The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 158 Guilt

In Chengfu Palace, Emperor Xia was playing chess with Empress Guan. He only heard Liu Xi walk into the hall and whispered, "Your Majesty, the director of the Supervision Institute is asking for a meeting."

Emperor Xia just dropped a black man: "Oh? Please come in."

Yi Chuguan frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about how to lose less ugly, and exactly how to lose without missing traces. During thinking, Ling Yue and Liu Ye have walked into the hall under the lead of Liu Xi.

"I want to see the emperor."

"I want to see the emperor."

"Don't be polite, Liu Ye. I heard that you were alive yesterday. Haha, fortunately, you are alive now, otherwise Ling Yue will definitely raze the imperial hospital to the ground."

Ling Yue said, "Your Majesty, I won't raze the imperial hospital to the ground. I'm just scaring Dr. Liu. Who makes that old guy always like to shirk responsibility?"

"Ha, that's right, Liu Yao likes to shirk his responsibility, but his way of health care is still very good, otherwise I wouldn't have put him in the imperial hospital for so many years." Xia Di said, "Ling Yue, what are you looking for?"

"Let's play chess." Ling Yue said, "I'm here to play chess with the emperor."

"Oh? Playing chess? I have heard that you are proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I will let you see your chess skills today.

"Ah...hehe..." Ling Yue smiled a little guilty. She is a first-class level in chess, but in Go, she has only just learned a fur. "Then emperor, you have to show mercy."

In a while, Ling Yue and Xia Di began to play against each other. Liu Ye stood in the distance like a piece of wood. Yi Chuguan sat next to Emperor Xia and fed the peeled sentences into Emperor Xia's mouth one by one. Ling Yue got goose bumps all over her body.

After only a few dozen children, Emperor Xia said in a low voice, "Ling Yue, even a three-year-old child's chess skills are higher than yours."

"Alas, didn't you fall from the carriage in Liuzhou and break your head?" Ling Yue complained.

Emperor Xia narrowed his eyes and held a white son, which did not fall for a long time. When Ling Yue asked to play chess with him, Emperor Xia had some expectations, because he could pop up Ling Yue's chess skills from the middle of the time and then find some clues. But Lingyue's chaotic playing method is completely like a child who has just learned chess. Of course, that kind of playing method cannot be disguised. For chess players, it can be understood at a glance. In other words, Ling Yue really doesn't know how to play Go: "Ling Yue, I'm afraid you won't come to me to play chess on purpose. After saying that, what's the matter?"

"Find the emperor to play chess, of course, there is a little bit of other things."

"Then hurry up and say what's going on."

Ling Yue glanced at Yi Chuguan, but after Emperor Xia said that it was unimpeded, she realized that Emperor Xia was not protective of Yi Chuguan, so Ling Yue's expression was extremely serious: "Your Majesty, I remembered to invite Song to welcome guests."

Plap... The chess pieces fell on the chessboard, and Emperor Xia stared at Ling Yue unbelievably. Yi Chuguan did not react to this, but looked blankly at Emperor Xia, who was a little out of state.

"Ling Yue, have you recovered your memory?"

"No, I just remembered the picture of Qingsong's welcome, but I haven't recovered my memory."

"Well..." Xia Di's eyes fell on the chessboard, meditated for a moment, and said, "Queen, the fetus in the belly is important. You go back to the Queen's Hall first, and I'll be there in a moment."

"My concubine left."

After the queen left, Emperor Xia ordered people to find pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then ordered Liu Xi to guard the door of the palace and not allow anyone to come in. There are only three people left in the hall, Ling Yue, Liu Ye and Xia Di. Looking at Emperor Xia, who was not angry and arrogant, Ling Yue suddenly had an idea. What would happen if Liu Ye was allowed to kill Emperor Xia at this time? It will definitely not succeed, because according to the story, Emperor Xia will not die until half a year later. So it must be stopped by something before Liu Ye gets it.

"Your Majesty, do you want me to draw a picture of welcoming guests?"

"Since you remember it, you should be able to draw it."

Ling Yue looked at the white rice paper and sighed helplessly, "I can't draw it. Even if it is drawn, no one will recognize it. Emperor Ling Yue can no longer draw." In fact, Ling Yue said that it's not that she can't draw, but she can't draw brush paintings. It's okay to draw oil paintings.

"It doesn't matter if you don't draw well, but just draw. If it really doesn't work, I can ask a painter to draw. You just need to say what you see in your mind as much as possible. That's all right.

"Okay, if you just describe it with your mouth, it's okay."

Half an hour later, the three best studios in the palace gathered in Chengfu Palace.

