Killing Eight Wastes

Killing Eight Wastes Related Instructions

1. Killing the Eight Wastes, category - alien continent, fantasy, combination of Chinese and Western fantasy.

2. This book is a fighting spirit, occupation, equipment, and data flow. If you are not interested in these four points, you can take a detour directly.

3. The beginning is very euphemistic and needs the plot. Please don't think it's boring and not cool.

4. The huge architecture always needs too much preparation and patience, and you will be fascinated by this book. I don't want to say that this book can write millions of words. I just want to say that it's 100 chapters, the plot has just begun, and the protagonist is on the road.

5. The number of words in the previous daily update is because there are too many settings. Equipment and data flow should be clear. There are too many big things. Please rest assured that the number of words will be updated later.

6. Reputation guarantee, not unfinished, absolutely complete.

7. Ask for tickets, collection and support. It's not easy to code words. If you come here, please support the waste.

8. Don't ask for reading. If you think this book is rubbish, you won't read it even if I beg you, so please leave quickly. It's okay to spray. Welcome, but don't spray it dry and fuck. Be careful that you will wither sooner or later.

9. There have been millions of completed VIP works "White Hand Evil Doctor". If you think the update of the new book is slow, you might as well read the old book. It's an advertisement. Gaga~

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