Optimus Sword

Chapter 243 Subdue the Changeable Langjun

"It's not wrong that Tianjue is your father, but if we don't agree, if we don't surrender, who will save our lives? Your Tianbao's life is life, isn't our life?"

The words of the two suddenly made Tianbao have a voice. Yes, he should not selfishly want them to be loyal to heaven. They are also human beings and need to survive.

sighed. He knew that today was bound to die. Thinking of the scene where he framed Qingyu, the helpless appearance of Qingyu, and Princess Wanxuan, suddenly, he seemed to remember something and looked at Qingyu and asked,

"Is Princess Wanxuan still safe? He should have been rescued by you, right?"

"Well, of course she is safe. I know she was coerced by you at that time. Right? You did all this, didn't you?

For Qing Yu's sneer, Tianbao nodded sadly and said nothing more, but when the sword light scratched his neck, there was no pain on his face.

Originally, he could inherit the bloodline of his father's sword saint, the unique divine power of the god, but he could only die here. Their unique religion has more advantages than the underworld religion because Tianju has a son, but the ghost does not have a son, let alone the

So he could have had a good future, and his strength was not weak, but he dealt with the wrong person. This person was Qing Yu, and he was definitely the alternative he met, so he was defeated.

The end of defeat was death, so he died. His Tianbao, who died at the age of 23, was killed by a young man who was a few years younger than him but much stronger than him.

Qing Yu looked faintly at the place where Tianbao died, and sighed with blood,

"If your father hadn't killed me in the frozen magic cellar, if you hadn't been chasing me, if you and Baibai Langjun would have gone, maybe you wouldn't die. You still have a lot of time. Maybe you can follow us to compete for the Central Plains and compete for hegemony at the top of the world, but It's you who are in the wrong position. Your ambition and vanity have hurt you. You can't blame others, you can only blame yourself.

Qingyu's words were like a heavy bomb, weighing on the hearts of Qianmian Langjun and Baibai Langjun. If they had also left, they would still be the majestic swordsman, not the prisoners of this person.

They saw with their own eyes the strength of Qingyu, the unfathomable strength, the kind of strength that they could not reach at all.

So they were wrong. They accepted their fate. They accepted their fate and thought that they would not run away, let alone have other crooked thoughts, just because they really couldn't even beat Qingyu's hand.

Only those who see it with their own eyes know the destructive momentum.

Qing Yu lifted all the ground with one hand at that time, and then the body of Tianbao on the ground fell down without any trace.

Although they were surprised, they had no choice, because this was the most horrible and oppressive strength they had ever seen.

They never thought that this young man could have the same strength as the god, but he didn't show it at that time.

I'm afraid it's the necrotic monk, and it's not necessarily his opponent, but Qing Yu liked the monk's appetite at that time, so he didn't kill him.

"Qing Yu, kill him, is it really okay?"

The little official looked at Qingyu walking in front of him and suddenly asked.

"Then can I still watch him want to kill me again and again, regardless?"

Qingyu's words also floated over. He knew that he would not give up if he didn't explain it to this little girl. So he had to tell the little girl honestly, but at this time, the little official tilted his head and smiled,

"So what do you mean by receiving these two guys? Can they really help you? Don't forget that they are also strong people at the level of Jianzong, not ordinary people, so don't underestimate them, okay?"

Qing Yu smiled and looked at the little official in front of him. He suddenly had a funny feeling.

"Do you know how many people I have received in the Ghost Garden, as well as people from other sects, the native people of Tianfumen, which is also the division of the Ghost Garden, so why do you tell me not to accept them? Without them, what do you want me to fight with them? They all have rich people with land and land. ."

"Don't mention the Ghost Garden, it's the godless master of the heavenly religion. How many such generals do you dare to say that these soldiers are their natives? Do you dare to say that Tianjue didn't surrender from somewhere else? Therefore, some soldiers surrender by themselves, and some are recruited by themselves. It does not mean that all soldiers can be killed, some prisoners can be killed, and some prisoners can be taken for their own use, but it is better.

"However, once I met a man, who was the head of the loess of the Ghost Garden. You also saw him. He was a traitor. I subdued him, but he still served the Ghost Garden, do you know? You also saw it that time, so you don't have to be surprised. I will kill him. Anyone who surrenders to me, that is, the brother of Tianfumen, if I treat you as a brother, you will betray me, but I will not let you go."

