The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 169 Each other's grudge

Liu Ye shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know why. I always feel really out of control recently."

Ling Yue threw the Buddhist scriptures in her hand to Liu Ye and said, "Then look at the Buddhist scriptures. In case you go crazy, you will be in trouble."

"If you read the Buddhist scriptures, you won't go crazy?" Liu Ye asked.

"I don't think so..." She doesn't know much about Ling Yue's martial arts. As for why she threw it to Ling Yue's Buddhist scriptures, it's because she thinks that reading the Buddhist scriptures can resolve her anger in her heart. There are always some benefits. "If it really doesn't work, you go to the mirror and ask?"

"No." Liu Ye said, "Martial arts is not at the same level, and it's useless to ask."

"I can't see that you are very proud... Why can't you even fall in love with the mirror?"

"He is the person next to King Kang." Liu Ye said.

"What's wrong with the people around King Kang? Will it hurt you?"

"Sister, that's because you don't know Jing Wuying." Liu Ye said, "In the world, Jing Wuying is also in the top ten, but the most terrible thing is not his martial arts, but his strategy."

"The strategy?"

"Ye." Liu Ye turned his head and said, "Although I'm not good at strategy, I have heard Emperor Cang say that the shadowless strategy is comparable to that of Jiang Mozhu."

"Hm?" Ling Yue was a little surprised and said, "It's comparable to Jiang Mozhu. Why can't you see it at all?"

"I don't know..." Liu Ye also seemed to be a little confused and thought for a long time and said, "In addition, I heard that Jing Wuying can read the mind and know what others are thinking, which is also a secret skill. It is the same as each control secret art, which is called Tibetan heart art. The art of hiding hearts has disappeared hundreds of years ago. It is rumored that the art of hiding hearts can transform into anyone in the world and have the same power. After that, the art of mind-hiding extends the manipulation and mind-reading. The art of manipulation is the secret art that my brother learned, and the art of mind-reading is what mirrorless is good at. Only no one has seen the art of mind-reading without a mirror, so it is unknown.

"I didn't expect that he was also a powerful character." Ling Yue muttered, "Heart reading, hum, I don't believe he can really know what I'm thinking. Maybe it should be hypnosis."

Liu Ye answered and said nothing more. After all, Ling Yue didn't know much about martial arts, so it's no wonder that she felt that the mind-reading skill of mirrorless was just mediocre. However, for Liu Ye, who knows more about the world, mind reading is not as simple as he says. After all, the secret of controlling Liufeng alone has given him a headache.

The uterus, the main hall.

Since Ling Yue avoids it, he simply reads books all day long. However, such a leisurely nature made Liu Xi, who was busy for him, anxious to death. The emperor was really not in a hurry and died of the eunuch. According to etiquette, the prince will not intuitively look at the women who are about to become his wife or concubine, but the internal officer in charge of the selection will depict the qualified woman's painter on paper, waiting for the prince to decide in person. After repeated this several times, the final selection will be determined.

However, before the appearance fell on the paper, nine out of ten had been screened, leaving not only outstanding appearance, but also extraordinary talents. Xie Yinxue was ready to run for the election, but she did not go to Liu Xi, but met him directly. Of course, she also has this qualification. As early as four years ago, Emperor Xia had met Xie Yinxue and acquiesced in her relationship with Xia Wuchen. If it hadn't been for the director's obstruction, I'm afraid even the child would have made soy sauce at this moment.

What surprised Emperor Xia was that the reason why Xie Yinxue would also participate in the election was actually instructed by Ling Yue. Which woman is willing to share her husband with others? For this day, although Emperor Xia is the king of a country, he also knows that even if he is a humble concubine, he hopes that his husband will only be loyal to himself.

That girl's way of doing things is always different from ordinary people. At the end of Emperor Xia, he only came to such a conclusion, which was also a tacit approval of Xie Yinxue's candidacy. The emperor nodded. Isn't that an internal candidate? Liu Xi still has this kind of vigor.

