The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 102 Absolute Four-dimensional

Through the courtyard and corridor, Ling Yue felt that a fire was slowly burning in her heart, but finally disappeared with a bitter smile sliding through the corners of her mouth. What on earth are you resenting? The world is absurd, so why bother yourself? Even strange things like the vampire Elizabeth can appear in this world. I'm afraid there is no need to be too shocked if there is anything else in the future.

Maybe Elizabeth should not be killed. Ling Yue frowned slightly. At least from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want her hands to be stained with blood. However, Elizabeth must die. She can't let Xia Wuchen know that the president of the supervisory institute is herself. In fact, it may be nothing to know. But I don't know why, at that time, she just wanted to hide Xia Wuchen and not let him know

But now, Xia Wuchen and Su Rou have met alone, and Ling Yue can't be sure what Su Rou said to Xia Wuchen that night.

Stop, Ling Yue suddenly turned around, with a shining water in her eyes: "No dust..."

"What's wrong?"

Ling Yue bit her lower lip gently and seemed to hesitate, but after a moment, she resolutely raised her head and her eyes were determined: "Dean, what did you say to you?"

Xia Wuchen was stunned and didn't seem to expect that Ling Yue would ask him this question: "Didn't I say that? The dean didn't say anything to me."

"I don't believe it." Five faint words condensed the air in an instant. Looking at Xia Wuchen's increasingly strange face, Ling Yue began to feel uneasy.

Xia Wuchen's lips are tight, changing his usual mild appearance. For a long time, Xia Wuchen said slowly, "Actually, that night, the dean played a song."

"The song?"

"It's the song you pulled at the flower banquet. She pulled the song all night and only said one sentence to me when she left." Xia Wuchen's eyes drooped and seemed to be a little lonely.

Ling Yue waited for Xia Wuchen to continue talking, but she didn't think that Xia Wuchen just looked at her with an almost pitiful look, and then silently turned around. Facing Xia Wuchen's distant back, Ling Yue shouted hysterically, "What did she say? Tell me what she said."

Xia Wuchen suddenly stopped and turned to Ling Yue with a backlight smile: "She said that she will die for the sake of her loved ones."

"Decidedly? Go to death."

"That's it."

Xia Wuchen lost his mind for a moment, walked slowly towards Ling Yue, and then gently held Ling Yue's cheeks in his hands and kissed her gently on the forehead: "Tell me, what are you afraid of?"

Ling Yue looked at Xia Wuchen in a staring way. She wanted to escape, because the most intolerable thing in her life was her pity. But this time, she wanted to indulge in the arms of the man who kissed her gently in front of her forever. It seems that there is something hot circulating in her eyes, and Ling Yue raised her head slightly to prevent tears from slipping down.

"Don't force me."

Xia Wuchen said softly, "Ling Yue, I know you are afraid. From the first time I saw you in the court, I knew you were afraid. You made Li Jing slightly angry and speechless, but I still saw your helplessness and confusion. At the flower banquet after that, your song sounded enough to make people heartbroken. In Suhe Villa, when you let Liuye kill the woman, although your expression was indifferent, your eyes were full of fear, and since I met the dean, your fear has turned into despair. Ling Yue, tell me, what are you afraid of?

"You won't understand, you won't understand." Ling Yue broke away from Xia Wuchen, but found that her hands holding her arms were so solid and powerful. "Don't force me, Wuchen, don't force me."

"Tell me." The killing's face was a little angry, and his tone was as painful as the cold wind. At that moment, Ling Yue felt in a trance that what was in front of her was not the light seventh prince.

"Who are you?" Ling Yue's eyes trembled slightly, but there was an uncontrollable excitement in her heart. Seeing Xia Wuchen not talking, a smile rose on her lips: "This is you, this is the real you. Yes, yes, those gentle appearances are all disguised. You have ambitions and ambitions to control the whole world, but you are afraid that your hands are stained with blood, so you deceive yourself and tell yourself that you don't want anything, making everyone think that you are a useless prince who does nothing. Ling Yue stretched out her hand and gently pressed it on Xia Wuchen's heart.

