel anything. But at this time, there was a trace of melancholy in her heart. Thinking about it, his father spent his life in the battlefield, but ended up with the tragic end of handing over his military power.

However, this is not what Dugulan is most worried about. Since a few days ago, there have been rumors in the court that the prince is about to be abolished. Emperor Xia did not say anything about this, just as if he did not know. But as the saying goes, there will be no cavitation, and there must be something wrong.

"Li Changle, what news have you found?"

Li Changle is dressed in gray, which is a little more arrogant than before: "There are rumors that..."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Some people say that the emperor intends to pass the throne to King Kang, so he intends to abolish the prince."

"It is impossible. The emperor will never pass the throne to a concubine." Dulan's tone was resolute. In the state of Xia, where the law is strict, the son of a concubine can never inherit the throne. "A decade ago, King Qi was the best example."

"That's because the president of the Supervision Institute came forward to stop it. If the dean hadn't come forward, I'm afraid that sitting on the dragon chair today would not be the emperor today." Li Chang's tone was indifferent and said, "In fact, like the rivers and lakes in the court, they all rely on strength to speak, just like the crown princess. Although you are a concubine, you can still sit in the position of the crown princess."

"Although it's just a concubine, you can still sit in the position of the crown princess..." Dugulan lowered her head and gently stroked the white jade ring on her finger.

"I don't mean to offend you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm just thinking that this princess's seat is really too easy to come..."

"If you're okay, I'll leave for the time being."

"Ye, you find a way to stare at the prince. I always feel that things are a little strange."

After Li Changle left, Du Gulan repeatedly thought about what Li Changle said. Although he was a concubine, he could still sit on the position of the crown princess. Thinking about it carefully, she seemed to have done nothing, so she easily sat down as the crown princess.

Previously, Emperor Xia and Dugulan reached an agreement that after the death of the crown princess, if Ke Wu had the intention to raise troops, as long as she could persuade Duguba to send troops to suppress it, she could get the position of crown princess. But the truth is that after some persuasion, her father had no intention of sending troops at all.

What's more strange is that after that, Ke Wu did not raise troops against the palace, but only transferred the army to the vicinity of Shu. Similarly, Duguba automatically asked to follow secretly in order to prevent Ke Wu from holding his troops.

From beginning to end, she, Dulan, seemed to have done nothing, but easily sat on the position of the crown princess. Is this kind of thing really possible?

Jiang Mozhu wanted to restore the country with the help of the prince's power. Although it sounded reasonable at that time, Du Gulan felt that there were many doubts in it. Jiang Mozhu has the military charm of the Nangong family, which is enough to show that he also has some forces in the Xia Kingdom. Although the Cang Kingdom has perished, there are still extremely powerful residual forces. Those forces are only temporarily dormant, waiting for a person who can lead them one day.

At this point, Dugulan had to admire Emperor Xia. At the time of execution, it was just a cover for Ling Yue to watch. Emperor Xia's real goal was to make Jiang Mozhu, who could mobilize most of the army of Cang Kingdom, become a traitor, so that he could greatly reduce the situation of Cang Kingdom. Force. At this point, Emperor Xia's plan can be said to be impeccable.

However, even so, as long as Jiang Mozhu raised his arms and shouted, he would certainly be able to make countless warriors respond to it. Isn't this better than to rely on the prince?

Xia Kang was crowned king, Ke Ruyan, and Empress Yun died one after another. His father and the Marquis of Ning were deprived of their military power. As a prince, he had to go to the faraway country, and the child in his stomach also died inexplicably... All the seemingly irrelevant things eventually pointed to a person - Xia Yan.

Is it true that the emperor is going to abolish the prince? Are you going to set up another crown prince?

Although the prince holds the power of the court, he is still very measured. He has definitely not reached the stage of threatening the throne. It is impossible for the emperor to abolish the prince because of this. In this case, there must be another reason.

Wait, will Queen Yun suddenly die? Is it true that the problem is Queen Yun?

Forget it, unprovoked speculation will only make you upset. Dugulan forcibly expelled the suspicion from her mind.

Now, Dugulan only hopes that Xia Yan can come back safely.


In the court, Emperor Xia sat on the golden dragon chair and did not arrogantly.

"Dear ministers, what suggestions do you have for the position of queen?"

"Your Majesty, Weichen believes that the right-age women should be selected from the family of the four princes." The speaker is Dongfang Chong, the prime minister of Zuo, who is the brother of Queen Yun. Because the foreign relatives could not engage in politics, the left minister was basically in a semi-hidden state in the court.

"Weichen disagrees with the words of the left prime minister. Weichen believes that since we want to choose the queen, we should choose the right woman from the famous Linyun family." Another minister took a step sideways and said, "And Weichen believes that in order to prevent foreign relatives from interway in politics, women should be selected from noble families."

"What's your opinion, Prime Minister Li?" Xia Di asked in a low voice, not distinguishing between joy and anger.

"To the emperor, Weichen agreed with Shen Zhiyuan's words that the queen should choose the right woman from the Linyun nobles, but in order to avoid foreign relatives interling in politics, we must carefully consider it."

"Okay, in that case, you are responsible for this matter. Retreat."

Hundreds of officials filed out, and the East looked up at the blue sky and couldn't help sighing. It seemed that the emperor was wary of the Dongfang family. However, his sister did not give himself the two charms of the East and the Ximen family before she died. Who was in the hands of those two charms?

"Lord Oriental, why don't we go to a bar?" Dongfang rushed back, but it was Li Jinglue. Seeing that Dongfang Chong had not answered for a long time, Li Jing smiled and said, "Lord Dongfang, are you angry about what happened just now?"

"No." Dongfang replied coldly.

As the elder brother of Queen Yun, the prince and the seventh prince born by Empress Yun are the direct prince, and Li Jingluo also supports the prince. Therefore, they are allies, at least before Li Rongrong became the princess. However, just now, Li Jinglue did not help himself, but agreed with Shen Zhiyuan's words. How could this not make him angry?

"Ha ha, Lord Dongfang, let's go to a bar, so that you will feel much better."

Close to Pyongyang Street, in a less famous tavern.

"Lord Dongfang, I was forced to go up just now." Li Jing picked up the glass and said, "Actually, how can I feel good? The prince has grown up since I was a child. You also know how much effort I have spent in so many years. However, the canonization of the queen is the emperor's own business, so it still needs to be done according to the emperor's wishes.

Dongfang rushed to take up the wine glass, but put it down: "Now, my Dongfang family is in decline."

"Lord Dongfang, this is wrong." Li Jing said with a slight smile, "The emperor will leave the selection of the queen to me from the famous family in Linyun but can't have any political background. Do you know what this means?"

Dongfang Chong shook his head: "What does it mean?"

"It means that an easy-to-control queen is about to appear..." Li Jing took another drink and said, "We must firmly hold the new queen in our own hands. In this way, it doesn't matter who sits on the queen's position. The reason why I praise Shen Zhiyuan on the court is actually helpless. If the emperor insists on choosing a queen among the powerful people in Linyun, our situation will be even worse.

Dongfang rushed to raise his head, looked at Li Jinglue, and smiled for a long time, "You and I live together, but you are much more resourceful than me."

Li Jing smiled slightly and said, "It's not an old plan. This is called planning for a rainy day. Don't dig a well when you are thirsty."

"It's reasonable, it's reasonable." Dongfang Chong couldn't help sighing in his heart that the reason why he sat as prime minister depended entirely on his family and his sister. However, Li Jinglue has achieved today's position from a small seven-grade official without the help of any royal relatives.