The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 288 Unable

In the dark corridor, Yan'er held the wall. Although her footsteps were slow, it was very smooth. Then she slowly approached the kitchen. Under the dim candlelight, Xia Kang's whole body suddenly froze. He saw a Yaner holding a dagger instead of a wine glass.

In an instant, the blood stained the dagger.

Yan'er smiled sadly and fell to the ground with empty eyes.

At that time, Xia Kang suddenly pushed the door and entered and hugged Yan'er: "You, why did you commit suicide?"

Xia Chen walked slowly into the kitchen and looked at Xia Kang coldly: "It's useless. She will definitely die."

"Don't you want me to die?" It was Yan'er who spoke. Yan'er gently stroked Xia Kang's cheek and said, "I know, I'm just a forelic, so if you let me die, I'll die."

"You..." Xia Kang was so shocked that he couldn't speak. "Even if you die, you can't die now. The fore is not the right to commit suicide."

"If I don't die, how can you remember me?" Yan'er's face gradually turned pale, and her tone was also a little weak. "I don't care if you blind my eyes. As long as I can stay by your side, it's just... just... cough... something, I've been lying to you."


Yan'er smiled gently: "The person I like is Wuchen."

"What did you say?"

"He let me meet you in order to appease you, but because I love him, I am willing to come to you and let you blind my eyes. Because, because of this, he will be happy..." Yan'er closed her eyes as if she fell asleep. No matter what Xia Kang called her, she didn't seem to hear it, not that she didn't hear it, but she could never wake up.

Is Xia Wuchen just a detailed work sent by Xia Wuchen?

Is it just a puppet from beginning to end? However, how have you ever loved this woman named Yan'er? It's just that she is regarded as a substitute for Murong Lingyue. Xia Kang still held Yaner. On that day, he refused Murong Lingyue's request not because he could not let go of his self-esteem, but because he found himself finally falling in love with the woman lying in his arms at this moment. That's why he went to find Xia Chen. This may be said to be the only time he begged Xia Chen for the woman he had fallen in love with.

And now, everything is like a broken mirror that can't be reassembled.

"I'm sorry..." Yan'er smiled sadly at the last three words.

Xia Chen stood at the door and then turned away. He didn't want to see such a scene. To be precise, he had no obligation to witness the tragedy caused by him. He already knew that Yaner was a detailed work or tool placed by Xia Wuchen beside Xia Kang. Similarly, Xia Kang did not know that Yaner chose to commit suicide because he broke the wine glass. From the moment the wine glass fell to the ground, Yan'er was dead, and perhaps no one would notice this.

Walking slowly in the corridor full of flowers, the moonlight was sad. Xia Chen has always been a dispensable existence. If Xia Wuchen still has the identity of the direct prince so that the court does not really forget him, then Xia Chen, the prince who has been narcolepsy since childhood, is true and completely unneed. Even Xia Kang is not as good as that. At least Xia Kang can make great achievements on the battlefield. But who knows that such a prince also has the ambition to control the world.

If anyone can kill Liuye under the world, I'm afraid there will be only Xia Chen, but no one knows this secret.

It is easy for him to control the whole world, and it is also easy for him to kill everyone in the palace. With dozens of Jiazi's martial arts, he has long been invincible in the world. But he doesn't know what's the use of being invincible in the world. What on earth are you alive for?

He doesn't love his sister, his mother, or his father. He can't fall in love with anyone or experience other people's feelings. So most of the time he sleeps, but he never dreams. The more he is, the more sleepy he always hopes to have a dream. However, it has never been realized.

I planned Xia Xin's death not to please my father. I just wanted to know if I would be sad and sad if my sister died.

However, when Xia Xin really died, he still didn't have any sadness or feelings, as if an irrelevant person had died.

Why is it like that? Should it be sad? He should have been so sad that he was about to die, but he didn't.

"Why..." Xia Chen couldn't help asking himself.

"What and why?"

Xia Chen turned his head and saw Jiu Ming: "You?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just wondering why it's dark."

"What do you think?"

Xia Chen thought for a moment and said, "Because Master said that the world is turning and the sun does not turn."

"You're right." Jiu Ming sighed and said, "Let me tell you something, Murong Lingyue is going to let King Xia ascend the throne. What do you think?"

"I know." Xia Chen said, "So, I just tamped with Kang Wang's mansion."

"Xia Kang will hate Xia Wuchen to death." Jiu Ming said, "But I always feel that things are not that simple. It's different."

"What's different?"

"Murong Lingyue, she is different from two years ago." Jiuming said, "I can feel that she is a little more murderous."

"How murderous?"

"Hmm." Jiuming walked and said, "I think she is unpredictable. I felt it when I crossed Yunshan. In addition, Xia Wuchen and she stayed in the room for a long time, and I heard... heard..."

"What did you hear? Could it be..."

Jiuming nodded and said, "Yes, it's a matter of men and women."

"This is normal. Didn't Ling Yue still give birth to a child for him?"

Jiuming shook his head and said, "That's not the case. Although I don't know how to say it before you can understand, in short, this matter makes me very uneasy."

"Is that so?" Xia Chenyou said, "Sometimes I wonder, what are you living for?"

"This question is too profound. Don't ask me."

"Ha ha, yes." Xia Chen smiled and said, "Yi Hengyi's official is very good. Are you happy?"

"It's okay." Jiuming said, "That guy is very simple, but it's good to be simple. Life is too complicated and boring."

"What you said is so against your will. You are clearly a very complicated person." Xia Chen said, "Moreover, the complexity is a headache."

"So who is not complicated in your eyes?"

Xia Chen pointed to the sky and smiled.

Jiu Ming raised her head and looked in the direction pointed by Xia Chen, but saw nothing: "What are you talking about?"

"The simplest above."

"above? What's up there?"

"There are eyes on it. Don't you see a person who has been looking at us? He looks at us like this every day and doesn't do anything, so he is the simplest.

"So, who is he above?"

Xia Chen smiled, and his face became extremely cold in an instant: "Dead."

After saying that, Xia Chen Shiran left, leaving Jiu Ming with a stunned face.

It's all crazy. This is the feeling of Jiu Ming. She has never seen Xia Chen like that. Sure enough, Murong Lingyue came back, and everyone was abnormal, or those crazy people were waiting for the last madman to come, and then everyone went crazy together. This is the most perfect ending, how beautiful it is!

The deserted royal palace is naturally Xia Chen's royal palace. There is nothing. There is really nothing.

He walked slowly into the room and lay **, but he couldn't sleep... Who would have thought that he would be sleepy when he could not sleep.

Why can't you sleep? Don't you have any feelings? In that case, it should not care about anything... Maybe that's it. He really doesn't need anything, because even if he gets it, he will lose it because he can't experience other people's feelings at all. Just like Xia Xin was born, he never felt that it was his sister, but Xia Xin cared about him everywhere, which made him feel strange and strange that he wanted to kill his sister. In this way, you can experience the so-called loss.

In fact, it is wrong for people to live. This is what Xia Chen's master said to him. At that time, Xia Chen did not understand what it meant, but now he seems to understand a little, but he is more confused.