The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 128 Why Do You Know


A place that everyone is afraid of, but with Ling Yue becoming the dean, that fear has faded day by day. People believe that the Supervision Institute will never have a second president, because Ling Yue is just a subjugated princess. However, as seven court officials were beheaded one after another, people began to feel that Murong Lingyue was not as weak as she looked. If this move only has a deterrent effect on court officials, then killing 12 top masters within three days will completely tell the whole martial arts that I am invincible in the world, and any of you will fight until you are convinced.

What made Ling Yue feel ashamed of was that the reason why Liuye killed the twelve top masters was because she didn't like them.

In the Supervision Institute, there is a clean and elegant study on the second floor.

There were countless books and materials on the table. Ling Yue read quickly and said, "Lu Ye, just because I didn't like them, so I killed them?"

"Yes." Liu Ye replied indifferently.

"Thanks to you, you can still be so careless. Why are you afraid that your enemies will come to you?"

"What are you afraid of when you have a sister? If those enemies come to you, you can bury them alive with money.

Ling Yue raised her head and sneered, "This can't be done. It's your sister's wish to be buried alive."

Liu Ye's eyes widened and looked incredible: "Sister, isn't your wish buried alive by gold? Why did it become silver? I almost forgot that Xie Tingyu asked you to drink in Centennial House at noon tomorrow.

"Thank you for listening to the rain?" Ling Yue's mind came to the young businessman of the same age as Xia Wuchen.

"Yes, he said he had something very important to tell you. Sister, I want to provide you with some information before you go to the appointment.

"What information, so mysterious."

"Xie Yinxue is back."

"Xie Tingyu's sister?"

"Um, it's just that Xie Tingyu came back a little strange this time." Liu Ye said, "Anyway, sister, you should be careful."

"Okay, what am I afraid of when you are at night?"

"That's right, but it's easy to hide, and it's hard to defend against hidden arrows. Sister, you still have to learn some martial arts to defend yourself."

Ling Yue waved her hand: "No, I don't have the talent to learn martial arts, and... hee hee, it's good not to learn martial arts." Ling Yue turned her head and smiled cunningly.

Liu Ye didn't know that the reason why Ling Yue didn't learn martial arts was just because she wanted to keep him by her side. If Ling Yue is also a master of decision, then what is the need for Liuye? Many times, being strong does not necessarily get what you want, so defects are necessary.

In a blink of an eye, it was a few days. Although Li Jing was reluctant, he still made a very detailed plan according to what Ling Yue said before. In order to get a plan that could get a million taels of silver, Li Jing slightly whitened his hair. But he didn't know that it took him more than ten days to make the plan, which Ling Yue could easily complete in just two hours.

is such a plan that makes Li Jing think she is perfect. Ling Yue just glanced at it and gently threw it on the table.

"It's too easy to do. Take it back and redo it."

Li Jinglu's accident was smooth, but when he heard Ling Yue's words, his face was still unconsciously gloomy: "Isn't this... detailed enough?"

"The details are detailed, but they are of no use at all." Ling Yue looked through the account book and didn't even raise her head. "The reason why she needs a plan is to be able to settle the accounts after autumn. You don't even know how to settle the accounts after autumn. Go back and do it again. Also, if you think it's too troublesome to put it on one book, just make a few more copies. Seeing that Li Jinglue didn't respond for a long time, Ling Yue raised her head and sighed, "Forget it, you come to me tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, go back."

After saying that, Ling Yue lowered her head and continued to read the account book.

"Weichen will leave first."

After Li Jing left with a gloomy face, he went straight to the Queen's Hall.

"Sister, you are so angry with Li Jinglue again." Liu Ye held a windmill in his hand and blew it gently.

"Eh? When did I get angry with him?" Ling Yue raised her head and looked puzzled.

"I heard that Li Jinglue asked him to make a report or a plan for his sister for more than ten days, but you just looked at him as if he were looking at useless things. Do you think he could not be angry?"

"But that thing is really useless, and I just asked him to go back and make a new one. Why is he angry?"

"It's right to let him redo it, but your attitude is too bad."

"What's wrong with the attitude?"

"It's arrogant. Anyway, Li Jingluo is the prime minister of a country. Sister, your attitude just now is too arrogant."

Ling Yue pondered for a moment and suddenly realized: "So that's it. I didn't expect that he was quite **, but if he was worried about this little thing, it proved that Li Jinglue was nothing more than that. But now is not the time to take care of his mood. There are so many things to deal with, alas..."

