The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 181 is sugar water

Ke Chengyang looked at Ling Yue in shock silently. Although he didn't know why Ling Yue suddenly showed such an expression, he still understood a little from his words. After that, Ling Yue stopped talking, but fell into meditation. Ke Chengyang didn't know whether to interrupt Ling Yue's meditation or wait endlessly. After standing for nearly half an hour, Ke Chengyang just wanted to open his mouth, but met Ling Yue's almost scrutiny gaze.

"Do you know anything about the dean? I mean, tell me everything you know about the dean, remember, it's all. Of course, you also have the right not to say it. Ling Yue paused and then said, "But I hope you choose the latter."

"What do you want to know?" Ke Chengyang said, "Even if you want to know everything, you should at least have a direction and focus on which point."

Ling Yue smiled and said, "It's worthy of being a person in that world. He speaks logically. So, can I ask you and answer it?

Ke Chengyang nodded and agreed.

"Is the dean male or female?" Ling Yue thought for a long time and decided to ask from the most basic things. She must have a thorough understanding of Su Rou, although she is not sure how much she can learn from Ke Chengyang.

"I don't know." Without any hesitation or even thinking, Ke Chengyang said lightly.

"So, you haven't seen the dean. Have you ever heard the sound?" Ling Yue basically has no hope for this issue. Since you don't even know whether it's a man or a woman, how can you see it? However, no matter how slim the hope is, Ling Yue will also ask in person.

"No." Ling Yue expected that Ke Chengyang's answer was negative.

"I heard that the dean goes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to reimburse more than 100,000 taels of silver every month. Do you know what the dean uses that money for?"

Ke Chengyang shook his head, but nodded randomly: "As far as I know, the dean uses half of the silver to buy antiques or beautiful jade, but sometimes he will also buy something inexplicable."

"What's inexplicable?"

"What's the inexplicable thing?"

"I don't know about this. Purchasing is reimbursed by invoices, but in many cases, invoices are always different from what is actually purchased."

Ling Yue narrowed her eyes and nodded: "I see. So other than that, where is the dean usually?

"I don't know. Anyway, just don't stay in the supervisory hospital."

"Didn't Jiang Mozhu tell you anything about the dean?"


Ling Yue thought for a moment and then asked, "How did you and Jiang Mozhu know each other?"

"I have said this before, and I don't remember how I met Jiang Mozhu." Seeing that Ling Yue didn't seem to believe it, Ke Chengyang added, "This is true. I have no memory."

"What is your occupation in that world?"

"Detective Assistant."

"Jumi's assistant? I don't seem to have heard him mention you." Jiu Mi, the world's seven detective passwords are all mastered by him, but according to Ling Yue, reasoning is just a game for him to spend a long and boring life. There are too many unsolved puzzles waiting for people to discover and explore in this world. Compared with the whole universe, human beings who think they are comparable to gods are just a drop in the ocean, even a drop in the ocean.

Ke Chengyang shrugged his shoulders: "His personality is like this. Since you also know Jiu Mi, you should know his personality."

"That's right, that guy is an alien. What kind of cases are you mainly responsible for?

"I'm just an assistant, and I can only participate in the case he took over." Ke Chengyang said, "There are mostly secret room murder cases or cases that require data analysis."

"Have you heard anything about Gu Li from him?"

Ke Chengyang thought for a moment and said, "He once said that Gu Li should not exist in this world. Other than that, I didn't mention it again.

"Have you met Gu Li?"

"I saw it once and saw it with Jiu Mi."

"So, what is your relationship with Jiang Mozhu?"

Ke Chengyang frowned and said in a questionable tone: "What's the relationship? It probably doesn't matter."

"If Jiang Mozhu and I stand on the opposite side, who will you help?"

"I won't help anyone."

Ling Yue turned her head, pondered for a while, and said, "Well, my country, I want you to stand on my side, would you like to?"

"I don't want to."

"Very good, last question, do you want to go back to the original world?"

"Think." This time, Ke Chengyang smiled unexpectedly.

"Well, it's okay. Go down." Ling Yue paused and then said, "You... are fine. Go down."

From beginning to end, while Ling Yue talked with Ke Chengyang, Liu Ye kept quiet. It was not until Ke Chengyang left that Liu Ye took a long breath of relief. If you observe carefully, you will find that fine sweat oozed from Liu Ye's forehead.

"Sister, my breathing and heartbeat are normal, and I'm telling the truth."

Ling Yue nodded in a trance and fell into the problem of a sudden flash of inspiration. If the six bodies of Cangguo are all Murong Lingyue, he is the seventh one who has not yet died, but the question is that Su Rou appeared in this world. What's wrong with Su Rou? The first self who crossed into this world miraculously survived in this world like Su Rou, but now he is Murong Lingyue.

Wait, in that world, at the moment when I fell downstairs, I didn't feel any pain. It seemed that I fell into a soft cloud and woke up to become Murong Lingyue. A bold and strange idea rose in Ling Yue's heart.

Perhaps, the first person himself crossed into this world at the same time as his body and soul, and Murong Lingyue's death was just a coincidence. But from the second beginning, she turned into soul crossing. She knew that the seventh, the current she was still soul crossing and survived in this world with Murong Lingyue's body and identity. Therefore, there are six Murong Lingyue lying in the six coffins of Cang Kingdom, and the first person to travel here still exists as Su Rou.

However, this reasoning has just been completed, but Ling Yue has fallen into another kind of inexplicable worry. This worry only comes from her uncertainty about her reasoning, and all unstable factors will make her feel anxious.

"Sister, sister, sister..." Liu Ye shouted three times in a row before Ling Yue reacted.

Huh? What's wrong?"

"Sister, why do you frown like steamed buns?"

Three black lines suddenly appeared on Ling Yue's forehead: "Louye, don't be sarcastic about your sister. I'm thinking about business."

What do you think? Say it and I'll help you think about it together."

"Well, this matter is too complicated and useless to say it. Even I don't know how to say this problem." Ling Yue lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed and walk around. Unexpectedly, she almost fell down. Finally, she half leaned back**. "In the past, it was okay to stay up all night for more than ten days, but now I don't know what's wrong."

Murong Lingyue's body is too unreliable. Ling Yue thought so in her heart that if there is such a chance to travel in the future, don't cross to a weak and sickly princess. It's simply torturing herself. However, as soon as she finished thinking about it, Ling Yue couldn't wait to slap herself. Next time, this time of time travel made her almost hate her to death, but she must not come again.

"Freshly released, hot tonic freshly released." Desperately holding a bowl of medicine bowl with a strange smell, he came in with a proud look, "Hey, this bowl of medicine goes down to ensure that you get rid of the medicine. Come on, drink it while it's hot."

Liu Ye took the medicine bowl and handed it to Ling Yue.

Ling Yue looked at the dark decoction: "This black is like ink. Is this medicine reliable or not?"

"It's very reliable. This bowl of medicine key is not reliable. Then there is no reliable medicine in the world. Drink it quickly and drink it quickly." Desperate urged, "If it gets cold, the medicine will not be good."

Ling Yue took a deep breath and took a sip with the mentality of returning home. However, after a while, the mentality of returning to death suddenly turned into doubt. Ling Yue raised her head and looked surprised: "Death, you, you..."

"What's wrong?" Desperately asked, "Is there something wrong with this medicine?"

"It's not that there is anything wrong, but it's very wrong. Why does this medicine taste like brown sugar water?

With a serious face, he said in a low voice, "What is like brown sugar water? It is brown sugar water."