The three painters stood in different directions, while Ling Yue stood among them and began to describe the welcome picture she recalled. After talking endlessly for half an hour, the three painters also wrote one after another. When they unfolded the picture in their hands, Ling Yue was really surprised. Because the paintings of the three are almost the same. Xia Di looked at the three identical pictures with a smile on his face, but the smiling emperor seemed to be murderous.

Liu Ye stared at Emperor Xia vigilantly, because the murderous atmosphere was too strong. As long as Emperor Xia does anything to hurt Ling Yue, Liu Ye will not hesitate to rush forward to cut off Emperor Xia's lifeline. But soon, Liu Ye found that Emperor Xia's murderous spirit was not aimed at Ling Yue, but at the three unlucky painters.

"Liu Xi."

With the call of Emperor Xia, Liu Xi bent down slightly and walked into the hall: "What is the emperor's order?"

"Oh, the three painters have worked hard. Take them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get them, and each of them will be rewarded with 51 taels of gold."

"I obeyed." When Liu Xi answered, he raised his head and glanced at Emperor Xia. At that moment, Liu Ye found that there seemed to be some consensus in the eyes of Liu Xi and Emperor Xia.

Ling Yue glanced at the three painters who were taken out by Liu Xi with her afterglow, and her heart began to tremble. She knew what the fate would be like for the three painters. She should have expected that Emperor Xia would kill people, but it was not the person she knew that she was familiar with, but only three painters she had never met. Even so, she still has a sense of guilt in her heart.

Xia Di slowly walked down the jade steps and stared at the three green pine pictures on the table to welcome guests. Between the peaks and mountains, a pine tree is proud among the stones, green and strong. In the distance, the white clouds floated, showing the uniqueness of the pine tree. In the upper right corner of the painting, there is a proudly winged phoenix, whose feathers burn like fire.

"It's not a sycamore, why does it inhabit the phoenix." Xia Di muttered.

"I don't know." Ling Yue replied, "Maybe Shen Haoran likes to draw like this."

Xia Di raised his head and asked, "So what do you think this painting means?"

"It's boring. If I were Shen Haoran, I would definitely draw a map that people could understand. Who can understand this kind of abstract painting? There is also a phoenix. Where is a phoenix in the world?"

Emperor Xia muttered, "Ling Yue, I order you to solve the mystery in the painting in March."

Ah? What?"

"In March, solve the mystery in the painting."

"Your Majesty, you asked me to solve the mystery in this painting. Do you want me to find the treasure left by Shen Haoran?"

"Yes, if I can't find it in March, then I will behead you."

Ling Yue's forehead blue veins burst: "Your Majesty, are you kidding again?"

"What do you think?" Xia Di walked slowly in the hall and said, "There are too few periods in March, so I will give you October."

"October?" Ling Yue thought for a moment and looked embarrassed, "Your Majesty, there are too few Octobers. How about three years?"

"October." Xia Di repeated again.

Ling Yue thumped and half knelt on the ground with disappointment: "I take orders."

"Okay, play a few more games of chess with me."

For three hours, a total of 22 games of chess were played, without exception, and Ling Yue was killed. The so-called chess meeting the opponent is interesting. I really don't know why Emperor Xia played with a rookie for three hours and didn't feel bored. Liuye, who knew how to play Go, could barely watch a few games at the beginning, but when he saw five or six games, he simply became too empty, because Ling Yue's game was really miserable. Shenyou was too empty for nearly three hours and finally fell asleep in boredom, but he was sleeping standing, so Xia Di and Ling Yueye did not notice anything wrong.

It was not until the end of the chess game that Ling Yue called Liu Ye for a long time but still did not respond, only to find that Liu Ye was asleep.

Xia Di has never seen Liu Ye stand and sleep, and said half-jokingly, "How can you fall asleep while standing? It can be seen that it is extremely sleepy."

Ling Yue smiled. She couldn't tell Xia Di that the reason why Liu Ye stood and slept was because she was practicing.

Leaving Chengfu Palace, it was already twilight. A cold moon slowly rose in the sky, and a cold wind blew head-on. Ling Yue shrank her neck and said with some regret, "I really don't want to go back to the Qinghe Hall."

Liu Ye gave a big breath, and his eyes were full of moisture: "Why?"

"Spider, if Li Changle has done it, then now the palace is full of spiders. Oh, my God, my scalp is numb at the thought of this. Liu Ye, you have good skills. Why don't you fly to Qinghe Hall with me on your back?

Liu Ye's mouth twitched: "Sister, you are too fat to carry you."

"Louye, you, you..." Ling Yue was so angry that she couldn't speak, and then pinched Liuye's shoulder fiercely, "You're going to die."

"Hee, sister, light kung fu is not so amazing, but if you really want to fly, I can just take your shoulder."

"Really?" Ling Yue said expectantly, "Okay, okay, this is a breakthrough in physical significance."