The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 107 Only for tea tasting

Xia, 31 years, on the first day of September. The princess passed away. Although it is recorded in the history that Dugulan died of illness, according to wild history, Dugulan was inexplicably missing, and the Xia royal family had no choice but to declare her death.

After Duguba and Ke Wu returned to Linyun, although they were still nominally the general of Zhenguo and the Marquis of Ningguo, their military power was cut off, which was really equivalent to house arrest.

After comparison with talent, knowledge and appearance, he finally chose Yi Yuan's daughter, Yi Chuguan, as the queen.

The State of Xia, 31st year, October 10th.

Wonized Yi Chuguan as Empress Dongguan, awarded the gold seal and the book. Hundreds of civil and military officials, the concubine ordered the wife to send a congratulatory gift in the Jiaotai Hall. The Queen's canonization ceremony.

In the vertical sun, Xia Wuchen and Lingyue arrived at Linyun.

After meeting Emperor Xia, he knew that Emperor Xia quickly called them back to the palace just to let them taste the tea attacked by Shu.

Spring warm palace, the fragrance of broken soul is refreshing.

Ling Yue twisted a piece of mung bean cake: "I said, is your emperor's father's brain water? This thousands of miles has made us come back just to taste the tea paid tribute by Shu?

Xia Wuchen smiled and said, "Why are you stained with Ouyang's habits and speak the same as him?"

"Originally, this is not the 21st century. It takes two hours to get there by plane. This is a thousand-mile road. Several horses have been killed. If you really want us to taste tea, you can send them to Yanzhou.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as tea tasting." Xia Wuchen turned over a page of the book, looked down and muttered, "The tea I drank from my father today..."

"What's wrong with tea?"

"I have tasted it once in Yanzhou."

"Eh? What do you mean?

"Do you remember the dean? That night, the dean pulled the song all night, and the tea brewed during this period was exactly the same as that drunk at his father's place today. Xia Wuchen raised his head and looked solemn, "I'm afraid it's not the father's intention to call us back, but the dean."


Xia Wuchen nodded: "According to what you said, the dean used to be you. In this case, can you know what the dean wants to do?"

Ling Yue put the last mouthful of mung bean cake into her mouth: "I don't know at all. But she won't die for a day, and I can't rest assured. Huh? Wuchen, what did you mean by the last time you said that the dean was going to die?

"The dean said that she was sorry for her brother, so she was ready to die."

"How to die?"

"How can I know so much? In fact, when you said that the dean was you, I didn't believe it at the beginning, but now I completely believe it."

"Eh? Why?"

"Your eyes are exactly the same as the dean, and your tone and look are exactly the same." Xia Wuchen said.

"Nonsense, of course it's exactly the same. Shit... I know why the dean recalled us." Ling Yue's face changed greatly.


"Key, I got the key at Suhe Villa. The key can open the six coffins of the imperial mausoleum of Cang. As long as the six bodies inside are destroyed, the dean will definitely die. Now, the dean used the emperor's order to recall us overnight, but he didn't want us to go to Cangguo.

Xia Wuchen put down the scroll and sat cross-legged on the mat: "But Jiang Mozhu said before that his father was going to kill the dean. In this case, how could he order us to recall us?"

"The emperor doesn't know that I have found a way to kill the dean, so I think the dean must have promised something to let the emperor recall us to the palace overnight."

"A promise to my father?" Xia Wuchen thought for a moment and said, "What did you promise?"

"I don't know about this. It's okay. Anyway, he can't kill me in less than three years."

Xia Wuchen's eyes fell on the flowing night that had been standing in the corner and couldn't help sighing, "How can you stand and fall asleep? It's very similar to my sixth brother."

"Seventh brother, what are you saying bad about me again?" While talking, Xia Chen pushed the door and entered, "Why don't you even have a guard in the spring warm palace? What if you meet an assassin?"

"Who will assassinate me, a useless prince, that's really indistinguity." Xia Wuchen smiled and said, "Sixth brother, don't you sleep in your Guanjiu Palace and come to me to eavesdrop on me and talk to Ling Yue?"

Xia Chen walked into the room and sat down cross-legged: "Where is eavesdropping? I obviously listen openly. The palace is getting more and more boring. Did you tell me what happened along the way when you came back this time?