Qing Yu frowned, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Many times he needs to use some words of the people next to warn the people around him, so he knows that many times, as long as he can maintain his demeanor and temperament, even if he is saying sarcastic words, it can be very deterrent. Words come.

Qing Yu talked to the little officials in order to let the changeable Langjun and the previous Langjun know that his words were not only for the small officials, but also for them. Therefore, their bodies also had a slight tremor, because they were also afraid that they would kill Qingyu. What a deterrent it is, such as Qingyu's swordsmanship and the swordsmanship of the Great Sage Qitian.

At this time, of course, Baibai Langjun and Qianmian Langjun no longer dare to betray Qingyu. At least when they heard such words, they dare not say so for a while. Even if they are just fake surrender, they will wait until they have enough strength, or wait for their new owner to give them real peace. All the time, they will betray again.

At least for now, they dare not.

"Then aren't you afraid of heavenly revenge?"

As soon as the little official's words were said, they immediately attracted the ears of the two people, that is, the changeable Langjun and the thousand-faced Langjun, because they are all concerned about this problem. If Qingyu can't resist the Tianjue's offensive, their surrender will sooner or later become that they will die under Tianjue's hands.

How can the prestige of the Heavenly Master be established for their two outsiders? How can the Heavenly Lord tolerate his men to do such a thing? How can he tolerate a person who has betrayed him and come back?

As the saying goes, a good horse doesn't eat back grass.

They turned back, not that the prodigal son would not change his money, but that he would die when he turned back.

There is no place to die.

"Fear, of course, of course, the Heavenly Master has the level of swordsman at this moment. He has eaten at least one drop of the blood of the magic wolf. I have said that it can improve the energy of the swordsman level, or let the strong man at the swordszong level peep to reach the threshold of the swordsman level. Therefore, the blood of the devil wolf must be a must-have thing for soldiers.

Qing Yu's words are neither humble nor arrogant, sonorous and powerful. It seems that he is not afraid of the heavenly master at all, and only listens to him continue to speak.

"Because the Lord will not be a good stubble, he will definitely take revenge. If his beloved son is killed, how can he not take revenge? Your beloved son was killed. Will you take revenge?

Qingyu's words obviously asked the little official, but the changeable Langjun and Qianmen Langjun whispered in the back, of course they would take revenge.

The little official heard i Qingyu's sentence, but he pretended to meditate and thought about it, and then smiled,

"Of course, if my son is killed by you, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go. I will chase you to the ends of the earth"

When the little official's dangerous voice came out, Qingyu pretended to be surprised and then said,

"Yes, even you are so nervous, not to mention Tianjue. Tianbao, the son of Tianjue, is the first young master of Tianjue Buddhism, and his talent is extremely high. He is the only one who can inherit Tianjue's position. So even if he dies, he will not be too disappointed, but when his son dies, he will be so sad that he wants to kill the man who killed his son."

As soon as Qingyu's words came out, not only the body of the little official trembled, but also the changeable Langjun and Qianmen Langjun behind him couldn't help trembling. If Qingyu was the murderer of Tianbao, the son of Tianjue, the two surrendered guys would be accomplices.

But they have no choice. If they don't surrender, they will die soon.

Qing Yu continued to say faintly,

"And Tianbao's talent is extremely high, which is a great existence for tricks and so on. Therefore, it is a blessing for anyone to have such a son. But Tianbao is too arrogant, because he is impatient and wants to kill me. If he and Baibai Langjun leave, I will naturally not embarrass him, and he has framed me many times and almost killed me many times."

"When I protected Princess Wanxuan, he framed me many times, and several of my brothers died, and several of them were missing. I didn't go to find his bad luck, but he came to the door. He has done me a lot. Sooner or later, I will get it back, but if I kill him, I will definitely be chased by the Lord of Heaven.

"So I gave up this idea for the time being, but he was chasing after me, and I couldn't blame him. Moreover, his father, the Heavenly Master, was going to kill me when he robbed the blood of the demon wolf in the frozen demon Hao cellar. Fortunately, I ate five drops of magic wolf blood, which saved my life. At that time, if it hadn't been for the five drops of magic wolf blood in the frozen demon wolf cellar, I would have been burned to death. How could I Do you have me now?

Qing Yu snorted coldly and continued to say,

"So both father and son have a lot of hatred against me, so even if I kill both father and son, it's not too much. Really, there is also Mingluan. At that time, he was also an accomplice. He and Tianjue worked together to beat me to the frozen magic cellar."

