The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 231 Unintentional

Ling Yue originally thought that the so-called poetry competition was just a few vassal princes and nobles gathered together to drink tea while moaning without illness, but this time, it was held in the Qinglong Hall. What's more rare is that civil servants of more than three grades and military officers of more than one grade have also arrived, in addition to several princes. Ling Yue resisted her sleepiness and walked slowly into the hall. For a moment, all eyes focused on Ling Yue, as if she had not expected the appearance of Murong Lingyue.

"I want to see the emperor." According to the past, it was necessary to worship in the Qinglong Hall. Ling Yue almost fainted after the worship, but she still stabilized her body and stood up firmly.

"Ling Yue, you came just in time. Today, I will hold a poetry competition here. You can also participate together."

Ling Yue thought depressedly in her heart, what it means to come just right? It was clearly an imperial edict to be summoned. But this can only be thought about in mind. On the surface, Ling Yue still said respectfully, "Weichen obeys the order."

Seeing all the civil and military officials, including the prince, sitting in the corresponding seats and looking around, there seemed to be no extra seats. For a moment, Ling Yue had to stand quietly in the center of the hall and wait for the arrangement of Emperor Xia. However, Emperor Xia did not speak for a long time, as if he had forgotten Ling Yue.

"Your Majesty, where should Weichen sit?" Since they don't say it, just ask yourself. Anyway, there will be no shortage of meat. Ling Yue misses her soft quilt and bed more and more.

"Oh, Liu Xi, add another seat next to me."

"I obeyed."

As soon as this statement was made, all the civil and military officials changed their faces. You know, it is unprecedented to be able to sit next to the emperor. To be precise, there has never been a woman sitting on the golden steps. Even if she is the queen of a country, she must sit under the golden steps. This violation of the ancient precepts immediately aroused discussion among court officials. However, Ling Yue did not understand this layer, but simply thought that Emperor Xia might want some clues from her.

"What, what's your opinion?"

The discussion suddenly stopped, and the Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty fell silent again, but their look at Ling Yue was even more strange. This strange look also made Ling Yue more careful. She couldn't help looking in the direction of Xia Wuchen, but saw Xia Wuchen bowing his head and didn't know what she was thinking. Instead, Xia Chen, the sixth prince sitting next to Xia Wuchen, was looking at Ling Yue with a smile.

In order to show courtesy, Ling Yue also smiled at Xia Chen.

After a while, Liu Xi put a carved chair of fir cloud wood next to Emperor Xia a little away. Ling Yue took a deep breath and hesitated whether she should step on the golden step. Before she could fully figure it out, Emperor Xia said quietly, "What do you think?" Are you willing to do it if I want to give you the dragon chair?"

Ling Yue was stunned and didn't know what Xia Di sang, but at this time, it was better to sit in the chair moved by Liu Xi. With an inexplicable mood, Ling Yue slowly walked up the golden steps, and then sat down with an extremely elegant movement, with her legs slightly sideways, a typical lady's practice. However, her modern ladyly sitting posture seemed a little strange in the eyes of civil and military officials. Even Emperor Xia couldn't help but turn his head and asked curiously, "This sitting posture is really strange."

Ling Yue's cold sweat, and the standard lady sitting posture of feelings is strange to you, but it's no wonder. After all, after so many years, Ling Yue pretended to cough twice and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, the foot of the siege has been cramped recently, so this is the only Please forgive me for sitting here.

Xia Di nodded and showed a suddenly enlightened expression: "That's good."

"Your Majesty, this Sai poetry conference..." Ling Yue wanted to say what you Sai Shi pulled her to do, but after all, she still couldn't say it, so she had to say bravely, "Your Majesty, Weichen can't make poetry."

"Ha ha, if you can't, you can learn it. You can't never do it for the rest of your life." Xia Di said with a smile, "It's just right. Today, I can also let Ling Yue listen to how to make a good poem."

How to make a good poem, alas! Ling Yue sighed unconsciously in her heart, thinking that if she didn't want to steal those ancient poems, otherwise memorizing one or two songs casually would be enough to wipe out the literary and martial arts of the dynasty.

In the next hour, Ling Yue felt as if she was in hell, and her ears were full of strange poems and phrases. Some of them, even she, a layman who didn't know any rhythm at all, heard poems with difficult problems, and were praised as good sentences by Xia Di, which was really puzzling.

Alas! Perhaps it was so obvious that Ling Yue's sigh of life actually shocked the Wenwu of the Man Dynasty.

Li Jing slightly looked a little embarrassed, because just after he finished reading a poem, everyone waited silently for Emperor Xia's comment, but Ling Yue sighed inappropriately. In that tone, it was clear that Li Jinglue's poem was difficult to wait for elegance. How can Li Jinglue stand this?

"Ling Yue, why do you think Prime Minister Li's poem is not good?" Xia Di asked.

Ah? No, it's good." Ling Yue immediately woke up and tried to nod, "The poem of Prime Minister Li is really good. There is nothing to say."

"Since it's good, why sigh?" Xia Di asked.

"" Just when Ling Yue didn't know what to say, Li Jing said briefly.

"Your Majesty, the dean must have already made up his mind. Why don't you ask the dean to make a song?"

"This proposal..." Before Emperor Xia finished speaking, Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty agreed. No one noticed the deep, flashing cold light at the bottom of Emperor Xia's eyes.

Ling Yue saw that she couldn't avoid it, so she simply crossed her heart and said, "Well, isn't it just a poem?"

"So good, very good." Li Jing smiled so slightly that his face was almost twisted into a steamed bun, and he almost took a steamer to steam him and steamed it.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Xia Di said, "Well, Ling Yue, you can also make a song."

"Ah..." Ling Yue was stunned for a long time and didn't say a second word. At this time, the civil and military officials began to look at Ling Yue with the expression of watching the play. Now that they have said big words, it will be humiliated if they don't come to the scene. Xia Kang looked at Ling Yue with some worry and couldn't wait to write poetry instead of her.

In fact, the reason why Ling Yue has not had a follow-up for so long is that there are too many ancient poems in her mind, but many of them have only one or two sentences. In order to avoid patchwork, she is trying to find a song that she is familiar with.

"The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is full of vegetation. When I feel the flowers, I burst into tears, and I hate the birds. Ling Yue said in a loud voice.

This poem not only silenced the whole hall, but also made the atmosphere strange. Looking at Ling Yue again, she lowered her head solemnly and seemed to be very distressed. Finally, she glanced at the hall with a disappointed face and sighed gently unconsciously, as if she was lonely and regretful.

Emperor Xia was silent for a long time and said quietly, "Ling Yue, do you want to go back to Cangguo?"

Huh? What?" Ling Yue raised her head and looked at Emperor Xia with an inexplicable face, "Your Majesty, what are you talking about?"

"When I feel it, I burst into tears and hate other birds." Xia Di said, "It seems that Ling Yue really wants to go back to Cangguo, otherwise there is no need to get that kind of regret."

"Repentment? What regret?" Ling Yue is even more inexplicable. She thought for a long time and only thought of Lao Du's Spring Hope. She thought she could recite it all, but she couldn't remember the last four sentences. This made her extremely distressed, and she couldn't help but feel even more regretful. If she had known that she should have recited a goose and goose, the song to the sky, the white hair floated in the green water, and the red palm plucked the blue waves. Look, what a love. It doesn't make everyone so entangled.