Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 9 This boy has a problem

Lujia, Council Chamber.

Lu Lin was squatting on the ground and touching Lu Feng from top to bottom with a pair of wide and rough hands.

Lu Feng lay on the cold bluestone floor, his eyes closed and motionless, as if he were dead.

Lu Fang, who stood aside, looked at it for a while and asked, "Nephew, how's it going?"

He doesn't care about whether Lu Feng has Yue Lingzhu or not. Even if he finds it, it will not belong to him. He only cares about one thing, that is, Lu Feng's life or death.

Although Lu Feng's head was scorched and black, it seemed to be complete, and there was no trace of depression and fragmentation, which was very strange.

Lu Fang stared at it for a while and couldn't figure it out. How hard can Lu Feng's head be? How hard is it to resist the palm of a huge stone?

Lu Lin touched for a long time and couldn't find what he was looking for. He shook his head helplessly and said, "No, I'll explore his body again."

Lu Fang said strangely, "My nephew said that this boy may have swallowed into his body?"

Lu Lin said, "It's very unlikely. As far as I know, people who did not form a professional body let the moon beads swallow into the body and turn back into a burst and die. He is only more than six years old, and how can he form a professional body, but I'd better try it. With that, he stretched out his broad and rough palm and held Lu Feng's little hand again, crossing a spiritual spirit of war.

Lu Lin, who is a Predator, is still at the lowest level of the spiritual transformation stage, and the spirituality generated by the war spirit in his body is still very weak, but it is not difficult to detect whether there are moon beads in Lu Feng's body.

The fighting spirit is the main sign of the spiritual transformation segment. When the spirituality of the fighting spirit reaches a certain level, it can be released, and the fighting spirit can be used to condense qi armor, weapons, and even qi beasts that make the tempered qi refiners amazed and fearful. It can be said that stepping into the spiritual transformation stage can be regarded as embarking on the road of the strong.

However, it is not easy to step into the spiritual transformation stage. This requires perseverance, perseverance, understanding, opportunity, all of which are indispensable. Many gas refiners who have reached the high-level peak of the tempering stage have not been able to break through this bottleneck for several years, such as the Lu family, who was already the peak level of senior forensics two years ago. Lu Fang, two years later, this person still failed to break through, which shows how difficult it is to step into the spiritual transformation stage.

The spirit of war rushed into Lu Feng's body and rushed left and right. Lu Feng was extremely uncomfortable. He immediately let out a muffled hum and opened his eyes. Lu Lin also let go of Lu Feng's hand at this time and shook his head disappointedly again.

Lu Feng got up from the ground, turned around in place, looked around with a pair of slightly frightened eyes, and screamed at Lu Fang, "Aunt Lu? Why am I here? I..." As he spoke, he suddenly put his hands on his head and shouted in great pain, "Ah, it hurts, Uncle Lu, I have a headache."

Lu Fang was a little surprised. Lu Feng had always been angry with him. Today, he actually called him Uncle Lu. Obviously, there was something wrong with this boy. However, he thought lazily and said in a low voice, "Lu Feng, do you know what happened?"

Lu Feng shrank, looked around in horror, and said tremblingly, "Someone is going to kill me, someone is going to kill me. My mother was taken away. I hid in the cellar and was slapped as soon as I came out. I thought I must be dead, but I didn't expect to wake up again. It was day when I woke up. I found myself in the desert, head It hurt as if it was going to explode... Later, when I saw the village from afar, I slowly walked back, but I didn't know anything as I walked.

Lu Fang's voice was lower: "Have you seen who is going to kill you?"

"No, I only heard the man laugh twice. The laughter was terrible."

Lu Feng covered her ears and seemed to hear the laughter not far away.

Lu Lin said, "Lu Feng, right? Don't be afraid. No one dares to kill you with Uncle Lu here." Lu Feng looked at this completely strange big man a few times and handed over a skeptical look and said, "Really?" Lu Lin sat down in a chair and waved, "Well, come on, Uncle Lu has something to ask you." Lu Feng hesitated for a moment and walked over. Lu Lin held his shoulder with two big hands and said, "Uncle Lu already has a clue that he will save the four people who took your mother away."

Lu Feng said in surprise, "Thank you, Uncle Lu."

Lu Lin paused and said, "Did your mother give you a yellow bead before she was arrested? That thing is very important. We must rely on that thing to save your mother. If that thing is in your hands, can you give it to Uncle Lu so that Uncle Lu can save your mother.

Lu was relieved and thought that Lu Lin really had a way. If he were an ordinary child, he would definitely be cheated. However, it was a pity that I met Lu Feng, who was not an ordinary child.

A contemptuous smile appeared at the corners of Lu Fang's mouth. He knows too well about Lu Feng. His nine-year-old stupid son Lu Hao doesn't know how many times he has been fooled by this boy and how many he has carried in his hands. At least he will never treat this boy as a six-year-old child.

Lu Feng tilted his head, as if recalling, and then suddenly looked at Lu Lin with dark eyes and said, "Yellow beads? No, my mother only gave me a black ring, so that I must keep it well. Hearing the ring, Lu Lin's eyes suddenly became hot: "Yes, where is the black ring? Give it to Uncle Lu? As long as you have this ring, you will definitely save your mother.

Lu Feng stood in a daze and suddenly opened his mouth and cried loudly.

Lu Lin didn't know why Lu Feng suddenly cried loudly. He was confused and frowned, "What's wrong?" Lu Feng cried, "When I woke up in the desert, the ring in my hand disappeared. Wow, Uncle Lu, can you find the ring? You must save my mother." Lu Lin said urgently, "Where did you wake up?" Lu Feng said, "It's not far from where they found me."

Lu Lin stood up and shouted outside the hall: "Lu San, Lu Ding"

"My subordinates are here."

Two black guards walked into the hall.

"Bring all my brothers to find the desert of Xiao Lu Feng, find every inch of sand for me, and be sure to find the black ring. Well, by the way, pay attention to any suspicious clues left by others nearby, and return them immediately if there are any clues.

Lu San and Lu Ding held their fists and bent down to exit the hall. Then, there were bursts of shouting and queues in the Lu family compound.

When Lu Lin was surging and anxious, Lu smiled secretly in his heart. He didn't like the fourth son, and he also knew that the fourth son in front of him didn't pay attention to him at all, and even refused to tell him what the moon Lingzhu was for. Therefore, he was very happy to witness the so-called nephew being played by a six-year-old child.