The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 260 déjà

Ke Chengyang said, "It seems that you are very nervous. It seems that all my previous worries have been in vain. Well, in that case, I won't go around the bush. You are likely to be a person in this world, so you may not understand.

"You said that, I did hear it. You can make it clearer." Ling Yue said, "What makes me likely to be a person in this world?"

"I mean, you may have been a person in this world, and then crossed into our highly technologically developed world, and now you have returned to your original world, that is, this world." Ke Chengyang looked at Ling Yue's increasingly strange face and sighed, "I know that it's difficult for you to accept this matter for a while. Just pretend I didn't say it."

"Evidence, why do you think so?" Ling Yue did look strange, but more of it was a kind of coldness, but there was no hostility in this coldness, but a little more confused.

"This is just a kind of reasoning." Ke Chengyang said, "There is no evidence. If there is really any evidence, then I can only tell you. One day, I saw a little girl who looks like you, and then had a whim. I usually don't say this kind of half-hearted reasoning, so I told you that if I don't believe it after listening to it, When I talk nonsense."

Ling Yue nodded thoughtfully: "Do you look like me? I thought you had some real evidence. Your reasoning is really scary.

"Yes, okay, I have something else to do." Ke Chengyang picked up the teacup, took a sip, and praised, "It's really good tea, but I still prefer Dajiling black tea."

"Darjeeling black tea? If I remember correctly, it seems that Jiuming also likes Dajiling black tea. It seems that your preference is very similar to him.

"hehe." Ke Chengyang smiled, drank the rest of the tea, and got up and left.

However, the unfounded reasoning that Ke Chengyang finally said to Ling Yue did not leave with his departure like Ke Chengyang. Ling Yue's heart began to become restless. Unlike the previous uneasiness, this time it was an empty and confused despair. I was originally a person of this world, and then crossed into that world, and now I have just returned to the original four sessions. No, it can't be like this. The world was created by Gu Li, so it's impossible for me. What is about to be done is too important, so Ling Yue can only temporarily hide this question in her heart. Everything should be dominated by eight days later. If she wins, there may be a possibility to control her own destiny, and if she loses, it will be doomed.

At the same time, because she felt strange about Leng Lian's sudden departure, Ling Yue did not summon Lenglian at night, but played Go with herself. She is not good at playing Go, because it requires too many calculations. Although chess also needs to be calculated, it is far less complicated than the 19 lanes of Go. Kings, princes and soldiers are excessive, but black and white are the whole universe. How can small human beings penetrate the mysteries of the universe? All we can do is to treat ourselves as well as possible. After a lifetime of chasing fame and fortune, I found that life did not bring it, death did not take it away, and how many good times I missed.

Ling Yue looked out of the door, and the heavy rain was still there, as if there was no intention to stop: "Flowers have re-opening days, and there is no youth. If you don't do something crazy when you are young, you will definitely feel very lonely when you are old, because there is nothing you can use to remember, so Liu Ye, don't you think? Sometimes people always have to be crazy.

Liu Ye also knew that Ling Yue must be talking about what happened eight days later. Obviously, Ling Yue had made up her mind, which can be seen from her resolute tone.

The next day, the sun penetrated through the clouds, and the sky was even more blue, making people feel unreal. Maybe it was because of the heavy rain yesterday, so I was still a little uncomfortable for a while. Ling Yue slept until lunch, but found that the whole palace was busy for Wu Yong's death. The person in charge of investigating this matter is once again strange, that is, Ouyang Wan and Zhu Chi. I remember that when the crown princess Ke Ruyan died, it seemed that these two people were also responsible for investigating the case. At that time, there was no result. Now it seems that this time, if you let these two people work together to investigate, there is probably nothing.

However, there should always be some reason why the emperor assigned Ouyang Wan and Zhu Chi to investigate. Just a minute later, Ling Yue smiled. Isn't this obvious? The so-called investigation is just a form of going through. Otherwise, how can these two guys investigate any case, unless Xia Guo really has no talent to use it.

"The noise outside is really loud. I guess even I may have to be questioned." Ling Yue half leaned against **, gently raised the corners of her mouth, and her face was full of contempt. "It's simply to cover your ears and steal the bell. I really don't know what's the meaning of this kind of superficial article."

"Even superficial articles have to be done, otherwise it will not be the royal family." Liu Ye said, "But it's true that the movement this time is really big, but I think the bigger the movement, the less there will be. What's more, the two strawbags are responsible for this matter, so there is no hope."

Hearing Liu Ye say this, Ling Yue smiled and said, "What, are the two guys Ouyang Wan and Zhu Chi very similar to strawbags?"

Liu Ye nodded firmly and said, "It's not like a straw bag, but a straw bag. By the way, sister, are you really going to do it? Isn't this worth it?"

"I also know it's not worth doing this, but if it's not true, they won't relax their vigilance and live to say that it's useless to our plan in eight days." Ling Yueyou said, "I will be able to get rid of this cage soon, hehe."

"Okay, sister, when are you going to..." Liu Ye's last words finally couldn't bear to go on.

"Let's do it tonight." Ling Yue seemed to suddenly remember something, "by the way, will it hurt? Don't be a chronic bone palm, or 18 palms of the dragon, that's not dying, but to really go to see the king of hell."

Liu Ye smiled bitterly and said, "Sister, you are really picky. Since you are dying, how can there be no pain?"

"Think of a way." Ling Yue said, "Although it's a bitter meat trick, you should at least choose a method that is more acceptable to you. Is there such a method?"

"Yes, of course there is." Liu Ye said, "I promise that you will be dying and have no pain at the same time."

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." As soon as Ling Yue's voice fell, Liu Xi, who was holding the dust, slowly walked in. Ling Yue frowned slightly. At present, the last thing Ling Yue wanted to see was Liu Xi, because every time this guy appeared, nothing good would happen.

"I want to see the princess." Although Liu Xi's tone was respectful, there was no expression on his face. That feeling was familiar with Ling Yue, and it seemed that she felt like this when she saw Liu Xi for the first time. At that time, Ling Yue also tried to bribe Liu Xi, but in the end she was rejected by Liu Li. The feeling now is exactly the same as before.