Qing Yu's words were not only surprised by the little officials, but also the changeable Langjun and Qianmian Langjun over there were surprised to death. Five drops of the blood of the demon wolf were eaten by this guy? That's the person who only ate two drops, and Mingluan only ate one drop. But this guy can eat five drops and still die?

Has his strength... exceeded the two heavenly masters? This is absolutely impossible.

The shock in their hearts is on the surface, and Qingyu can not die under the magma. What kind of legend is this? What kind of miracle is this? This is simply a miracle impossibility.

So their surprised expression can only be put on their faces, but they dare not say it, because their current identity is just slaves and prisoners. Even if Qingyu wants them to die at this moment, they dare not say more words, and now Qingyu has not sealed their acupuncture points or sealed their martial arts, letting them They can also move freely, which means that they still have a chance.

Qing Yu's words surprised the little official slightly, but he was surprised, but the question still needs to be asked. So the little official's question came,

"That's true. At this moment, you killed the two father and son, just for heaven, or just to avenge yourself, or for your brothers. By the way, have you found them?"

This is really a question, and Qingyu's eyes are full of sadness,

"Fan Nozhuang and others still haven't found it. I'm really sorry that these brothers came out of Lingzong together and escorted Princess Wanxuan. If it weren't for Tianbao or Mingluan, the owner of the Ghost Garden, they would have been separated and killed a lot of their brothers. So Pluto, Tianbao, and the Lord of Heaven, they are all my biggest enemies."

"Ah?" The little official was shocked and looked at Qing Yu's face with a slight sneer, "Then how can you face them with a smile? You should have killed your brothers like that. Why do you give them a chance to resurrect? Still let them go? They, the Heavenly Sect, Ghost Garden and the people of the Underworld are all damn people. Why do you have to give them a chance?

"Moreover, you have met them so many times, the heavenly and mysterious, and this evil treasure, you should have killed them long ago."

For the words of the petty official, Qingyu smiled undeniably. Yes, he should have killed them with red eyes. But he has to think about the people all over the world. He has to think about so many brothers in Tianfumen. He can't joke about his life. He has to know how to endure.

Qingyu sighed heavily, "Yes, I'm sorry for them. The dead brothers, Xia Muhua and others are all dead. I'm sorry for their lack of deployment. And it was caused by Tianbao's treachery and Murong He's conspiracy. Their serial scheme killed them and almost killed me, but our lucky people survived, but they were responsible for their dead brothers.

"Yes, but I want to endure it. I really can't be selfish for myself. There are more brothers under me. If I avenge and satisfy my desire for my own selfish desires, so that their dragons are not leaderless, the brothers of Tianfumen will fall into more danger, and they will be on the ground. The government complains about me"

"Who do you think can lead without my leader? Murong Qiushui can lead for a while, but after knowing the news of my death, Ji Chang will go crazy. Murong Hong will go crazy. More brothers will lose confidence. If they don't have the confidence to fight again, their confidence will be gone. Death will happen sooner or later.

Qing Yu said seriously,

"Do you think they have this ability? You think that if I let all my brothers die because I miss my former brothers, you think that even if I am alive, I will punish for my impulse. If I die and meet them when I am in hell, will they blame me? Why should I, an irresponsible leader, give up so many of their brothers for my own selfish desires?

"How much they trust me, but I let them down. Do you know how painful it is?"

Qingyu's expression was painful. The little official couldn't bear to look at Qingyu in front of him, as if he remembered his former self, but he was comforted by Qingyu. Now he also wants to comfort this injured man?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Qingyu, I shouldn't have asked you that. I shouldn't have reminded you of things that you shouldn't have thought. I'm sorry." The little official gradually cried. Why does a young man who is not yet 20 years old need to carry so many things?

Qing Yu seemed to think of something. He raised his head, turned around, looked at the changeable Langjun and Qianmian Langjun behind him and said,

"You step back. I have something to say to her. Don't try to run away, okay?"

Qing Yu's words, like a sharp sword, penetrated deeply into their hearts. They didn't even dare to move at all, but kept nodding their heads. He said blankly.

"Okay, let's step back, let's step back"

Their submissive voice made the little official laugh, and the crying just now seemed to have become a cloud of smoke. Looking at the Qingyu smile in front of him,

"Ha ha, Qingyu, do you think you can say this, as if I have a lot to do with you. He"

Qing Yu was stunned, but he didn't expect this problem, so he smiled faintly and said.

"It's okay, I don't worry about my woman. Ji Chang and Murong Hong, they won't misunderstand."