The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 118 How to Know

Just as Xia Wuchen and Yi Chuguan were silent with each other, Qinlan slowly walked in with a tray carved with a phoenix pattern. Xia Wuchen glanced at Qinlan with the afterglow, and his heart suddenly thumped. He finally understood why he had a sense of déjà vu for Qinlan. The lazy pace and behavior were very similar to Dugulan, almost exactly the same.

It's just that Dugulan is so beautiful that people are always attracted by her appearance and ignore others.

Xia Wuchen took the teacup handed to her by Qinlan: "Thank you, Princess."

Qinlan raised her head and smiled: "Your Highness, what did you say?"

No hesitation, no surprise. Qinlan calmly like a pool of lake water. No matter what Xia Wuchen throws, it can't stir up a little ripple. But as for the underwater, it is unknown.

"Oh, nothing." Xia Wuchen did not intend to explain anything.

"Seven prince, why don't you sit down and enjoy the tea slowly?"

"Empress, there are still important things to do..."

"The seven princes don't ask about the government and send love to the landscape calligraphy and painting every day. Are you in a hurry to go back to accompany those ancient scrolls of calligraphy and paintings?" Yi Chuguan first smiled faintly, and then the smile turned into anger. "Seventh prince, I'm afraid it's impolite to stand and drink tea.

"This..." Xia Wuchen lowered his eyes, chose a chair near the door, sat down, and casually put the teacup on the tea table beside him. "I don't know what the Empress summoned her ministers?"

"I have just said that I just want to chat with the seventh prince."

"Chat is the result of relaxation. Now I'm too nervous to chat with the Empress. I'm afraid I can't do it reluctantly. I'm afraid I can only say some superficial words that don't convey words and ask the Empress to forgive me."

Yi Chuguan nodded and sighed slightly: "Since you are too nervous, you might as well drink some Ningshen tea specially prepared for you by this palace."

"Well, I have been feeling unwell recently, and the imperial doctor specially told me not to drink tea."

"Is it not appropriate to drink tea? Is it not appropriate to drink tea or not to drink the tea prepared for you by this palace?

"I'm really not feeling well and don't drink tea."

Yi Chuguan said, "That doesn't matter. Although this tea is Ningshen tea, it is made of midnight dew beads and served with honey. Even a newborn baby can drink it, so you don't have to worry about the seventh prince."

"Uh..." Xia Wuchen stretched out a slight touch on the teacup and then said, "This tea is too cold. My son's stomach is not very good. It's not suitable to drink something too cold."

"Qinlan, change the cup for Your Highness a little hotter, but don't be too hot, the temperature is suitable."

"I obey."

Xia Wuchen looked at Yi Chuguan's increasingly gloomy face and cursed Ouyang Wanlai in his heart. That guy won't go out for a drink and forget the business. In just a moment, Qinlan put a cup of warm tea on the coffee table: "Your Highness, please use tea."

"Uh..." Xia Wuchen picked up the teacup and suddenly shook his hand. Seeing that the teacup was about to fall to the ground, he was firmly picked up by Qinlan.

"Your Highness, be careful."

What a fast technique. Even Ouyang Wan may not be able to have such a fast skill. Is it true that he was really more careful before? In any case, it is impossible for Dugulan to return to martial arts, so Qinlan is not Dugulan, but just divine. It's just that now is not the time to study this. After taking over the teacup handed over by Qinlan again, Xia Wuchen knew that this cup of tea must be drunk.

"I want to see the queen, Qing and the princess." The voice of Zheng Shanggong came from outside the door.

"Princess Qinghe?" A trace of gloomy flashed at the bottom of Yi Chuguan's eyes, but his face was still soft. "Princess, please come in."

"Weichen, see the Empress." Ling Yue raised her chin slightly and did not perform the courtesy of seeing.

"Oh? You are Princess Qinghe. Why do you call yourself a minister in front of this palace?

"To report to the Empress, Ling Yue is now the president of the Supervision Institute. When she sees the Empress, she will naturally call her a minister. The emperor once decreed that except for the empress dowager and the emperor, Weichen can be exempted from etiquette when he sees anyone, so please don't worry too much about this kind of thing. Ling Yue turned sideways and looked at Xia Wuchen. "I have been waiting for you for a long time, but you actually hide with the empress to drink tea. It's too much."

