The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 257 Legendary

At noon, the scorching sun is like fire. This summer seems to be particularly long. At first, the casual heat finally turned into worry. Countless people began to worry why it had entered late October, but it was still so hot. If it's just hot, there is no problem, but the root of the problem is that crops need to be taken care of by God to survive. At the same time, Ling Yue also noticed the abnormal weather. If it was an El Nino phenomenon, she would not believe it. Therefore, the only thing she thought of was that maybe this abnormal weather was Jiang Mozhu's idea, but on the other hand, she hoped that it was not Jiang Mozhu's masterpiece, because if the weather could be controlled, then the game would not have to be played at all. To put it hard, if you can really control the world, you have to make some tornadoes when the two armies are fighting.

Seeing that the rabbit in her arms was sleeping soundly, Ling Yue regretted how she had promised Xia Wuchen to raise the rabbit. The most important thing was Xia Wuchen's last words to her that the rabbit ate meat and did not eat vegetables and radishes. Rabbits don't eat green vegetables and radishes? It completely subverts the sentence that Ling Yue has been deeply imprinted in her mind since she was a child: the little white rabbit, white and loves to eat radishes and vegetables. However, perhaps rabbits don't like to eat vegetables and radishes in the first place, just because after too many people sing the children's song that they don't know who invented it, in order to avoid being true to the name, they only have to give up their favorite meat and eat vegetables and radishes instead. Therefore, rabbits that can insist on eating meat without hesitation must have a strong personality and egoism. Just like at this moment, the big rabbit, who fell asleep and did not forget to move his ears, slept extremely leisurely regardless of Ling Yue's grinning expression.

"What did this do? Why should I stand here with a rabbit in my arms and bask in the sun?" Ling Yue glanced at the sun in the sky and suddenly began to miss the sunglasses of that world. "I don't know when this damn weather will cool down. The most important thing is that I don't even have an air conditioner. Do you really want to heat me to death?" This was not said to Liuye, but to the rabbit. Unfortunately, the rabbit couldn't hear anything, but its nose seemed to be sniffing, and I didn't know if it was really asleep.

seemed to be a little tired. Ling Yue sat on the railing of the corridor and gently put the rabbit next to it. The meaty rabbit's center of gravity was unstable and fell down like a autumn. Fortunately, Ling Yue's eyes were quick and caught it at the moment the rabbit landed. In the end, she had no choice but to hold herself.

Well, why give it to yourself? Ling Yue sighed, as if there were countless helplessness that could not be vented. There are still eight days left, and in eight days she will disappear from everyone's eyes. Isn't this what everyone expects? It doesn't matter to everyone. Maybe it's just the expectation of the person who sent him a rabbit. In this case, let's do it, which is the last thing we can do for him. Self-blame? Ling Yue has never felt this way. To be precise, she is confused, which is a little bit.

A dark purple figure jumped into her eyes. At first, Ling Yue thought it was Zhu Chi, because Zhu Chi liked to wear purple clothes, but when someone approached her, she found that it was King Kang. To be honest, King Kang was actually very beautiful in purple. Ling Yue naturally wouldn't say this: "What's wrong? Is there anything? Also, how do you wear purple clothes today? I don't think I've seen you wear purple before.

"What, didn't I wear purple?" Xia Kang was trapped by Ling Yue's question, because he had never paid attention to what color of clothes he was wearing.

"No." Ling Yue said affirmatively, "You have never worn purple clothes. Why, can't you remember such a small thing? It's not okay not to pay attention to your own affairs.

Xia Kang touched himself and looked a little embarrassed: "How can I remember the style and material selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and then sent it to me?"

Huh? What, so everyone's clothes are made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Ling thought that Xia Wuchen always wore an ink-colored gown, so he really knew the design when he came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"If there is no special explanation, it is usually done by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there are also styles or colors proposed by themselves." Xia Kang explained, "Why, I'm not suitable for purple?"

Ling Yue shook her head and said, "No, it's not suitable. In fact, you look good in purple. It's better to be a little deeper."

A warmth flowed through Xia Kang's heart, and he looked at the rabbit in Ling Yue's arms: "Where did the rabbit come from? Why is it so big?"

