The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 130 Beautiful

Ling Yue lowered her head and continued to read the account book. After half an hour, she finally couldn't resist sleeping** and fell asleep on the table. Ling Yue didn't know that just as she forgot to eat and sleep for the account book, Xia Di had already drawn a grand blueprint in her chest that was enough to cover the whole world. Of course, she will not paint the blueprint until, in addition to the Xia Kingdom, which has annexed the Cang Kingdom and occupies two-fifths of the world, as well as the Emperor Chu who lives in the north, the Jin Kingdom in the wilderness of the sky and the dangerous Shu Kingdom.

In the secret room, a map of the world is covered with the whole wall.

The above depicts mountains, rivers and the distribution of counties, states and counties in great detail.

Emperor Xia stretched out his hand and gently touched the wall. Those are all the places he has been pocketed, but there are still three-fifths, which are rich in beautiful jade, the vast territory of Chu, the powerful Jin, which is full of magic, and powerful people, and most of them are Shu.

On the surface, the State of Cang was destroyed by the State of Xia, and the whole State of Xia occupied two fifths of the world. However, due to the war, the treasury has already been hollowed out. Although the number of troops is 4 million, it is difficult to gather together in the hands of all forces. The three million troops gathered to destroy the Cang Kingdom were borrowed from all forces, which naturally have to be returned. Therefore, after the destruction of the Cang Kingdom, although a prince without any real power was sent to temporarily take over, he could not resist the devourment of those forces and gave the hard-won Kingdom of Cang 7,000 and eight points. Those hungry wolves.

Dean... Xia Di read it gently.

Once upon a time, Emperor Xia, who had just sat on the throne, felt that as long as there was a dean in him, he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

Once upon a time, Emperor Xia, who was helpless in governing the country, felt that as long as there was a dean, the whole Xia country could become stronger and stronger.

Once upon a time, as the country became more and more powerful, Emperor Xia felt that the dean should let go and return power to him.

Once upon a time, King Qi rebelled. When Emperor Xia felt most helpless, it was precisely the dean who turned the tide and saved his country.

Dependency, trust, look up, grudge, hatred, murderous intent... With the passage of time, Xia Di's initial dependence on the dean gradually changed to hatred. Xia Di felt that it was not him with the blood of the orthodox royal family sitting on the dragon chair, but the president of the Supervision Institute.

As an emperor, how can you tolerate the existence above yourself?

Now, the dean who made Emperor Xia love and hate disappeared and died in front of his eyes and turned into powder.

Why aren't you old?

This is the last sentence that Emperor Xia said to the dean, but the dean did not answer his questions. However, even if he can't know why the dean will not grow old, it doesn't affect Emperor Xia's mood at all. Because there are many women who will not get old in the Kingdom of Jin, and the method of cutting knives in the face has long been known all over the world.

Blowing out the candle fire, Xia Di gently turned the lotus-patterned knob.

Liu Xi has been standing at the door for several hours. The sun is shining. From time to time, she walks past the beautiful maids and occasionally sees a few new faces who have just entered the palace. Liu Xi narrowed his eyes and leaned against the door frame, enjoying the already cool breeze in autumn.

This comfort ended with a slight cough from Emperor Xia. Liu Xi tidied up his clothes and brushed the dust and respectfully opened the door.

"Liu Xi, go to the Qinghe Hall with me."

"I'm just obeying, but your Majesty, you haven't eaten anything since early morning..."

"No, just go to the Qinghe Hall." Emperor Xia waved his hand and motioned Liu Xi to prepare immediately.

The Qinghe Hall is only one wall away from the cold palace. At the beginning, Murong Lingyue was placed in the Qinghe Hall not only to give her a dismounted power, but also to keep her away from the sight of the court. In the picture of Qingsong welcoming guests, what is really buried is not gold, silver and jewelry, but the jade unicorn that can master the whole world.

So, whether Ling Yue really loses his memory or not, he must let Ling Yue out of everyone's sight.

Pushing the door and entering, what came into view was Ling Yue lying asleep in the hill. Looking at **, Liu Ye suddenly opened his eyes and looked directly at Emperor Xia.

"I want to see the emperor." Liu Ye got up and half knelt on the ground.

Maybe the sleep was too shallow. After raising her head for a long time, Ling Yue stood up and bowed slightly: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

"Why, I haven't slept all night again?" Xia Di looked at the books on the table.

"The idea is clear at night, Your Majesty, do you have something to say to me?"

"Oh? Can you guess what I'm going to say to you?

"It's very natural that you can't guess, but it's okay to guess three or four points."

