The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 239 Whatever

Maybe it was the previous two experiences that made Du Gulan faintly worried, but looking at Jin Yan's happy appearance, she finally chose to bury that worry in her heart. At the same time, I also feel that maybe the child can be born safely this time. After getting Dugulan pregnant, Jin Di was very happy and sent countless masters to protect Dugulan. Even so, Jin Yan was still worried and still stuck to Dugulan every day.

Such attention naturally attracted the attention of the royal family of the State of Jin, which was also mixed with a little secret. Although Jin Yan recognized his ancestors as the prince of the State of Jin, as the royal family of the State of Jin, they preferred Jin Yan to marry the noble woman of the State of Jin than the daughter of a concubine who ran out of the State of Xia. Although the Kingdom of Jin does not have a strong division of direct concubines, as a royal general, it is naturally a little stricter. However, when he saw that Jin Yan was not interested in other women at all, and seeing that Dugulan was indeed beautiful and intelligent, it could only be regarded as acquiescence. Anyway, Dugulan's stomach is full of the blood of the royal family of Jin, so naturally she can't be too lazy.

It's just that she had two or two things before. Even if the royal family took good care of her, she was still wary in her heart. Because Jiang Mozhu is coming back, I don't know why Du Gulan has always been afraid of Jiang Mozhu. That person always seems to kill people inadvertently. Speaking of which, there was one thing she regretted, that was to join hands with Emperor Xia and Jiang Mozhu to seize the military power of his father Dugu Hegemony. If it hadn't been for Jiang Mozhu, what would happen now? Dugulan doesn't want to think about it, because it makes no sense to think about what has passed.

Xia, Linyun.

Since Ling Yue clearly showed Xia Kang her intention to tying the king, Xia Kang's heart has become increasingly irritable. The reason is so complicated that even he can't understand whether the anxious mood is worried about Ling Yue or his father. Xia Kang has been working silently, hoping that one day his talent can be appreciated by his father, but he also knows that no matter how hard he works, he can't fight the so-called tradition, and the throne of Xia must be inherited by the direct prince. No matter how excellent the concubine is, he must put away his ambition. After getting married, he must be kicked out of the palace and become a clan to live a careful life, because if he is not careful, he may cause death because of his own fault. This is the sorrow of all the commoners, and perhaps also the sorrow of this country.

However, even so, Xia Kang still hoped that his father could change, especially when he was recalled to the court again, his hope also increased. However, when he returned to the court, he found that he was just used to contain the prince whose power was gradually too large to be controlled. In addition, no It is of any use. Now, the original prince no longer exists, replaced by the more unfathomable Xia Wuchen. Therefore, he, who was recalled to the court in order to contain the prince, also lost his role. Perhaps this day had been expected for a long time, so Emperor Xia made Xia Kang king Kang, but he gave the palace to the palace. This is not house arrest and what is it. In the eyes of others, it is a supreme honor, but in Xia Kang's eyes, it is his cage.

Keijun, it's not a small matter. As a prince, Xia Kang naturally has no difference between killing a king and killing a beggar, which is almost crazy logic. In his opinion, once the king is not successful, the consequences are quite terrible. From this point, he is also deeply worried about Ling Yue. No one knows how crazy that woman is.

However, Ling Yue doesn't think so.

For Ling Yue, in this era when she doesn't even know what fingerprints are, it is very easy to escape after killing. Because even the largest intelligence agency in the world, the Supervision Institute. After all, that almost primitive monitoring method is not even as good as a police station. Therefore, escaping afterwards is not a problem at all. What's more, escape is something that needs to be done after things are discovered. In this era, if the method is used properly, it may not even be found at all.

Thinking of this, Ling Yue suddenly had a feeling of driving a hit-and-run. Of course, she didn't have this experience, but felt it in her heart. If the current situation is no longer in Su Rou's expectation, that is to say, everything has fallen into an unknown stage. Of course, as for whether the result will be or not, it will only be known after it happens. If possible, Ling Yue hopes to subvert the result together, because only then can she avoid that language and fate.

In other words, the matter of the king's death still needs a strong plan. Similarly, Ling Yue does not intend to ask Liu Ye to take action on this matter, because it is too obvious. From another perspective, she prefers to kill Emperor Xia with her own hands.

That day, she walked into the Qinglong Hall for the first time and looked up at Emperor Xia, who was sitting high on the throne, and had no emotion in her heart except anger. Therefore, when Li Jing slightly attacked her, she vented all her anger. In the eyes of others, Ling Yue was angry because of Li Jinglue's humiliation, but no one knew that all her anger came from Emperor Xia. Ling Yue never told this to anyone, and at the end, when she thanked Emperor Xia for his grace, her heart was bleeding at that moment. She, who has never bowed her head to anyone, can only bleed and hurt so much that she has no sense. Only the desire to live, facing the imperial power, your pride must be put down.

Xie Yinxue gave dozens of sorted account books to Ling Yue, then sighed slightly and looked at the bright sunshine outside the door. In addition to loneliness, her expression was a little free and easy. This strange expression aroused Ling Yue's interest.

Ling Yue took the account book and asked curiously, "What? Your expression is very strange."

Xie Yinxue turned her head and smiled, "What's strange?"

"It seems to be very disappointed and lonely, but it's free and easy. Do you think it's strange?" Ling Yue opened an account book and seemed to be unintentionally reactionary, but her eyes were extremely serious.

"I sigh that I don't know what I'm doing. I'm lonely because I understand what I'm doing. I feel free and easy because I feel meaningless for myself to think about such stupid problems." Xie Yinxue said, "How about this explanation?"

"Actually, you can explain it as you like, and I'm just asking casually." Ling Yue gently turned over a page and nodded as if nothing had been. "Actually, you can do anything. Similarly, even if you betray me, I don't care. I owe you."

"Hmm?" Xie Yinxue's eyes flashed with doubt, and then lowered her head and did not say anything.

"You are a smart person and understand what I'm talking about. If you want to ask why I don't care about your betrayal, then I can tell you why now. Because I have never believed it, and since I have never believed you, no matter what you do, I don't care. Ling Yueyou said, "Your heart belongs to Xia Wuchen and does not belong to me. I know that the reason why I made it clear today is that I don't want there is a layer of window paper between us, which is not good for everyone. Don't you think so?"

"You are really strange." For a long time, Xie Yinxue said in a low voice, "Actually, I vaguely feel that you know everything. How can a smart person like you and the president of the Supervisory Yuan not know what I am doing now?"

Ling Yue shook her head and said, "You're wrong. What I just said was that I didn't believe you at the beginning, so I really didn't guess what you did. I just developed things in a reasonable direction. Among the many possibilities, it is most reasonable for you to betray me. So there is no reason not to believe in reasonable things and to believe in unreasonable things, don't you think?

"You're right, but what I didn't expect was that you had such a mentality." Xie Yinxue said.

"I don't have such a mentality, what kind of mentality should I have?" Ling Yue did not raise her head and still looked carefully at the account book and said, "What you want is just Xia Wuchen, so I will do what you want."

"Then why did you let me enter the supervisory hospital?"

"Your memory is really strange. You want to enter the palace. I just have no place to arrange you for a while. I know that you must want to ask again. I can find any place to send you away. Why did I arrange you in the supervisory institute? It's very simple, because there is no place in the world that is more useless than the supervisory institute, so I don't care about letting you check that information at all.