"Wuchun put it here. This rabbit likes to eat meat, which is very special." Ling Yue lowered her head and stroked the rabbit. Suddenly, Ling Yue's hand was raised and stopped in mid-air, and the corners of her mouth twitched a little.

"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" Xia Kang saw Ling Yue's hand staying in mid-air, but his expression was indescribably strange. The only thing he thought of was whether Ling Yue had suffered heatstroke.

"This rabbit..." Ling Yue reluctantly touched the corners of her mouth and raised her head. "This guy is so fat that I almost want to stew it, but I don't eat rabbit meat. Or, you can help me boil it. Steaming or braised as you like. In fact, frying and roasting are also good. Ah, it would be better if you can add some honey. No, don't add honey. Honey is more suitable for mutton. Well, if you don't add rabbit meat, you don't need to add anything, then bake it. With that, Ling Yue got up and wanted to hand the rabbit to Xia Kang, but the rabbit seemed to have a hunch. It slowly opened its eyes and made an almost ferocious expression to Xia Kang, but because the rabbit was so fat that the fierce expression it wanted to achieve was a little funny.

"Emoji..." Xia Kang stared at the rabbit given by Ling Yue with some depression, "It seems to be demonstrating like me."

Huh? Demonstration?" Ling Yue turned the rabbit around and said, "Sure enough, he seems to be very angry."

"No matter who hears that he is going to be burned to eat, he will be angry." Xia Kang said half-jokingly, "However, it doesn't seem to be a rabbit, but it's a little like..."

"Not like a rabbit? What does that look like?" Ling Yue asked, "Although it's a little bigger, it's still a rabbit."

"I think it looks like a rabbit. When I was on the frontier, I saw local people worship a big rabbit. In this way, it's really a bit like that." Xia Kang recalled that when he was stationed in the frontier, the rabbit-like group he saw was worshipped as a god by the local people. "I once asked the locals why they worshipped a rabbit, and later they told me that it was not a rabbit, but a rabbit. Thousands of years ago, seven evil dragons appeared there, so the people lived a very difficult life. Later, they suddenly appeared and sucked the brain marrow of the seven evil dragons. Since then, the local people have worshipped them as gods.

Sucking the dragon's brain, this guy is really a gourmet. But that's just something that appears in the myth. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like this fat guy in front of you.

"That's all. Don't take it seriously." Xia Kang said with a smile, "But speaking of which, why can't things in myth exist? Since you are from that world, it can be seen that everything is possible.

Ling Yue nodded thoughtfully: "That's right, but it's a little strange to say this from your mouth."

"Strange? What's so strange?" Xia Kang asked, "Ling Yue, you always feel that it's different from before."

"What?" Ling Yue was a little surprised and waited for Xia Kang to continue to say, "Is it different from before? It's hard to understand. Do you know what I used to be?"

"I don't know what you looked like, but I still remember how you looked in the Rosefinch Hall of Cangguo. At that time, it seemed to be more lively... Er, no, it's a little melancholy, er... It's not right. It should be sad... Ah, no, I don't know what to say." Xia Kang thought for a long time and didn't know what adjective to use. It was an idea that could not be expressed in words, so he could not describe it with accurate words, so that in the end, he regretted saying these words.

Ling Yue looked at Xia Kang's embarrassed appearance and smiled jokingly: "From liveliness to cause, from melancholy to sadness, I sound like schizophrenia. But it has indeed changed. I don't even know what to live for, so should I be sad?

"Don't you know what to live for?" Xia Kang frowned. I don't know why I live for something. Why is this sentence so familiar?

The dust flying all over the sky is mixed with a strong smell of blood, and the horse's hoofs stepped on the bones. To some extent, the trickling blood flowing like a river is his glory. But for those dead enemies, it is Shura hell. The fear of death was accompanied by the last wailing throughout the sky. In the wind, who was crying, and what was buried by the yellow sand?

Are you a person who lives to kill? She smiled like a flower, and her eyes were clear in a pure white gauze skirt. There is no hatred, no fear, only innocence. Then, the cold dagger pierced the body, and hot blood splashed out, as gorgeous as a blooming rose.

Why did you commit suicide? Xia Kang couldn't understand the woman who asked him that you were alive to kill, but he also remembered the last sentence the woman said: People who don't know what they live for can only be pitied.

Can only be pitied? People who don't know why are alive.