"Then tell me your three-four guess. Liu Xi, go to the imperial dining room to get some food. Xia Di sat opposite Ling Yue and put his hands on the table.

"I obeyed."

After Liu Xi left, Ling Yue said with a smile, "It seems that Liu Xi will not be able to come back for a while. Why don't Ling Yue talk to the emperor about the world?"

"Oh? Ling Yue, if you want to chat with me, then talk about what the world is?"

"Ling Yue dared to ask, what do you think is the world?"

"The place where the hearts of the people and the people submit to them is the world. Unfortunately, now there are four points in the world, and one person must unify it.

Ling Yue muttered: "The emperor's insight is clear, and Ling Yue is deeply admired. Now your territory occupies two-fifths of the world. If you can take advantage of the victory, you will definitely be able to subdue the whole world, but it's a pity..."

"What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that your emperor has no money, no soldiers, and no military division." Ling Yue said, "The dean set up a chamber of commerce for you to protect the country. Four years ago, Xiao Ruyan made suggestions for you and seized the country. Not long ago, Jiang Mozhu offered a plan for you to recover more than 700,000 military power in the hands of Duguba and Ke Wu. But now, the dean died, Xiao Ruyan died, Jiang Mozhu disappeared again, and Duguba and Ke Wu were also under house arrest. Your Majesty, you have the ambition to dominate the world, but you have a scheming military division. You have millions of strong soldiers, but you don't have a general who are good at using troops. You don't know how to use it. So it's a pity... it's a pity..."

Emperor Xia narrowed his eyes and said, "Why is this?"

"Horchen, now the time and the hour are not right, so even if you have ambition, you can only temporarily suppress it."

"Hor hour?"

"You have just annexed the country, and the hearts of the people of the country have not been determined. If you kill again, it will be like the end of a strong crossbow, and it will inevitably break. Therefore, Ling Yue believes that you should infiltrate your power into the whole world by other means.

"Detailed work?"

Ling Yue smiled and said, "How can it be meticulous?"

"Since it is not a detailed work, what can be done to infiltrate the power into the whole world? It took the State of Chu hundreds of years to cultivate detailed works that can cover the whole world. Is there a more powerful way than this?

"That's right." Ling Yue's eyes fell on the account books piled up into hills on the table and said, "These are the things that control the whole world and the forces penetrate the whole world."

Emperor Xia fell with Ling Yue's eyes and said doubtfully, "Do you mean that these books control the whole world?"

"Although you will find it incredible, Ling Yue must say that the reason why the dean can control the whole world is all because of these books." Ling Yue said, "In the eyes of others, these are just books used by merchants to keep accounts, but they don't know that every page affects the whole world."

"Why is this?"

"Your Majesty, take the palace you are in as an example. If you don't give money to the palace and maids every month, what do you think will happen?"

Xia Di pondered for a moment and said, "Naturally no one will want to come to the palace."

"Your Majesty, you are right. The reason why the palace is the most prosperous place of a country is that in addition to its supreme imperial power, the most important thing is silver. Because the imperial power is located, the silver is also there, so people will follow. On the contrary, in the desolate land, there is no silver, no imperial power, and there are few people. Ling Yue said slowly, "Your Majesty, you have always thought that you are the supreme of the whole Xia Kingdom, so all the wealth is yours. You must abandon this absurd idea. The whole Xia Kingdom does not belong to you. The only thing that really belongs to you is what you can see."

Xia Di was silent, waiting for Ling Yue to continue talking.

"So, if you want to seek the whole world, you must first control the chamber of commerce of the whole world."

"It's not easy to talk about the whole world's chamber of commerce. This dean has done it, but it's a pity that I... Alas, if I don't mention it, Ling Yue, I just want to ask you one sentence, do you have a way to master the whole world's chamber of commerce?"

Ling Yue shook her head: "No, but you can master seven out of ten."

"7 out of 10? How long will it take?"

"I don't know, but I can definitely do it."

"So Ling Yue, do you think Wuchen can inherit the unification of the country?"

Ling Yue turned his head: "That depends on whether you want Wuchen to inherit the rule of this country."

"I just want to let you judge whether Wuchen can keep the country?"

"Maybe it can, maybe not, this Ling Yue doesn't know."

"So how does King Kang compare with Wuchen?"

"If King Kang inherits the State of Xia, he will certainly be able to make the State of Xia strong, but unfortunately King Kang is too arrogant."

Xia Di laughed and said, "In my opinion, Wuchen is the real pride. Unfortunately, that child is too contradictory and is really similar to when I was young.