The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 242 Take a look

Ouyang Wan said, "Yes, but no matter how I ask, Xie Tingyu doesn't say anything, so I can't help it. After all, I have some friendship with him, and I'm embarrassed to tell the inspectors or the people of the Ministry of Criminal Justice that Ouyang Wan knows the identity of the deceased, so I can only drag you, His Royal Highness over. However, Xie Tingyu said that it was for my good not to let me know the identity of the deceased.

"Then what's in your mind?" Xia Wuchen asked.

"Eyebrows? What eyebrows?"

"About the identity of the deceased, since he said he didn't tell you for your own good, on the surface, if he told you the identity of the deceased, it would cause great harm to you, so he didn't tell you. Through this, can you know the identity of the deceased? Xia Wuchen analyzed carefully, "It seems that I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Yes? Didn't you see anyone?"

Xia Wuchen took a deep breath and slowly spit out two words.

At that moment, Xia Kang almost fell down. If he hadn't forcibly stabilized his mind, he would have been crazy with what Xia Wuchen said: "No, it's impossible. Are you kidding?" Ouyang Wan still looked disbelieving.

"I'm just guessing, but I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Let's go quickly." Ouyang Wan said faintly, but there was uncontrollable anxiety on his face.

At the end of Wanhefang, walking left for a cup of tea, there is a simple and chic courtyard facing the street. Because it is relatively remote, it is still quiet.

"Xie Yuan? When did Xie Tingyu have a house here? Obviously, Xia Wuchen has not been here before.

"I just learned that Xie Tingyu invited me to drink last night, and I stayed by the way. Who knew that such a thing happened in the middle of the night? Let's go in quickly."

Lightly buttoned the copper ring on the door. Soon after, a man who looked like a family opened the door: "You are Mr. Ouyang, please come in."

Under the guidance of Jia Ding, after walking into Xie Yuan, Xia Wuchen found that the yard seemed to be very large from the outside, but when he walked in, he found that it was only a three-story building located in a circular garden, and there was nothing special. But the precious flowers everywhere in the yard aroused Xia Wuchen's interest.

He recognized that one of them was Xuelan, worth tens of thousands of taels of silver. He couldn't help sighing, "It's really eye-opening. Anyway, why is there no guard here? Since Ke Chengyang appeared, the surface supervisory institute must know about this matter.

"Oh, my owner said that he doesn't like to be disturbed by too many people."

As he spoke, he walked into the main entrance of the small building. As soon as he entered the gate, Xia Wuchen suddenly had a strange feeling. It turned out that all the tables and chairs were tilted to the left. But I don't know why, but it remains very balanced.

"It's a little strange. It will be fine in a minute." Ouyang Wan said, "When I first came here, I couldn't wait to tilt my neck. This house is really weird."

"Your Highness." Xie Tingyu slowly walked out of the side door and said quietly, "Ha ha, I just thought that Brother Ouyang would leave if he didn't look at the lively things. It turned out that he was to find a rescuer."

"Brother Xie, about the deceased..." Xia Wuchen did not go on, but waited for Xie Tingyu to return.

"Well, it's not that I don't want to say it, but this matter is for Ouyang."

"You don't have to take care of me, just say it." Ouyang Wan was disgusted by himself after saying this sentence.

Xie Tingyu hesitated again and again, and finally seemed to have made a great determination and said, "Princess, it's the ninth princess who died."

"What?" Ouyang Wan's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe what he heard in his ears, "What, the ninth princess is dead?"

Xie Tingyu nodded and said, "Yes, the deceased is indeed the ninth princess, disfigured, so you can't know her identity."

"disfigured? Why? Was it done by the murderer?

Xie Tingyu shook his head and said, "No, the appearance of the ninth princess was not destroyed by the murderer. I don't know what's going on, but there is one thing I can tell you that the real owner of this yard is not me."

"It's not you, is that?" Ouyang asked at night.

"The ninth princess, I just bought it from her the day before yesterday and replaced it with Xie Yuan's plaque the day before yesterday. Yesterday, the ninth princess said that she would stay in that room for one night, and then, as you can see, the person died."

"Wait, it's a little confusing." Xia Wuchen said, "You still didn't say who destroyed the appearance of the ninth princess."

At this time, Xie Tingyu looked at Ouyang Wan with a strange look. Ouyang Wan was uncomfortable with that strange look and said, "Hey, if you have something to say, say it quickly. If not to mention it, I want to slap you a little."

"That's all, I said from the beginning."

"It should have been like this a long time ago."

"Before, I was looking for a garden in Linyun. Later, through the introduction of a businessman, I knew that the yard was going to be sold, and then I knew that the owner of the garden was Princess Nine. You know, I'm just a businessman, so I didn't ask why. Princess Jiu of the computer room still told me that she originally wanted to live with her beloved, but she said that her appearance would soon be destroyed, so the garden was useless, so she planned to sell it. Xie Tingyu said slowly, "At that time, I saw that her appearance was still good, but the day before yesterday, when I saw her again, I found that her whole face had been destroyed. Later, she said that she was a little reluctant to leave the garden and asked to stay in the room on the first floor for another night. However, she had one request, which was I want to invite Ouyang, but I can't tell Ouyang that she is also in that garden. So I arranged everything according to the requirements of the ninth princess, but at the third update, after hearing the scream, Jia Ding and I and Ouyang rushed to the door of the ninth princess's room. Unfortunately, the door was locked from the inside. After we hit the door together, we found that the ninth princess was stuck in the back and died.

When he said this, Xie Tingyu's tone was a little helpless.

"That room? Can you go in and have a look?"

"Of course, come with me."

The room in Xie Tingyu's mouth is located at the end of the right side of the first floor, which is nothing special with the rest of the rooms. However, when Xia Wuchen walked in, even though he had made preparations before, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air when he finally entered the room.

In the dark room, there was a smell of blood. A girl whose face had been destroyed lay on **, and her sadness was inserted with a dagger.

"There is no window in this room." Xia Wuchen said.

"Well, no, only a small air window near the door." Xie Tingyu said, "But this air window is only the size of a fist and can't be used for anything."

"Why is there no window? Just walked all the way, it seems that only this room has no window. Xia Wuchen asked, "Is there any special reason?"

Xie Tingyu shook his head and said, "I don't know about this. After all, I haven't received this garden for a long time, so I haven't paid special attention to it. I only noticed it after this happened."

"No." Suddenly, Ouyang Wan said, "She won't be the ninth princess, she won't."

"I can't conclude yet..." Xia Wuchen said, "The court should intervene soon. By the way, has Ke Chengyang also been here just now?"

"Hmm." Xie Tingyu said, "After taking a look, I left."

"Did he say anything?" Xia Wuchen asked, "Or do you have any expressions or something?" There should be something special."

Xie Tingyu thought for a moment and said, "When he came, he just took a look, and then left. But he didn't look at the body, over there. Xie Tingyu stepped back a few steps and walked out of the room, pointing to the left.

"Where?" Xia Wuchen also retreated with Xie Tingyu's footsteps, but what he saw was just an ordinary corridor, that's all, nothing else.

"There is nothing." Xie Tingyu saw Xia Wuchen's doubts and said, "At first, I also wanted to know what he was looking at, but I didn't find anything."

"It's just an ordinary corridor. What's the mystery?" Ouyang Wan also came out, and his conclusion was simpler. "Maybe Ke Chengyang just put his best to look at it casually, and it doesn't mean anything special."