"Uh, I forgot." Xia Wuchen looked apologeting, but that apology was indeed flat in Yi Chuguan's eyes. Xia Wuchen got up and bowed. "I have something important to do..."

Before Xia Wuchen finished speaking, Ling Yue took his wrist and walked out of the door, but when she was about to walk out of the door, Ling Yue suddenly turned around, her eyes were sharp, and she looked straight at Yi Chuguan: "Empress, your tea is very special."

Out of the Queen's Hall, Xia Wuchen breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Speak quickly, what's going on?" Ling Yue let go of Xia Wuchen's wrist and looked excited, "Why did you fight with your young stepmother? Tut, when I just went in, I was able to make a movie in a strange atmosphere.

"Where's Ouyang Wan?"

"Oh, that guy is fighting with Liu Ye. He asked me to come to the Queen's Hall to save you. Why did the Queen want to kill you? Also, what's wrong with that cup of tea? It tastes strange. It feels like poppy, which is the holy flower. Before you go to the Queen's Hall, ask Ouyang Wan to find a way to save you. Did you know that the Queen would be against you? Ling Yue's tone suddenly became cold, "Isn't the dean dead?"

"That's not the case." Xia Wuchen whispered.

"Then how can you predict and know that the queen is going to be against you?"

"It's not that I can predict, but..." Xia Wuchen paused and then said, "The queen is a masterpiece of the State of Chu."

"Detailed work by the State of Chu?"

Xia Wuchen nodded: "It's a long story. Go to my palace and talk about it slowly."

In the Qinghe Hall, Ouyang Wan looked sad and angry. He looked up at Liu Ye standing on the roof and said hatefully, "If you have the ability to stand there and don't run." As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Wan flew up to the roof, but he had just stood firm, but he saw that Liu Ye's toes were gentle and had reached the corner of the heavy eaves, standing lightly with one foot and the other foot hanging in the air.

"" Ouyang Wan cursed: "Do you belong to Liuye?"

"Ouyang bodyguard, why can't you even catch up with the bastard?"

"Damn..." Ouyang Wan jumped again and flew to the night.

But at the moment of Ouyang's evening action, Liuye's body fell back, like falling to the ground like fallen leaves, but at the moment when he was about to touch the ground, Liuye turned slightly and stood on the ground unharmed.

Xing'er and Yun'er, not far away, were stunned, and Fu Xiaoshun was also dumbfounded.

"Sister Xing'er, Liu Ye is so awesome."

Xing'er nodded: "Yes, martial arts are very good. I heard from the princess that Liuye's light skills are very powerful.

Xiaoshun looked envious: "When can I have Liuye's martial arts?"

"Ha ha, just you, come on." Lai Fu smiled and said, "You'd better learn how to make tea."

"Don't look down on people."

Ouyang Wan, standing on the corner of the heavy eaves, saw Liu Ye walking leisurely in the courtyard and roared, "Don't force me to make a unique move."

Liu Ye stopped, looked up and smiled slightly, "Oh? Ouyang bodyguard, do you still have a unique trick? I'd like to see it."

Spring warm palace, the fragrance of broken souls lingers in the air.

Because the weather is no longer as hot as midsummer, the mat on the ground has also been replaced by thin Qiu. Xia Wuchen has changed into an ink thin cloud gown and sat cross-legged. Ling Yue did not have the habit of sitting on the ground, so she just stepped on the thin Qiu barefoot and walked back and forth.

"Do you mean that Li Jinglue is also a detailed work by the State of Chu?"

"Yes, Chu's detailed work is all over the world, and even the dean has no way to completely eliminate it." Xia Wuchen said quietly, "Of course, my father didn't know these things."

Then why do you know? Did the dean tell you?

Xia Wuchen shook his head: "In fact, this is just a simple reasoning. At that time, Duguba married a famous prostitute in the State of Chu, and later it was confirmed that the shadow was a detailed work of the State of Chu. In the year when Duguba married the shadow, the champion of Xia Guo's imperial examination was Li Jinglue. It's just that no one knows that he met the official in charge of marking the papers a few days before the opening of the list.

"No one knows, don't you know?"

"After listening to me and smiling, the examiner was naturally moved by it. However, after Li Jinglue's top student in high school, the examiner died violently. In the following ten years, Li Jing, who had no political background or power, became the prime minister of a country. At the same time, he was also found to be the fine work of the State of Chu because he was hanged by Dugu Ba. Of course, there is no lack of Li Jinglue's figure.