Li Jing wanted to go to the Queen's Hall, but when he was still some distance away from the Queen's Hall, he suddenly stopped because he saw Xia Chen enter the Queen's Hall. Then he decided to go another day. Many years later, Li Jing felt that if he could be a little alert at that time, he would not have died. Of course, those are all later words.

At night, a lamp is like a bean.

Ling Yue did not feel sleepy, but became more and more sober. She likes to deal with numbers, especially reading books. The feeling of mastering everything, accurate to three decimal places, is enough to make her crazy. Looking at the beautiful font on the account book, her mood is complicated and unspeakable. Although it was made by Su Rou, he could still faintly see the feeling of his writing.

Page by page, turn over and check until the fish belly is exposed in the east. Ling Yue gasped, lay on the table and fell asleep.

Suddenly, Ling Yue felt that her shoulders were warm. She thought it was Liu Ye, but she looked up and found that it was Xia Kang who was wearing clothes for her: "How did you... get in?"

Xia Kang was stunned and then smiled and said, "You don't have a guard in the Qinghe Hall. Those four slaves were raised by you. How can you know that someone came in?"

Indeed, as Xia Kang said, no slave in any palace can be more comfortable than that of Qinghe Hall. There is no need to complete the tricky task assigned by the master, and there is no need to be on standby at any time. You can get unexpected rewards every month. Even if you do something wrong, you will not be beaten. Such a comfortable job can indeed make people gradually forget their identity. Honor and inferiority.

"It was my negligence. What's the matter with the prince coming here?" Ling Yue sat upright and slightly cleaned up the books spread out on the table.

"Why, I can't come to you if I have nothing to do?"

"Yes, but we can't stare at each other, can you?" Ling Yue got up and said, "I'll get some tea."

"It's okay for the palace people to do this kind of thing for a long time. Why do you do it yourself?"

Ling Yue said, "You are too unkind. You have to sleep well, but you have to hold them up to make tea?"

"This kind of thing is within their responsibility, otherwise what's the use of raising them?" Xia Kang asked.

"It's a big mistake."

"What's wrong?"

"Their duty is not to drink tea when the master wants to drink tea, stand by the master when he wants to curse, and cry loudly at the coffin when the master dies, just like the death of their relatives."

"It's not these, but what is it?"

"Their duty is not to interfere."

"Doesn't it bother you?" Xia Kang muttered, "You mean not to interfere with what the master is going to do? This doesn't need special instructions. May I ask which slave dares to interfere with his master's affairs?

"Since ancient times, many times, the master's decisions have been made by the secret obstruction of slaves. You don't understand. In short, details determine success or failure, so you must not let others interfere with your thinking, whether that person is a slave or... your emperor's father."

Xia Kang's eyes are deep, like a pool of water: "Ling Yue, am I too careful?"

"Oh? Prince, did you think of something?

"It's not what I thought of, but what did you hint at me?"

Ling Yue smiled and said, "I just said that you can't let anyone control your thinking. How can you imply that you are too thoughtful?"

"Is it?" Xia Kang did not intend to continue the topic. He looked at the brightening sky outside the door and said, "The queen is pregnant."

"I know that everyone in the palace knows everything."

"Don't you have any plans?"

"What should I do if the queen is pregnant?" Ling Yue seemed to smile.

"If the queen gave birth to a prince this time, can you still be so indifferent?"

"I would like to ask, if the queen gives birth to a prince, can the prince still have the leisure to test each other here?"

The corners of Xia Kang's mouth were tight and didn't say a word, and his eyes were like ice, which was chilling. Ling Yue looked indifferent, but her eyes were a little provocative. She didn't know that the provocation was extremely dazzling in Xia Kang's eyes. Just like in Cangguo, Ling Yue, who was full of anger between her green eyebrows, was as dazzling as an arrogant phoenix.

Unprepared, Xia Kang grasped Ling Yue's arms tightly, and his eyes changed from cold to hot: "Why, why, why are you so smart? Why can you know what's on my mind? Even Mirror Wuying has never known me so much.

"Let go." Ling Yue's tone was cold.

"Tell me, why do you know me so well?" I ignored Ling Yue's anger, Xia Kang asked eagerly.

"Let go, let me go and I'll tell you."

Xia Kang slowly let go of Ling Yue, but his eyes were still hot.

Ling Yue stepped back a few steps and sat on the chair with a smile on her lips: "I don't know you. I really don't know you at all."

"It's impossible. You clearly know me very well. You know what's on my mind."