"There are no interesting things, but I found a person who likes to sleep immediately as much as Brother Six."

Xia Chen coughed a few times: "Seventh brother, can you not expose my shortcomings?"

Ling Yue looked sideways and looked at Xia Chen: "Do you have narcolepsy?"


"I will fall asleep at any time."

Xia Wuchen said, "Brother Six was not like this when he was a child, but he accidentally fell off the steps when he was eight years old. Since then, he has fallen asleep easily."

Ling Yue said righteously, "Ah, that's really troublesome."

"It's not troublesome, but it's actually good." Xia Chen laughed.

"What if you suddenly fall asleep when you are relieved?" Ling Yue asked seriously.

Xia Chen took a deep breath, and there was obviously some trembling in his pupils: "Uh...this..."

"Ling Yue, don't make things difficult for the sixth brother." Xia Wuchen said.

Ling Yue saw Xia Chen's embarrassed face and smiled, "Haha, don't take it too seriously. Come on, I'll treat you to mung bean cake."

Xia Chen twisted the mung bean cake and swallowed it in one bite: "Is there any tea? I'm choked."

Xia Wuchen got up, handed Xia Chen a cup of plum juice, and then sat cross-legged on the mat: "Can't you eat slowly?"

"I have eaten very slowly. This mung bean cake sticks to my throat and refuses to go down." Xia Chen drank plum juice and patted his chest with his hand. "Let alone mung bean cake, I came here today to tell my seventh brother something."

"What's the matter with the sixth brother?"

"Father wants to choose a concubine for you."

"Choose a concubine?" Xia Wuchen and Ling Yue said in unison, "What kind of concubine?"

"My father summoned me to my third brother a few days ago, during which he intended to make a concubine for you. I heard that she seems to be a lady from an aristocratic family.

Without waiting for Xia Wuchen to look at Ling Yue, Ling Yue already smiled and said, "Wow, my Wuchen is going to accept the concubine."

"Eh? Seventh brother Nafei Lingyue, are you so happy?

Ling Yue smiled and said, "Of course you should be happy, Wuchen, are you happy?"

"Uh..." Xia Wuchen looked at Ling Yue in a daze. He didn't expect Ling Yue to laugh.

"Don't be in a daze, answer my question."

Xia Wuchen thought for a moment and said, "I can't say I'm happy or unhappy. After all, if the father really decrees, there is nothing he can do.

"Since you want to marry, you have to marry a prestigious person." Ling Yue said.

"Eh? Ling Yue, aren't you jealous?" Xia Chen was surprised.

"Jealous? Why are you jealous?" Ling Yue said, "If I am jealous, I can change the system of three wives and four concubines, then I am willing to drink away the whole world's jealousy, but the problem is that even if I drink up the whole world's vinegar, I can't change the imperial edict, don't you think? What's more, this matter has not been decided yet. It's meaningless to speculate here before. As the saying goes, the plan can't catch up with the change. Who knows what will happen in the future!"

"Well said." Xia Chen twisted another piece of mung bean cake and swallowed it. Just as soon as he swallowed it, Xia Chen began to pat his chest hard, "Spe, choked to death."

Xia Wuchen held his forehead and got up again to bring a cup of plum juice for Xia Chen.

"Can't you eat slowly..." Xia Wuchen said.

As soon as Xia Chen wanted to speak, he was interrupted by Ling Yue: "I know what you want to say. You don't want to say that you eat too fast, but that the mung bean cake stuck to your throat, right?"

Xia Chen swallowed the plum juice and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, this mung bean cake is too sticky."

Xia Wuchen said helplessly, "This mung bean cake melts in your mouth, but you blame it for being too sticky. It's clear that you eat too fast and you can live by yourself."

Liu Ye opened his eyes and his eyes were a little dull. He slowly walked to Xia Chen, then squatted down and twisted a piece of mung bean cake from the plate and put it into his mouth. Then he slowly walked back to the corner of the wall, closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully.


"Brother Six, this is the person I said can sleep immediately like you. How about it? A few days ago, he slept while riding a horse."

Xia Chen looked sideways: "So was he just sleepwalking?"

"It should be." Ling Yue said.