Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 16 Break the membrane (II)

Lai Liuqiang suppressed a smile and said, "Then how did you do it?"

Lu Feng wiped his saliva and patted the table again and said, "How did you do it? Of course, I drilled into my body desperately. Hey, I didn't expect the soul of the jade dog to squeeze me out desperately, and said that it was an ancient god dog and asked me to get out quickly. I was annoyed and said fuck you, get rid of my body quickly. So, I fought with the dog's soul. Guess what, the soul of the divine dog couldn't defeat me, and finally let me swallow it. My ancient young master returned to the sun again. Not only was it still yang, but I also found that my nose was particularly smart. No matter what breath entered my nose and was locked by me, there would be nowhere to escape within 100 meters.

Lai Liuqi said, "Is there such a strange thing? As a tomb robber, I have encountered many strange things in my life, but as you said, I have never encountered such a thing. Well, continue, what about later?"

Lu Feng said, "Later? This kind of bromine incident happened. Do you think I will still stay in school with my face? And my father also thought that several things that happened frequently made him lose face, so he simply threw me two million and kicked me out of the house. It doesn't matter. I left home. The more I thought about it, the more I became aggrieved. I bought some explosives, sneaked into the school at night, blew up the statue of the dog, and then I was ready to go away from home. But at that time, I smelled some strange breath in my nose, which seemed to be the same as the jade dog statue, so I followed the breath and found the place where the jade dog stone carvings were unearthed. Standing on the edge of the pit, while I was thinking about these strange things, a ghost suddenly flew out of the pit and got into my brain, and then the strange energy tunnel appeared and sucked me in.

Lai Liu seemed to understand something and nodded, "So that's it. It seems that it's still the trick that got into your brain.

Lu Feng said, "Who said no? That thing penetrated into my brain with a soul idea, saying that he was a demon who swallowed the sky and wanted to occupy my body to dominate the world. As a result, it was still devoured by the soul. Damn, why do you think my soul is so strong?

Lai Liu looked up sharply and said, "The demon god swallows the sky, the god dog? Hey, that god dog won't suppress the remnant soul of the demon god, will it? As a grave robber, Lai Liu is still very clear about this kind of soul suppression, so he immediately associated the dog jade carving and the demon god swallowing the sky.

Lu Feng thought about the matter together and said, "Well, it's possible that the god dog jade carving was unearthed, and the demon god swallowed the sky and came out to make trouble. It's just that I got into this matter." Without a sigh, Lu Feng said again, "So, the energy tunnel is also swallowed by the devil? Why did the demon swallow the sky come to this continent? What does this continent have to do with him?

Lai Liu frowned and said, "I think so. It's just that why we have never heard of demons swallowing the sky in this continent... Well, it seems that we have to waste some energy to figure this out.

At this time, Lu Feng patted his head and said, "By the way, do you know why I was not slapped to death by Lu Fang? I think it's mostly because of the thing that shot into my brain.

Lai Liu had never figured out why Lu Feng could survive under Lu Fang's palm. At this time, as soon as he heard Lu Feng's words, he immediately shifted his eyes and stared at Lu Feng's head and said, "So that thing is still a treasure, and you are also blessed by misfortune?"

Lu Feng said, "I don't know. Anyway, I think that thing is very weird, and I'm not very reliable with that thing in my mind." Lai Liu looked at Lu Feng's head for a long time and didn't see any fame, so he said, "Wait, when you break through the professional body and step into the training stage, you will have the ability of internal vision. Then you can see clearly what is in your brain."

"Have you measured your spirit? How many paragraphs have you been?" Lu Feng asked.

"Hey." Lai Liu smiled twice and said, "It was tested two months ago. Eight paragraphs, hey hey, this talent is no worse than Lu Wushuang's little witch."

"Eight paragraphs?"

Lu Feng opened his mouth in surprise.

Lu Wushuang's seven-year-old stage is known as the little witch who has not been out of 50 years in Shaming Village. Isn't this six-seven-year-old and eight-stage be a goblin that is difficult to come out in a hundred years?

Lai Liu said, "Well, but I secretly bought through the elders of the Lin family. No one knows this talent. Don't reveal it. As a strange time traveler, I think it's better to keep a low profile."

"Low-key?" Lu Feng shook his head and said, "Brother is playing high-profile. Wait. In half a year, I will let you know how horrible my talent is."

"Is it?" Lai Liu took a look at Lu Feng and said, "I hope you can live for half a year. If I hadn't carried you out of the house that night, you would have been defeated by Lu Fang, who had been killed twice."

"Is that you?" Lu Feng suddenly realized, "You saved me. Why did you leave me in the desert?"

Lai Liu said, "I asked you to go away from home, but I didn't expect you to come back and die."

Lu Feng said, "At first, I also thought so, but my mother was captured back to the Yueling clan. When my father came back, I lost my trace again. Isn't he going to be heartbroken?"

Lai Liu smiled and said, "Your character integrates quickly. Oh, the reason why you were attached to Lu Feng, who was about to burp, was probably because of the sexy and beautiful Ina. Hey, did you suck milk?"

Lu Feng stared at Lai Liu and said, "Get out, that's my mother. If you say that again, I will turn against you."

Lai Liu smiled and was silent.

For a long time, Lu Feng asked Lai Liu, "What are you going to do in the future? Are you going to be a begling flower for a lifetime?"

Lai Liu smiled needlessly and said, "If you choose this identity, you can play it. After staying in this continent for so many years, I suddenly found that it's really good to be a be a flower. My ambition is to build a gang of beggars and rise loudly in this wild continent.

Lu Feng smiled and said, "What a grand plan."

Lai Liu asked, "What about you?"

"Me?" Lu Feng pointed to the three tables not far away and said, "Stay deep and shallow, practice hard, and save your life."

Lai Liu said, "There is no breakthrough in the professional ontology. What are you practicing hard?"

Lu Feng said, "It's good to refine meat, do sit-ups and push-ups, and increase some strength. You won't be beaten by a few little kids like today."

During the conversation, the wine was exhausted and two catties of beef were gone.

Both of them's eyes are a little red and their words are a little incoherent.

Lu Feng was afraid that something would be accidentally leaked during the conversation. When he was heard by the people at those tables, he called the child to help and helped Lai Liu stagger out of the pub.

As soon as I got out of the pub, I met the scar recovered by the teeth.

The scar has a knife scar on his face, which is long and thin, but it doesn't look like a bamboo pole. Instead, he looks energetic and capable in a beggar's uniform. At first glance, he is a difficult character to mess with.

Seeing Lu Feng and Lai Liu coming out, Scar immediately came up and asked questions. Lai Liu doesn't seem to be very drunk, and now he looks drowsy. Lu Feng handed Lai Liu to the scar, then whistled and left by himself with a young man.