The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 178 Life is imminent

The night is full, and the palace yarn is winding.

The Ministry of Criminal Justice, through the long corridor, the bloody smell that rushed to his face made Lin Bai clenched his fist tightly, and fine sweat oozed from his forehead. Such a bloody smell once carried all her fear and despair. Lin Bai's clenched fists suddenly relaxed and gently covered his chest. It seemed that in order to confirm something, Ling Yue turned around and saw Lin Bai covering his chest and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Can't breathe?"

Lin Bai smiled miserably and said, "The smell of blood here is too strong. It's really a little breathless."

"Well, do you know why I brought you here?" Ling Yue seemed to smile and deliberately slowed down her pace.

"Isn't there any crime I have committed? Do you want to bring me here?"

Huh? What are these words? I'm just here to show you the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Where do you think you are? Ling Yue shrugged her shoulders and pretended to be puzzled. "What you just said sounded like you really did something wrong with me."

"Ha ha, dean, are you kidding?"

Ling Yue turned her head and said, "Do you hear me joking? Then why don't you laugh?"

The more he went inside, the stronger Lin Bai felt the smell of blood, and he could faintly hear heartbreaking screams. Although it could still be sustained rationally, Lin Bai became more and more afraid. She remembered the dark place, and the approaching death tortured everyone crazy. Before he walked the whole corridor, Lin Bai's body softened and fell straight to the ground.

"Where did you sing this?" Ling Yue heard the sound and turned around to see Lin Bai's face fall to the ground.

"Probly caused by shortness of breath and excessive tension." Walking in the last night, he said quietly.

"Drag in." Ling Yue's tone was light, but it was cold.

When Lin Bai woke up again, he found himself in a clean room, but his hands and feet were tightly tied by cowhide tendons. Her heart skipped. As long as the ordinary rope struggles a little, it can leave a gap, but the ductility of the cowhide tendon is excellent. No matter how much you toss, there is no possibility of breaking away. What scared Lin Bai most was that she found a wooden barrel in the corner of the house.

If it is temporarily imprisoned, it is not necessary to prepare the excretory equipment. It will only be prepared when long-term imprisonment is required. Is it that you plan to imprison yourself for a long time?

I don't know how long it took before the door of the room was opened. Lin Bai saw a man in a black robe and a white mask walking in slowly.

"Su...Su...Su..." Lin Bai stared wide and couldn't speak for a long time in surprise.

Ling Yue took off her mask: "untied? Ah, let's talk about this later."

The moment Ling Yue took off his mask, Lin Bai's expression changed from surprise to doubt. Many years later, Ling Yue recalled Lin Bai's expression at that moment and knew that she was not puzzled because she was inexplicably imprisoned, but because Lin Bai saw an unexpected person at the moment she took off her mask. In addition, what Lin Bai said was not untied, but Su Rou, which she knew many years later.

"I won't torture you or force you to confess." Ling Yue put her hands behind her and looked cold, "But I will keep you here until you are willing to say everything."

"What did you say?"

"Say what you should say, I know that you are not afraid of death, and you may kill yourself at any time, so in order to avoid you biting your tongue, I will have your teeth pulled out later." Ling Yue raised the corners of her mouth, cold and arrogant, "So, if you really want to die, take advantage of it now, otherwise you won't have a chance."

Lin Bai was silent and the corners of his mouth were tight.

"Very good, I have a strong will to survive. But no matter how strong the will to survive, it can't stand decades of imprisonment. Come on, pull out her teeth. As soon as the words fell, a big man with iron pliers came in.

"Dean, this scene is a little... a little... Do you want to wait outside? The little one must make things beautiful.

"Do it. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Good!" The big man took the iron pliers and walked towards Lin Bai step by step.

"Have you thought about it? Such a beautiful face, if there are no teeth, it will not look good. Ling Yue stared at Lin Bai, but could not find any trace of compromise.

At the moment when the big man walked in front of Lin Bai, Ling Yue only felt that the air suddenly became extremely cold, and then a crimson figure passed by in front of her. When she came to her senses, she found that Lin Bai had long disappeared, and the big man had already turned into two sections lying on the ground, cutting his waist, leaving his intestines and blood on the ground. For a long time, Ling Yue stood so stunned, as if she couldn't believe what was happening in front of her.

It was not until Liuye came in and called her a lot before he slowly turned his head, but he saw Liuye's chest-like blood stains. Looking at his body, dozens of sword wounds criscrossed: "Xuye, you...what's wrong with you?"

"Sister, have you seen that red shadow?"

"Red Shadow?" Ling Yue's eyes drooped, and then stared at the empty wooden bed, "See, the shadow took Lin Bai away. Liu Ye, have you played with that shadow?"

"Well, I'm not his opponent." Liu Ye said, "It's too fast. It's not as fast as a human."

"Who else can beat you besides him?" Ling Yue walked out of the door, "The dean is still alive, he must still be alive. I knew that she wouldn't die so easily, no."

Just a few steps out, Mei Nianfa came, staring at Ling Yue with a strange look and stopped talking.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Ling Yue was very anxious at this moment. Seeing that she wanted to stop talking, she couldn't help but feel angry, "If there is nothing to say, I'll go first."

"Wait... the Ministry of Criminal Justice... All the people in the Ministry of Criminal Justice were killed."

"Hmm?" Ling Yue stopped and suddenly found that the smell of blood in the air was as strong as a sea of blood. Looking at the feet, the trickle of blood is flowing like a river.

"The prisoners and guards were all killed by the Red Shadow." Mei Nianfa took a deep breath and wanted to find the answer from Ling Yue's changing eyes. But Lingyue just gave him a word that I knew, so she left with Liu Ye.

Mei Nianfa looked at the back of the two leaving and felt uneasy. However, what made him more uneasy was the red shadow, like a monster.

As soon as she stepped out of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ling Yue fell down on the ladder and quickly helped him up: "Sister, are you all right?"

"She is still alive..." Ling Yue looked at the sky and muttered, "I knew that she couldn't die like that, she couldn't die like that. What kind of world is this?

Hate, the hatred that has never been before spreads like fire.

After that, the high fever for more than ten consecutive days once again put Ling Yue in a dangerous situation comparable to Yiyun Mountain. The whole imperial hospital was helpless. Even the desperate person known as the medical saint shook his head repeatedly, and could only barely hang Ling Yue's lifeline with a few flavors of medicine and ginseng. At the moment of falling into a coma, Ling Yue occasionally opens her eyes, but no one responds to her, and then she will fall asleep again.

"Ryu Ye, how did it become like this?" After all, it was the uterus, and King Kang was inconvenient to enter, so he finally caught Liu Ye coming out of the palace and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Ling Yue, how's it going now?"

Liu Ye looked at Xia Kang coldly and whispered, "Life is imminent."

"Why is this so? Is there something wrong with it?

Liu Ye saw Xia Kang's worried face and knew that he liked Ling Yue. He was probably also anxious at this time, and his cold expression was slightly restrained: "The desperate is caused by mental illness. Your Majesty, for the sake of your lack of hurting my sister, I will tell you honestly that my sister is caused by anger."

"Anger attacks the heart?" Xia Kang was confused when he heard it, "You mean that Ling Yue was so popular?"

"It's not true." Liu Ye said, "Do you know that everyone in the Ministry of Criminal Justice is dead?"

Xia Kang nodded: "I've heard about it, but I'm not sure what's going on. I heard the news from my father that he was killed by a red shadow.

"Yes, my sister and I were there that day. I couldn't help but play with that red shadow." Liu Ye said, "Later, I left the Ministry of Criminal Justice and fell down the stairs. After that, I fell ill."