"Forget it, since you don't want to say that I won't force you." Xia Wuchen turned around again, but was pulled by Ling Yue.

"No dust, do you believe that there is such a thing as traveling through time and space in this world?"

"Crossing? Time and space?"

"I'm not from this time and space, can you understand?"

"Time and space?"

Looking at Xia Wuchen's doubtful eyes, Ling Yue sighed in her heart: "This explanation is too troublesome. Go to the room and talk about it."

After an hour of lengthy explanation, Xia Wuchen finally understood what Ling Yue said about crossing time and space, and knew that the real Murong Lingyue had died, and Ling Yue in front of him was another person.

"Do you understand?" Ling Yue smiled bitterly and said, "If you let me talk for another hour, I will collapse."

"You are not from this world, so what's your original name?"

"Su Rou."

"Su Rou, this name sounds better than your current name."


Xia Wuchen said seriously, "Really."

Ling Yue smiled, but then a trace of anxiety appeared on her face: "Wuchun, you understand what I just told you, but what I'm going to say next is more complicated. Do you want to know?"

"Ye." Xia Wuchen nodded.

Ling Yue has been thinking for a long time. She doesn't know how to describe artificial intelligence to Xia Wuchen. If it's just time travel, then as long as she explains patiently, the other party can still understand. But this kind of thing involving the fourth-dimensional space is completely equivalent to talking about the book of heaven. Because in the final analysis, even Ling Yue herself doesn't understand what's going on.

According to what Jiang Mozhu said to her before. The first person who crossed into this time and space, the final end was to be killed by Xia Wuchen, who became the emperor, with poisoned wine, but after drinking poisoned wine, he accidentally touched the most critical treasure box of the whole game, thus crossing to this time and space 40 years ago. Then time kept passing, and the second himself crossed to this Time and space. Then the incident was repeated, and the second Ling Yue was also given death with poisoned wine, but he did not get the treasure box as before, so the body was placed in Cangguo. By analogy, Su Rou is the seventh traveler at this moment.

Ling Yue once asked Jiang Mozhu what would happen if he didn't die.

The answer is that if she is not given poisoned wine, then this time point in time and space will continue to move forward, and then Su Rou, the first to get the treasure box, will also die. In other words, the time of this game has been stale between 40 years ago and Ling Yue's poisoned wine. It's like a straight road with two more walls suddenly. You can only go back and forth in the middle section and can't move on. Therefore, if Ling Yue can survive, then she can break the breakpoint of time and space, and the story will continue to happen, otherwise the time will continue to return to 40 years ago as before.

In addition, Ling Yue also had doubts about what Jiang Mozhu said, that is, since six of them have traveled to this time and space before, whether six Gu Li should have traveled to this time and space. The answer was negative. Jiang Mozhu told him that the game was set by Gu Li. Although he was Gu Li, to some extent, he only had Gu Li's memory, not his soul, so even Jiang Mozhu himself did not know who he was.

Originally, according to the plan, Gu Li will stay in the game forever as Jiang Mozhu until the characters in the game die, and all memory fluids will find the next suitable candidate according to the data.

But Ling Yue's time travel was an accident, which disrupted the setting of the whole game's time and space, which was also a headache for Jiang Mozhu. Therefore, every time Jiang Mozhu died, he would go back to more than 20 years ago, and his timeline was fixed from 20 years ago to his death.

If you tell Xia Wuchen all the conclusions, Ling Yue feels that it is impossible, because even she herself does not quite understand the meaning of so-called artificial intelligence and time.

Ling Yue vaguely remembered that Gu Li once said that we are creatures living in the fourth dimension space. In addition to space, we also exist on the timeline, but we must follow the law of time flow, that is, causality. If you boil water, the water will be hot. So we can only move forward with the flow of time, not reverse, but there are absolute four-dimensional creatures, creatures that really exist in four dimensions, just like we live in three-dimensional space. That is to say, part of its body is not three-dimensional structural, but immaterial. Absolute creatures can survive regardless of any environmental conditions and survive beyond the boundaries of the environment, but the boundaries of four-dimensional organisms are larger than that and can be ignored regardless of cause and effect...