The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 306 Past Remembrance

"Yes, if I kill Ling Yue, then Liu Ye will definitely kill me. At that time, you can make a profit, can't you?"

Jiang Mozhu thought for a moment and said, "In this case, did you let us kill Murong Lingyue in order to let Liuye kill us again?"

Xia Wuchen nodded and said, "Yes, that's right."

"What a bad heart." Jiang Mozhu said with a smile, "In this case, our alliance has failed."

Xia Wuchen did not retain him. After leaving, Jiang Mozhu and Xia Kang went to live for a hundred years. In a hundred years, Xia Kang asked, "Why did he kill Murong Lingyue?"

"Didn't I say early that only Xia Wuchen can kill Murong Lingyue, hehe, so we just need to wait." Jiang Mozhu seemed to be in a good mood, drinking one cup after another.

"Strange." Xia Kang said, "It's really a group of strange crazy people."

"Who are you talking about?" Jiang Mozhu asked.

"I'm talking about you." Xia Kang said, "I really don't know what you are doing. What on earth do you want to make this world a mess?"

Jiang Mozhu thought for a moment and said, "It's because you don't want anything, that's why you messed it up!"

"Don't you want anything?"

"Yes, no matter what you get, it's boring and meaningless, so you have to disrupt and increase the difficulty, so that what you get will be cherished. People, it's this cruel creature." Jiang Mozhu smiled, making Xia Kang get goosebumps all over. "Actually, the world is like a running account novel. Ah, I can't even support the running account. It's like something written randomly by the author to make up the number of words. Because of this, everything is meaningless, you Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Xia Kang shook his head. He couldn't understand Jiang Mozhu's words at all, and even doubted whether Jiang Mozhu was drunk, but it didn't look like it.

"Ha ha, I knew you didn't understand what I was talking about. No wonder who can understand."

"I understand." I don't know when, Ke Chengyang sat next to the two, "The world is really messy."

"Ke Chengyang, ah, maybe only you can understand." Jiang Mozhu poured a glass of wine for Ke Chengyang.

Ke Chengyang picked up his glass and drank it all: "I found it."

"Have you found it?" Jiang Mozhu looked at Ke Chengyang and asked, "What did you find?"

"The way to that world." Ke Chengyang said, "Do you want to go back?"

"I don't want to." Jiang Mozhu shook his head and said, "If you want to go back, just go back by yourself."

"Why?" Ke Chengyang asked, "Why don't you want to go back?"

"Why should I go back? I'm dead in that world. Don't forget that you all crossed over alive. Only me, I'm a dead man, a dead man who has been thrown into pieces. How can I return to that world?" Jiang Mozhu smiled.

Ke Chengyang said slowly, "I have a way."

Huh? Do you have a way?" Jiang Mozhu was a little surprised, "What can you do?"

"Don't forget that I'm Jiu Mi's assistant. And half of the world was created by Jiu Mi.

"I almost forgot this matter, but even if I can go back to that world, I still don't want to go back." Jiang Mozhu said, "So, thank you for your kindness."

"Why? Why don't you want to go back?

"There is no need. Isn't this world the same as that world? Besides, what should I do when I go back? It's nothing." Jiang Mozhu said slowly, "If you want to go back, you can go back by yourself and take Ling Yue back alive, but I don't think she will go back. All of them will stay here, hahaha..."

After saying that, Jiang Mozhu began to drink one cup after another.

Ke Chengyang sighed and began to drink. It seemed that he noticed that Xia Kang was sitting next to him: "Why don't you drink?"

"You can drink it." Xia Kang said.

"Oh." Ke Chengyang thought for a moment and said, "Then drink with me."

"Good." The three kept drinking and drank a lot until dawn.

When Ling Yue returned to the palace, it was early the next morning. When she saw Xia Wuchen, she didn't know why she felt that Xia Wuchen was very far away, strange, and almost didn't know him.

"What's wrong with you?" Ling Yue asked, "Didn't you sleep all night?"

Xia Wuchen nodded and said, "Yes, I can't sleep."

"Hmm." Ling Yue didn't say anything, but left after responding.

Xia Wuchen looked at Ling Yue's back and wanted to stop Ling Yue, but he didn't say anything after all. In fact, what can he say? Xia Wuchen knew that he could not control Murong Lingyue in any case, which was a fact that could not be changed. Similarly, Murong Lingyue also knew that no matter how weak Xia Wuchen was, he was still an emperor.

She will never be able to live with a man who has become an emperor.

Imperial concubine, imperial concubine? This is just a name that imprisoned her for the rest of her life. Ling Yue thought she could accept it happily, but she still found that it was impossible to do anything.

As Jiang Mozhu expected, everything began to develop in a subtle direction. At the same time, Xia Kang, who was originally precarious, became the safest, which Xia Kang never expected. That's why Xia Kang felt that Jiang Mozhu was terrible, but it was terrible. Xia Kang could not be so afraid all the time. One day, he would kill Jiang Mozhu and avenge Wuying. Even if there was no hatred, Xia Kang must kill this viper-like man.

"Do you want to kill him?" Ke Chengyang narrowed his eyes, looked at Xia Kang, and said, "Actually, he is very pitiful. Why do you have to kill him?"

At this time, Jiang Mozhu was drunk and fell asleep on the table.

"Is he pitiful?" Xia Kang's tone was a little cold. He didn't feel that Jiang Mozhu was pitiful at all, but hateful.

"He is a very poor genius." Ke Chengyang said, "This is his world, the world he created, this world where he can become a king, but I and others have destroyed the world, so the most pitiful thing is him."

"Do you know him?" Xia Kang asked, "And you seem to know it very well."

"I don't know him very well, but in the past, he was very lonely. No one could understand him, and no one regarded him as a normal person. Everyone thought he was a monster and were afraid of him and his sister..."

"His sister?"

Ke Chengyang nodded and said, "Yes, his sister forced him to death..."

Despite this, Xia Kang still can't understand what Ke Chengyang said. In fact, it is precisely because Xia Kang can't understand that Ke Chengyang said so. In fact, even if Xia Kang understands, this chaotic story will soon come to an end.

Once it's over, you really don't need anything. You don't need to worry about anything, but even if it's over, it's the feeling of being able to thank you and contact again.