The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 286 Unknown

Ling Yue looked at Qianhan playing the lute while drinking tea, with a smile on her expression.

"Rebound the pipa dance." After Qianhan finished playing the music, Ling Yue said quietly, "Will you bounce back the pipa dance?"

Qian Han shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Ling Yue smiled and said, "I think so. In fact, even I haven't seen that kind of dance. Ah, today I especially want to play the piano and help me bring the erhu."

Because it is daytime, there is no one in the Red Fu Museum, and only a few idle scholars are reciting poems.

After a while, the sad and long tune slowly rose up, like crying, but after the bass, it was as cold as a storm. It's still the two springs reflecting the moon, but somehow, it can no longer play the original charm.

That blind man can see the cold and warm blind man in the world. He told the cold sound of the world, but Murong Lingyue had only anger and despair in her heart at this moment.

From the moment she came to this world, she has never stopped despair, not moaning without illness, but a kind of despair for everyone and the whole world. Non-existent history, non-existent people, ridiculous and nihilistic feelings and life. Since then, will she stay in this world forever? Indulgence has found a way to leave, but what does that mean? It's just a reappearance of the wound again, which can't change anything.

Ling Yue didn't notice that when she pulled away the music, the eyes of several scholars fell on her. Even Qianhan has never heard such a cold tune, as if everything in the world is only four words in her eyes.

Human nature is the most violent poison. Ling Yue said such a sentence while playing the piano.

The song is getting more and more rapid... It's like a spring rushing out of the mountain stream, shocking...

Bong - the string suddenly broke.

"It's broken." Ling Yue slowly opened her eyes and looked at the suddenly broken strings. Ling Yue suddenly smiled faintly, but the smile somehow brought a little determination, even cruelty. Qianhan, who was sitting opposite Ling Yue, only felt a sudden chill on his back and invaded the bone marrow. She wanted to escape, but she found that she didn't even have the strength to stand up, and her limbs seemed to be as heavy as lead.

Ling Yue got up, put the broken Erhu on the stool, looked at Qianhan in a condescending manner, and raised a smile at the corners of her mouth: "You seem to be very afraid of me."

"No." Qianhan didn't know why she said such a thing, but she really didn't want to admit her fear in front of Ling Yue. Just like Liuye killed Fang Zizhou in front of her eyes. Originally, she thought she would also be doomed, but Liuye asked her a question.

You seem to be afraid of me.

It's just the answer at that time, but it's completely different from now. When life and death were at stake, Qianhan said that I was afraid.

And now, her heart is ten times more afraid than at that time, but she said she was not afraid. Perhaps she had a foreboding that no matter what she said, she would die at the hands of Murong Lingyue. At that time, she found a secret, but she didn't have a chance to say it.

Wow... Qianhan only felt a sweet mouth, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

Several scholars were a little overwhelmed by this sudden change, and then they saw Ling Yue holding Qianhan who fell down with a worried face: "Liu Ye, Miss Qianhan's old injury has relapsed. Take her to the doctor."

Then, logically, Liuye hugged Qianhan and left the Hong Fuguan, which was just right, and no one even doubted it.

There were some blood stains on the ground. Ling Yue slowly squatted down, took out a clean brocade handkerchief from her waist, and slowly wiped the blood off the ground. She wiped it for a long time, until she suddenly smiled inexplicably. It turns out that killing is nothing more than that.

Have you been trying to be a good person?

Ling Yue never asked herself this question, and said alive that she felt that she was a good person from the bottom of her heart. In addition to forcing Gu Li to death, she could be regarded as a good person. The fight in the financial market is just money transactions. At least before falling in love with that man, she has never hurt anyone. She has always been a good person, so good that she never shed tears in front of others, and that she swallows all the pain by herself.

Don't let others see her weakness, this is how she is to be a good person.

Thinking about it, why did you force Gu Li to die at that time? She has been thinking about this problem for the past two years. Although he did not clearly say that he wanted Gu Li to beg the man, Gu Li still chose that way under his own hint intentionally or unintentional.

If this is the case, then you should not come to this world. Gu Li's purpose of creating this world is just to escape.

And what Gu Li avoided, she, Su Rou, finally came to this world. At this point, Ling Yue finally understood. Gu Li, that is, Jiang Mozhu, actually just wanted to expel himself from the world, not to kill her. Because before that, he had many opportunities to kill her. But she was lucky enough to survive, just because he just wanted Murong Lingyue to open up.

However, the world was not created by Gu Li alone, and there is also Jiu Mi. Ling Yue did not know Jiu Mi, but during several contacts, she found that she was just a man who should not have been born. No, in her memory, Jiu Mi was always a teenager, with light brown curled hair and a strange smile that seemed to laugh at everyone in the world. Such a person is crazy about all kinds of difficult cases. If many people don't die or make others helpless, then he will definitely not take over.

Ling Yue once learned something from Ke Chengyang.

Ke Chengyang said that Jiumi is a very lonely person. No one can understand him and no one knows what he is thinking, but he must try his best to maintain his normal appearance. Gu Li has given up being a normal person, but Gu Li could not live in that world with his original face until Ling Yue hurt him. Finally, the two joined hands to create this world that was confused by historical time and space. Gu left and chose to enter, but Jiu Mi, after all, could not give up being a human being, which he could not give up anyway.

What will the story end?

How to protect everyone?

Ling Yue felt very sad and did nothing, but she lost everything. Gu Li resolutely left her. And the reason why she saved Jiuming in Duyun Mountain is that both of them are products from this world. The only difference is that she has been to that world and has been a normal person for more than 20 years, while Jiuming is always trapped in this world. She didn't know what the reason was until she met the woman, Mei Ran.

She never thought that she could meet her mother in this world, so gentle and strong. However, in her memory, her mother was just a woman who searched for tears every day. When she was a child, she didn't know why her mother cried and why she held the box called Baoqing Pavilion to tears.

Then, there is a faint fragrance of osmanthus.

Su Ruo...Su Ruo...

That's my name. For a long time, she thought her name was Su Rou, but it was just a homonym.

If you kill Su Ruo, then you won't go to that world, no. Since then, she has always understood this evil fate, or corrected the wrong program. Anyway, she doesn't want to continue, so she just bet once to see if she will disappear after killing her former self.

Most of the time, it's just a gamble.

Su Yuan.

After Ling Yuehong returned to Suyuan, she fell asleep in ** for a long time. During this period, Liu Ye has been guarding at the door. His perception was very accurate. He knew that Ling Yue would only lock herself in the room to sleep when she was extremely desperate.

The night is low, and the footsteps are from far to near.

"Is that you?" The visitor has a pair of bright red eyes, and his light brown hair emits a faint light in the moonlight.

An Luo smiled faintly: "It's me."

"What's the matter?" Although Liu Ye's tone is relaxed, he is still in a state of alert. He doesn't think there will be anything good if An Luo comes here in the middle of the night.

"It's okay. I just want to see her."

Liu Ye frowned and said, "This reason doesn't make sense."

"I also know that it doesn't make sense. Well, in fact, Jiang Mozhu asked me to come."

"Come and see her?"

"Hmm." An Luo nodded and said, "Let me see if she is okay and let me bring you a sentence." The way to leave this world is very simple... kill me."

Liu Ye was stunned and didn't seem to understand An Luo's words: "What's your hand?"

An Luo smiled again, but this time, there were more tears on his face: "Kill me, you can return to the original world. Don't you understand? The world you have always wanted to go to is actually here.

"Where?" Liu Ye asked vaguely, and he really couldn't understand what An Luo's words meant.

"I have brought the words, and it's your business what to do next."