From Liu's favorite perspective, although Xie Yinxue is not a nobleman, she always reveals a demeanor of everyone, neither humble nor arrogant, neither favorable nor humiliated. She is completely different from the woman who was lively and loves to laugh and shed tears four years ago. Maybe I have experienced a lot of things, so people have become stable. In terms of appearance, Xie Yinxue is more beautiful. No matter which man is between Ling Yue and Xie Yinxue, there is no doubt that he will choose the latter.

Due to the election of the Crown Princess, the work of Xie Yinxue's Supervision Institute has come to an end. Every day, I just stayed in the courtyard a little idle and bored, watching those noble women suffer from gains and losses and gangs. Because those women knew that Xie Yinxue's birth supervisory institute was arranged by the dean himself, and the emperor naturally wanted to get close to it. Xie Yinxue avoids every time she encounters this situation and simply closes the door without asking the facts. Over time, those women thought that Xie Yinxue was supported by the dean and the emperor, so they were arrogant. Then, he became more resentful of it.

On this day, when Liu Xi sent the latest portrait to the uterus, Xia Wuchen was in a daze. He thought to himself: Why is this prince so calm? Could it be that all these seeds of infatuation come from this generation?

"Your Highness, this is the latest portrait. Please have a look." Liu Xi spread the painted scrolls on the table one by one, but saw Xia Wuchen just wave his hand and said, "Sir Liu, which one do you think is better? Just help me stay."

"This, I dare not... Your Highness, you'd better come and see for yourself." Liu likes to say with a smile, "This girl of the Xie family is extremely beautiful and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. What's more rare is that this is the candidate recommended by the dean to the emperor personally."

"Hm?" Hearing this, Xia Wuchen raised his head in surprise, "What did you say?"

"What, what did I say wrong?"

"No, what did you just say about the candidate recommended by the dean to my father?"

"Isn't it possible that the dean didn't tell you? This Miss Xie was personally recommended by the Dean to the emperor. Your Highness, come and have a look.

Xia Wuchen walked over with a strange face. When his eyes fell on the painting, he suddenly took a breath of cold air and his expression became a little twisted: "This...this..."

Liu Xi secretly looked at Xia Wuchen and looked at Xia Wuchen's strange face. He knew that His Royal Highness must not be shocked by Xie Yinxue's appearance, but his heart was still a little nervous. At first, he deliberately did not say Xie Yinxue's name, just to test how Xia Wuchen would react after hearing that Xie Yinxue was recommended by Ling Yue, so that he could know what was going on between Xia Wuchen and Xie Yinxue. But looking at Xia Wuchen's increasingly distorted look, Liu Xi was a little scared and wanted to leave, but he couldn't find an excuse.

It lasted for a long time.

Xia Wuchen said slowly, "Whatever..." Then he turned away from the main hall and walked south.

Liu Xi breathed a long sigh of relief. In that half an hour, Liu Xi found that Xia Wuchen's body was faintly murderous. People can't help sweating and murderous. When did this light-hearted master become so powerful?

Xia Wuchen had no expression on his face and walked slowly to the Zhemei Hall. He just wanted to step in, but he hesitated whether he should go in. Unexpectedly, while hesitating, Liu Ye came out of the room with a big breath. After seeing Xia Wuchen, Liu Ye saluted according to the etiquette. Xia Wuchen nodded slightly and said nothing. He turned around and wanted to leave.

"All are here, don't you come in for a cup of tea?" Ling Yue's tone called Xia Wuchen happily, but the cheerful tone was very unpleasant for Xia Wuchen.

Xia Wuchen turned around and reluctantly smiled: "No, I have something else to do."

"Then I'll go with you." Ling Yue caught up with Xia Wuchen. After seeing his strange face, she asked doubtfully, "Your face is so strange. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Xia Wuchen said lightly.

"Something must have happened. Tell me, what's going on?"

"What's the use of telling you?" Somehow, Xia Wuchen's tone was a little colder.

This cold Ling Yue could hear it, but she didn't know why Xia Wuchen was like this: "Ah... I think you are hostile to me."

"What hostility can I have against you? Don't be too careful."

"Is it my heart? But your tone clearly told me that I made you angry. Ling Yue thought for a moment, but still didn't care, "Tell me, what the hell is going on?"