The Golden Imperial Concubine

Chapter 321 Wine at the bottom of the ship

The river under the sunset shines with intoxicating waves, and fish are swimming happily under the orange water waves. Although I also took a cruise ship in my previous life, most of the time I was engaged in business discussions full of luxury cabins. Never look at the water aimlessly like this. The wind at night is cool, but it is extremely comfortable. At this time, it would be best if there was a pot of wine. Unfortunately, it was on the boat. No matter how good it is, I'm afraid there is no way to conjure up a pot of wine. So Ling Yue looked at the sailors sitting in the bow smoking dry smoke. The boatman looked at Ling Yue with a smile and said, "Ha ha, don't think about my wine. I don't sell that wine for thousands of pounds."

Ling Yue smiled and said, "Old man, don't be stingy with this good wine for Yue. At worst, I'll buy your wine with ten thousand gold."

The boatman shook his head and said, "That's still not to sell, and a gentleman doesn't take away people's love. You won't understand this truth."

"But I'm not a gentleman. I'm a little woman. Confucius said, only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you don't give me wine, I'm afraid you won't have peace along the way." Ling Yue said, "Moreover, isn't it too boring for you to drink alone? Isn't it good to have me as an escort?"

"You are a drinker, old man, my wine is not enough for you to drink." The boatman said, "So, you girl, you still drink tea obediently."

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Yue saw the ship's face change greatly. She turned around and saw Liu Ye holding a dark jar in her hand. Ling Yue smiled and said, " Liu Ye, I haven't found it for so long. Where did you find it?"

Liu Ye smiled cunningly: "Hey, I found it at the bottom of the boat. The old man was so cunning that he tied the wine detective to the bottom of the boat. It's really a miracle that it didn't break all the way."

The boatman's mouth twitched, and it seemed that he never expected that Liu Ye could find the wine he had hidden: "How on earth did you find it?"

Liu Ye said, "I have seen all the places, except the bottom of the boat, so I swam to the bottom of the boat to see it, but the old man can't swim. Is it possible that he really put the wine there when he was on the shore?"

The boatman curled his lips and said, "Well, I'm unlucky today. My wine will be ruined by two little dolls who don't know wine."

"Why don't you know how to drink? Let's talk about it." Ling Yue said unconvincedly.

"Then you can try a bowl and see if you don't understand the wine." The boatman said, "Well, since you have found it, you can drink it quickly."

After a while, Liu Ye put out the small table in the cabin. There were three bowls on the table, and the bowl smelled nothing**. Ling Yue picked up one of the bowls, took a sip, and suddenly spit out all of them: "This... is not wine. It's obviously just water."

"Haha, I said you don't understand bars." The old man smiled and seemed to be in a good mood. However, this smile seemed to be mocking in Ling Yue's eyes, "It's your turn. Take two sips and find the wine boy."

Liu Ye picked up the bowl, took a sip, and looked at the boatman in a blankly: "Ah, this is water, not wine."

"You don't know alcohol either." The boatman smiled again, walked to the table, picked up the wine like water in Lingyue and Liuye, and drank it happily: "Good wine, really good wine."

Liu Ye shrugged his shoulders and expressed helplessness: "Well, well, this old man is crazy that he can't even distinguish between wine and water."

"Why do you say this is wine?" Ling Yue asked curiously.

"Wine is water, and water is wine." The boat said, "So, since you say this is water, it means that you don't know wine at all."

"Seeing mountains is not mountains, seeing water is not water..." Ling Yue sighed and said, "Alas, what the hell am I doing?"

Liu Ye said, "Sister, don't sigh. It's not easy for me to work hard to get this jar up from the bottom of the ship. Ah, I won't do such an annoying thing next time. Ah, it's really unhappy. It's really unhappy.

"Haha..." The boatman did laugh happily, but Ling Yue felt that she seemed to have been fooled.

The moon is sad, and a bright moon is reflection in the river.

Liu Ye has gone back to sleep in the cabin, and the boatman seems to have gone back to bed because he is old and can't resist sleep**. Therefore, Ling Yue was the only one left. Such silence is indeed a little lonely.

When did you start to feel lonely? When you put down all your pride in that man? It's time for Gu Li to die. Now that I think about it, Gu Li has done nothing wrong. Even Jiang Mozhu in this world doesn't seem to have done anything wrong. Everything is because of yourself, because of your ambition. Fortunately, in the end, I gave up this ambition, but what I got after giving up was full of loneliness. What would it look like if you chose it again?

Ling Yue didn't dare to think about it, because she had regretted it in her heart.

Visiting mountains and rivers is not a manifestation of giving up everything. To some extent, it is another kind of conquest of the country. I'm afraid no one will think of this, because those ambitions have long been covered up by the wind and snow, making people forget its existence. Except for myself.

You can't be deceived, which is the minimum bottom line.

So, if Xia Wuchen is also here at this time, he will see the regret and unwillingness in Ling Yue's eyes...

Is this really what you want? Why? Is this what I tried my best to get?

The final victory will be Yi Chuguan. Why is it her? Now it is clearly Xia Wuchen who sits firmly in the position of emperor. How can it be the powerless Yi Chuguan's turn? That's impossible. As long as it is a game, you will want to win, even by any means.

Ling Yue believes that it is definitely not what Jiu Mi said casually. Since she said it, it means that it will definitely come true.

Actually, why bother yourself? It is impossible to go back to the beginning. There is only one chance. Ling Yue knows this better than anyone else. Since she is standing behind Xia Wuchen, there is no way back. Now, Xia Wuchen is no longer the contradictory and weak prince at the beginning. He has the blood of the king in his body. After tasting the sweetness brought to him by power, it is impossible to give up.

As an emperor, you can only sit on that high throne forever. Otherwise, you can't become a human being. If you don't sit on the emperor, you can't even do it. This is cruel. Even so, everyone still goes to step on the unreachable but close throne.

No one talks to himself, and no one can see his expression. He should be sad to cry, but he can't cry. I really don't know whether it's pleasing or making people.

In the original place, the night was dark and there was no end in sight. The boat floated alone on the water, but could not find the direction. No, no, there is a direction, Cang Guo. Go to see the seven bodies that he has been escaping, each of which is her, once her. She doesn't want to see such a horrible scene, but now she has to see it, because she always wants to see herself. Since Su Rou completely disappeared, she almost forgot her appearance.

Every time she sees a strange face in the mirror, she feels creepy. That's not himself, not himself. He indulges in being beautiful, but not himself. Xia Wuchen loves Murong Lingyue's appearance, and he doesn't love Murong Lingyue's appearance. She is Su Rou, nothing.

Su Rou, this is her name, not Murong Lingyue, not Murong Lingyue.

Ling Yue has been repeating her former name, Su Rou, Su Rou... not Murong Lingyue.

However, everyone regards her as Murong Lingyue, and no one calls her Su Rou anymore. She is no longer the strong woman who fights in the financial workplace. She is now just a woman attached to the imperial power, just a imperial concubine, a imperial concubine who is useless and can't even give birth to children in the future.

This world should have been hers, why did she live so humblely?

There must be something wrong... It must be so.