Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 14 Can you not pretend?

Seeing Lu Hao and Lu Chong run away, Shuier hurried forward to help Lu Feng and asked if it hurt or not.

Lu Feng grinned, reached out and nodded the tip of her red nose, and then pointed to a beautiful woman standing behind the water, like a rose-like red-shirted woman, "You called that lady, didn't you?"

Water nodded.

Lu Feng coughed softly and walked to the red-shirted woman. He smiled and arched his hand and said loudly, "Miss Lu Feng, thank you here." His face was bruised, the corners of his mouth were bloody, and his clothes were also torn and torn. It looked very funny to make such an exaggerated gesture again. Lu Wushuang couldn't help covering his mouth and giggled twice before saying, "My brother is too much. Are you all right?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "It's okay. If it hadn't been for your face, I would have called your stupid brother father and mother. As he spoke, his eyes shifted to the two mist that had not yet dissipated in Lu Wushuang's palm, and sighed, "That's really good. Is this the magic skill of an entry-level mage?" Lu Wushuang squeezed his lips and smiled, "What, your little clever eyes are hot?" Lu Feng touched her chin and said, "It's really hot, but don't be proud. My talent will definitely not be lower than yours."

Lu Wushuang did not refute. He smiled and dispersed the mist in his palm and said, "I believe that after all, this Shaming Village can't find a second person as clever as you. Well, you can have a talent test in half a year. I hope you won't let me down.

Lu Feng smiled and patted his chest and said, "Absolutely."

Lu Wushuang smiled and said nothing, but Bai Mei suddenly gave birth.

Lu Feng looked at this little girl who was a little seductive at a young age. Her heart couldn't help but swing. Then she quickly scolded herself as a beast with human nature, reached out and touched the bruises on her body, moved and said, "Let's go. Anyway, thank you this time." Lu Wushuang was stunned and waved hurriedly as if he was afraid that Lu Feng would fly and said, "Hey, you can leave. Don't panic. I came up with the brain teaser you told me last time."

Lu Feng turned around, looked at Lu Wushuang, who was quite proud, and said with a smile, "Oh? Let's talk about it."

Speaking of brain teasers, Lu Feng wanted to laugh in his heart.

Lu Wushuang is very interesting. Maybe he thinks that everyone says that Lu Feng is smart and is not convinced, so he wants to find Lu Feng to compare intelligence from time to time. And Lu Feng, relying on a time traveler who can't see the light, forced Lu Wushuang around. Two years ago, Lu Feng suddenly remembered a brain teaser one day and casually gave Lu Wushuang one. As a result, Lu Wushuang was embarrassed. Since then, Lu Wushuang has let Lu Feng make brain teasers to prove her intelligence as soon as she has time.

At this time, looking at Lu Feng, who seemed to be smiling, Lu Wushuang immediately pouted and hummed softly, "You little guy, you frame me every time. A bull and a cow, guess three words, isn't that two cows? As soon as Lu Feng heard this, he immediately thumbed up and said, "Miss Lu is really smart. I admire and admire her." Lu Wushuang smiled and said, "Of course. I have found the rule of your brain teaser, and you can't help me anymore.

Lai Liu was interested and interrupted, "Really? I'll give you one, too."

Lu Feng looked at Lai Liu suspiciously and said to himself, "Does Lai Liu also understand brain warps?" At this time, he heard Lai Liu say, "What will happen to a man and a woman?" Lu Wushuang's black eyes turned over and said, "It's boring. It's two people." Lai Liu shook his head and said, "No, men and women will have babies together. If a baby comes out, there will be three people. If there are twins, triplets and quadruplets, there will be four, five or six people."

Although Lu Wushuang seemed to understand men and women, he could also think of something, and immediately blushed.

Lai Liu laughed.

Lu Wushuang scolded Lai Liu, and then touched his little red face and said happily to Lu Feng, "Give me another one." Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I won't go out. You have become a teacher. It's hard for you anymore." Lu Wushuang was obsessed, and Lu Feng said, "Xiao Wang and Xiao Li have been married. Why do they still date secretly?"

Lu Wushuang was stunned. It was the first time she heard this type of brain teaser from Lu Feng's mouth. She couldn't react immediately. She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to go.

Lu Feng secretly smiled at Lai Liu, left Lu Wushuang, who was still thinking hard, and took Shuier away by himself.

After two steps, Lu Feng coaxed Shuier home, and he and Lai Liu walked to the pharmacy of Boss Pal on West Street.

In addition to purchasing and selling medicinal materials, Boss Parr also sells some of the most commonly used low-grade elixirs refined by pharmacists and alchemists of the Bart family. Lai Liu bought two bottles of "siltling water" and two "internal treatment pills" with 1 silver coin, smeared a bottle of "silting water" on the bruises on his body, and then ate an "internal treatment pill".

"Water removal" and "internal healing elixir" are the most common healing items. As long as there are medicinal materials, basically everyone will * refine them, and it is not difficult. Therefore, these two things can't even rank in the potions and elixir. However, the curative effect of these two healing drugs is quite good. Lu Feng and Lai Liu applied it on their bodies for less than a moment, and the bruises on their bodies all dissipated, and even the wounds healed and formed scars.

After leaving the medicine shop, the two went to the only pub in the village.

The pub has no name, but a large wine jar is painted on a cloth flag obliquely inserted in the window.

Since there are basically no foreign migrant workers in Shaming Village, the pub has no business on weekdays, but Lai Liu and a group of little callers have become regular visitors to the pub.

Before the two entered the door, Xiao Er greeted them enthusiastically and greeted them in.

Unexpectedly, today's eight square tables in the pub are full of three tables. These three table guests are all faces. Lu Feng and Lai Liu have never seen each other and will never be from the village.

These people are also strange. They are not like ordinary drinkers shouting and shouting, but only drinking and eating vegetables. However, at the moment when Lu Feng and Lai Liu walked in, the three tables glanced over unintentionally and immediately turned their eyes on Lu Feng.

Seeing this, Lai Liu smiled and whispered, "You are so charming and admire you."

Lu Feng replied with words, "Is it like a child?"

Lu Feng naturally knew why these people stared at him, but he didn't expect that it was only half a day, as if everyone knew him.

When the second store saw the two stop, he seemed to be afraid that they would turn their heads and go out. He quickly came forward to greet them and asked if they were sitting in the old position.

Lai Liu said, "Naturally, it is the old position." Then he walked to a square table by the window in the northwest corner.

The two sat down and asked for a pot of white wine, a catty of beef, and a plate of peanuts while eating and drinking without saying anything.

After eating and drinking for a while, Lai Liucai said in a voice that could be heard by the two of them: "Do you know why these people don't look at you?"

Lu Feng added a piece of beef and chewed it, "Because I'm young, have you ever seen such a small child come to the pub to drink and eat meat?"

Lai Liu picked up a peanut and smashed it into Lu Feng's face and said, "Can you not install it?"

Lu Feng caught the peanut, stuffed it into her mouth, and chewed, "For the Yuelingzhu."