The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 291 Before the Storm

Xia Chen's death did not cause much waves for Xia. Although there was no body, there was no cause of death, and there was the death of a prince, everything seemed to have never happened. Because Xia Chen has always been ignored, it may be said that no one has ever cared about him. Of course, if people know that he has dozens of martial arts, they may be curious about his sudden death, but all of this must be based on people's knowledge.

"Xia Chen is dead..." In the Empress Dowager's Hall, Jiuming sat on a chair with a trance.

"What, do you have any different views?"

"I just feel that death is very strange. I don't see people, and I don't see corpses." Jiu Ming said, "Actually, I know that Xia Chen has been in contact with Jiang Mozhu, so after learning about his death, I once went to Jiang Mozhu and got a very interesting answer."

Huh? Do you want to say that Murong Lingyue killed Xia Chen? Yi Chuguan gently knocked on the table, "By the way, I can also tell you that Anluo will return to the State of Chu in the near future. Although it is nominally to find out what the State of Chu is about the attitude of Xia's army, in the final analysis, we can't predict what those people are thinking in their minds."

"Empress Dowager, your answer..."

"You are curious, why do I know what Jiang Mozhu said to you, right?"

"Is it..." Jiu Ming has a very bad feeling, "The Empress Dowager..."

"Yes, you are very smart. I choose to join hands with Jiang Mozhu." Yi Chuguan said, "Although she once said that she would let the king of Xia, born of the mourning family, ascend the throne,... it is impossible for an ambitious woman to do such a stupid thing, so although it is risky to join hands with Jiang Mozhu, it is better than to join hands with Murong Lingyue."

Jiuming nodded, but as her own position, she still felt that it was more dangerous to join hands with Jiang Mozhu. At least you don't know what the man was thinking. Of course, this does not mean that she knows what Murong Lingyue is thinking. However, she always remembers what Jiuming said. Yi Chuguan is the final winner, so if you want to win, you just need to stand close to Yi Chuguan. But the current situation makes her confused and puzzled.

"Well, don't think about it anymore. The mourning family will definitely become a winner in the end, for sure."

"Why? Why do you think you can laugh to the end? When asked this question, although Jiuming felt rude and even a little arrogant, she couldn't help but want to ask. She really wants to tell Yi Chuguan that if you finish it, then she will finish it.

"If you want to say why, in fact, I don't know." Yi Chuguan is just over 25 years old, so he still looks beautiful. "If you really want to say why, the mourning family will live longer than them, and sometimes living longer is a victory."

Long life? So what about dying?

Due to Ling Yue's financial restrictions on Chu, Chu's finances fell into a state of near paralysis in just two months. The State of Chu finally realized the seriousness of the matter and began to be asked by court ministers to make peace or confessions. However, for the State of Chu, although it has not been the most powerful of several countries for hundreds of years, it is still impossible to be almost flattering like the State of Shu. Therefore, although all the ministers in the court wanted Emperor Chu to seek peace, Emperor Chu still turned a deaf ear.

"Brother, the emperor doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all. Is there any secret? An Luo leaned against a pillar carved from white jade and asked casually, "Moreover, you asked me to come back without telling me what was going on."

"Hmm." Chu Xuan thought for a moment and said, "I really don't know what's going on, but I always feel that it would be better to call you back."

"That's it." An Luo scratched his head and said, "Hmm."

"Okay, I'm going to the imperial dining room to have a look. You can do whatever you want."

"Hmm." An Luo narrowed his eyes and saw Chu Xuan leave. The bright red eyes seemed to drip blood in the sunshine. Suddenly, a bright yellow figure fell into his eyes.

"I didn't expect that you haven't changed at all in these years." Emperor Chu walked slowly with an indescribably calm expression.

"Hmm." Since An Luo is the prince of the State of Jin, although the other party is Emperor Chu, he still doesn't have to see him.

"Why, I seem to be in a bad mood." Emperor Chu smiled and said, "Or, who provoked you?"

"No, I just don't know what to do."

"If you haven't come back for so many years, why don't you take a good look at the great rivers and mountains of Chu?"

"Your Majesty, aren't you worried?" An Luo finally couldn't help saying the problem.

Worried? What are you worried about?" Emperor Chu asked.

"Now that the State of Chu is paralyzed, it's strange that you don't seem to worry at all."

"If I can get better because of my worries, I must be more worried than anyone else. It is my people who are suffering now." Emperor Chu sighed, but there was no sadness or any other emotion on his face, as if he were talking about something completely unrelated to him. "Let me tell you something, I'm going to raise an army against Xia in half a month."

"Ah?" An Luo asked, "Your Majesty, why do you want to raise troops against the State of Xia?"

"Shouldn't I raise an army?" Emperor Chu asked, "Now the State of Xia is bullying too much, and I have no choice but to do it. Well, I still have something to do. Although this is the State of Chu, don't mind treating him as a home.