Killing Eight Wastes

[Relevant materials of this book] III Gas refining realm and classification

Division of gas refining:

Introductory section, grinding section (low, medium, high), spiritual transformation section (low, medium, high), chaotic section, fighting sky section, anti-sky section, holy section, divine section, emperor section.

Level division (corresponding to the realm):

Warrior level division:

Entry Warrior, Junior Warrior, Intermediate Warrior, Senior Warrior, Predator, Black Skull Warrior, Longyin Warrior, Chaos Warrior, Fighting against the Sky, War Emperor, War Saint, God of War, War Emperor

Bow division:

Entry bow master, junior bow master, intermediate bow master, senior bow master, condensation archer, condensing archer, wind-chasing archer, chaotic bow master, fighting sky bow king, anti-sky bow emperor, bow saint, bow god, bow emperor


Introductory Assassin, Junior Assassin, Intermediate Assassin, Advanced Assassin, ambush Assassin, Dark Assassin, Shadow Assassin, Chaos Assassin, Heavenly Thorn King, Anti-Sky Assassin Emperor, Assassin, Assassin, Assassin Emperor

Hunter classification:

Entry hunters, junior hunters, intermediate hunters, senior hunters, hidden hunters, beast hunters, spirit hunters, chaotic hunters, sky hunters, anti-sky hunters, hunters, hunters, hunters, hunters


Introductory Magician, Junior Magician, Intermediate Magician, Senior Magician, Spiritual Shield Mage, Air Condensation Mage, Dark Mage, Chaos Mage, Fighting Heaven Dharma King, Anti-God Dharma Emperor, Dharma Saint, Dharma God, Dharma Emperor

Medical classification:

Introductory Physician, Junior Physician, Intermediate Physician, Senior Physician, Holy Physician, Spiritual Physician, Holy Punishment Physician, Chaos Physician, Heavenly Doctor King, Anti-God Medical Emperor, Medical Sage, Medical God, Medical Emperor

Witch classification:

Introductory wizard, junior wizard, intermediate wizard, senior wizard, elemental wizard, creature wizard, undead wizard, chaotic wizard, fighting wizard, anti-sky wizard, wizard saint, wizard god, witch emperor