The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 211 Gable

Looking at Xia Wuchen's suspicious expression, Ling Yue reluctantly smiled again and said, "It's really okay. It's just a nightmare. Haven't you ever had a nightmare?"

Xia Wuchen said, "Yes, but it doesn't seem to be as strong as your reaction. It's really okay."

"Don't ask so many times. This is simply going to become my second nightmare. Alas, I'm also a girl anyway. It's normal to be scared like this." Ling Yue just wanted to get out of bed, but she felt dizzy, but Liu Ye and Xia Wuchen didn't find it, so she still gave up and said, "I'm hungry. Which one of you go and get me some food."

"I'll go." Xia Wuchen said lightly and turned away.

"Alas." After Xia Wuchen left, Ling Yue sighed heavily and complained, "This guy is really troublesome."

"Sister, do you really have a nightmare? Liu Ye also showed the same suspicious expression as Xia Wuchen, "Why do I feel like I'm not a nightmare? I feel like I've just been hunted down." Liu Ye said seriously.

"I was chased and killed in my dream." Ling Yue said, "I don't know what's going on. I've been thinking about the past recently, so I'm a little sad. Don't make such a fuss."

After a while, Xia Wuchen came in with a bowl of mung bean porridge that had been cooled, but for some reason, the bowl of mung bean porridge was drunk by Liu Ye. Therefore, the two finally knew that Liuye not only liked to eat mung bean cakes, but also liked to eat anything related to mung beans.

"This mung bean porridge is too sweet. Next time, add less sugar." Liu Ye said dissatisfiedly, "Why has the chef's craftsmanship become so bad recently? Is it because the emperor didn't send them money, so he made such a terrible mung bean porridge?"

The corners of Xia Wuchen's mouth twitched and reluctantly squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Well, I made mung bean porridge. Do you have any comments?"

Liu Ye suddenly realized: "So it is. Why is it so bad?"

Ling Yue looked distressed and said, "If I had known that you could cook, I should have let you make fast cakes. It's boring to just eat porridge. Why don't you go to make fast cakes again? I want tacos. What about you?"

"I want mung bean cake, remember to put less sugar."

Finally, Xia Wuchen still approached the imperial dining room. He basically did not have this kind of cooking skill, but he still knew it when he was familiar with it. In fact, even he didn't know how he suddenly remembered to make food for Ling Yue in person. This question has troubled him for many years, and he hasn't found an answer since then.

Liu Ye stared at the one in the plate and couldn't see what shape the pale green cake was. He looked contemptuous: "What is this?"

"Green bean cake." Xia Wuchen replied proudly.

Liu Ye stretched out his head and looked at the sticky thing on Ling Yue's plate that could no longer be seen at all, and finally nodded contentedly: "Be content." After saying that, he ate up the piece of mung bean cake, which was very unpleasant before, but after eating it, he said as usual to put less sugar.

"It's really here." With that, Ouyang Wanxin did not come in, holding the gorgeously decorated magic sword in his hand.

Xia Wuchen turned around and frowned slightly: "Go, go out and talk."

"I'm not here to come to you. Don't be sentimental." Ouyang Wan said, "Hey, I'm here to find Ling Yue."

Ling Yue looked at Ouyang Wan, who walked to the bedside, and said, "Come to me. What's the matter?"

"Hee, of course, I came to you for something good." Ouyang Wan said, "The emperor is going to make you a concubine. Haha, what's the good news?"

"The concubine?" Ling Yue said quietly, "Oh, so this is the matter."

Huh? Why are you not surprised at all?" Ouyang Wan looked at Ling Yue with a simple reaction doubt. It seemed that Ling Yue should be scared to jump up from ** when she heard the news, but Ling Yue in front of her just casually answered her.

Ling Yue glanced at Ouyang Wan and said carelessly, "It's just a concubine. Why are you so surprised? When you tell me one day that I'm on the Forbes list, I'm afraid I'll be more scared. Er, no, it's a surprise."

"The dean is the dean. I didn't expect you to be willing to be the emperor's concubine." Ouyang Wan said with some disappointment, "Well, I wanted to see your surprised expression, but now it seems that my hope has failed. But at least you pretend to be scared, so that I can balance my heart.

"What did you say? Does the emperor want to accept me as a concubine? Ling Yue's eyes widened, and Jiang Ouyang's words were repeated.

"Wow, it's really like the performance. It's worthy of being the president of the Supervision Institute." Ouyang Wan almost clap his hands and screamed.

"What's really similar? What I told you is true. Did you just say that the emperor wanted to accept me as a concubine instead of making me a dust-free concubine?" Ling Yue asked again.

Ouyang nodded later and said suspiciously, "You, are you sure you're not pretending to be frightened? Ah, it really doesn't seem to be pretending. I happened to patrol the emperor's side today. When I heard that the emperor and Liu Xi discussed this matter, I guessed that the imperial edict had not been issued yet, so I wanted to come to ask you what was going on. Who knows that you just seemed to be an okay.

Ling Yue frowned tightly: "It's impossible. It's impossible. Ouyang Wan, you must have heard it wrong."

"I absolutely heard it wrong, believe it or not." Ouyang Wan said, "Well, I've notified you late. It's nothing to do with me." After saying that, he turned around and left an extremely chic back to the people in the room. But unlike the chic back, Ouyang Wan, who turned his back to Ling Yue and others, was in a daze. Fortunately, the ancient telegraph pole was not good, so you don't have to worry about hitting the telegraph pole with such a highly technical thing.

"What's going on?" Ling Yue's first reaction was to ask Xia Wuchen.

But judging from Xia Wuchen's expression, he didn't know anything: "I, I don't know."

"Where does this sing come from? It's simply inexplicable." Ling Yue patted the cup fiercely and said, "It's almost into the coffin, and there is still such unprovoked trouble."

"What did you say? Who is going into the coffin? Xia Wuchen's face was a little ugly. Obviously, he recognized who Ling Yue was talking about. "Anyway, that person is also my father. Don't judge before the matter has been investigated."

"It's just a statement without any willingness. Don't pay attention to it." Ling Yue said, "Wuchin, have you heard any similar rumors before?"

Xia Wuchen shook his head and said, "I think Ouyang was probably misheard. It's impossible for his father to accept you as a concubine."

"But now that I hear such a rumor, I guess it will probably spread to every corner of the palace in less than three days." Ling Yue said, "Nothing spreads faster than what people say."

"I'm going to see my father." Xia Wuchen said.

"No, you don't have to go. There's nothing wrong with this matter." Ling Yue said, "I also believe that it is impossible."

"Ling Yue, I'm really glad that you think so, but if you still have questions, I think..."

"Don't do that." Ling Yue said, "The fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better. Let's see what happens next."