Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 75 Strange Man, Strange Gate

Lu Feng thought: "After stepping into the grinding stage, every time the level is increased by 1 star, 20 additional attribute values are obtained. These 20 attribute values are averaged to 6 basic attributes, and each attribute is added more than 3 points. If the root bone value is raised to 10 points, each basic attribute value will be increased by 3 points. It's equivalent to doubling. Damn it, it's amazing. This can completely make up for the gap between professions. He immediately said ecstaticly, "How can you train the root bone value to the limit?"

Lu Chengfeng did not answer, but laughed. The smile was very unfathomable. Lu Feng couldn't understand the meaning of this smile and couldn't help wondering: "What does this smile mean? Is it impossible for the root bone value to be raised? I don't think so. Isn't it meaningless to say what to do if you can't be promoted?

When he was confused, Lu Chengfeng said, "The improvement of the root bone value is related to the occupation. Through the high-intensity refining load, it is possible to raise the human attribute value related to this profession to the limit, such as the basic attack power and basic defense power of the warrior; the basic attack power of the magic mana; the action power of the archer, and the basic insight of the assassin Force, etc., but it is almost impossible to raise other human attribute values to the limit.

"It's almost impossible?" Lu Feng sighed disappointedly, "If you just improve the root value of this profession's attributes, the gap between the professions is still irreparable."

Lu Chengfeng said leisurely, "It's almost impossible, but it doesn't mean it's impossible. As far as I know, there are also a very small number of refining maniacs on this continent who have raised the attribute values other than those related to the attribute value of this profession to the limit. They have become the top strong on the mainland, and an extremely crazy character has raised all 6 attribute values of the human body to 10 points, creating 60 points of bone values. Traces.

"60 points?" Lu Feng was shocked and said, "Who is this man?"

"Mo Leng, the son of the demon master."

"Magic Sect? Does Uncle Chengfeng know that the devil swallows the sky?

Hearing the word Demon Sect, Lu Feng suddenly thought of the demon king who swallowed him to this continent.

"The devil swallows the sky?" After thinking for a while, Lu Chengfeng said, "I have never heard of such a person." With that, he was a little suspicious: "The Demon Sect has always hidden his whereabouts and rarely appears in the territory of the Red Heaven Empire. Where did he hear about the demon king swallowing the sky? Moreover, as far as I know, the Demon Sect does not have the position of demon king. Where did the demon king come from?"

Lu Feng scratched the back of his head and laughed and said, "That... Uncle Chengfeng, I just had a dream that there was such a humanoid beast with eight feet tall and blue fangs claimed to be the devil swallowing the sky. He asked me to give him the Yue Lingzhu. Ha ha, I must have been too shocked to have this nightmare."

Lu Chengfeng only said that all kinds of rough experiences formed a psychological shadow in Lu Feng's heart, so he also believed it and didn't take it seriously. He didn't say anything to comfort him. Only he could get out of the psychological shadow. He said that no matter how much it was, it didn't help.

Lu Feng said, "Take advantage of the wind, you'd better tell me about the crazy character."

Lu Chengfeng said, "At the age of seven, Mo Leng formed a professional body and became a bowman. At the age of eight, he stepped into the training stage, at the age of thirteen, he stepped into the spiritual stage, and at the age of 19, he advanced to the chaotic stage. Now he is 20 years old."

Lu Feng was extremely shocked: "Twenty years old?"

Lu Chengfeng said, "Yes, his soul-absorbing talent and roots can be said to be the first person in the barbarian continent for thousands of years."

Lu Fengxin said, "If you want to find out the devil swallowing the sky, you will inevitably deal with the demon sect in the future, and most of you will encounter this person. What a tragedy. There are such perverted people in the world."

Lu Chengfeng saw the frustration on Lu Feng's face and thought that he was stimulated, so he said, "Actually, your soul-absorbing talent is no worse than him. He has formed a professional ontology in seven years, but in fact, you have only used less than a month, and you are a double occupation and the first person to appear in thousands of years. You are not worse than him, are you? ?"

Lu Feng looked up and said, "Feng'er just wants to know how to increase the root bone value to 60 points. I can do what Mo Leng can do. I can also bear what Mo Leng can bear. Uncle Feng'd better tell me directly."

" Perseverance, perseverance, diligence!"

Lu Chengfeng spit out three phrases faintly.

"perseverance, perseverance, diligence!" Lu Feng repeated it in his mouth and said heavily, "I can."

Lu Chengfeng said, "Perseverance, perseverance and diligence are not enough. You must carry out targeted high-intensity training for each human attribute."

"Feng'er understands."

While saying that, Lu Feng has roughly arranged the training plan in his mind.

Lu Chengfeng nodded and said, "At present, you'd better practice all your basic fighting skills. That... Don't rush to break through, even at the peak, don't rush to step into the training section..." As he was speaking, he suddenly felt that the palm of his right hand squirmed. Looking up, he saw the black and blue skeleton marks in the palm of his hand slowly squirming, and the curling blue fog filled his palm. He was stunned and quickly said, "Of course, the root bone value can't be improved by hovering in the entry section all the time. You have to weigh this by yourself."

Lu Feng got up and said, "Take advantage of Uncle Feng's words and Feng'er remembered that from today on, Feng'er will definitely practice more diligently, with 60 points of bone value. I don't believe that the magic cold can do it, and I, Lu Feng, can't do it."

"Okay, as long as you have confidence, uncle believes you!"

For this child's words, Lu Chengfeng never thought he was a talker.

Lu Feng suddenly said, "I don't know how to judge how many points the basic attributes of the human body have reached?"

Lu Chengfeng said, "Before the soul fighting is formed, you can't feel the specific value, you can only rely on intuition."

"Intuition?" Lu Feng said faintly, "I feel that this thing is sometimes not very reliable."

Lu Chengfeng said, "It doesn't matter. When you feel better, uncle will introduce you to find someone."

"Who is it?"

Lu Chengfeng said: "A person who has a deep study of roots and bones, this person's research on roots and bones can be said to be extremely successful. At least in the Red Sky Empire, many talented gas refiners of the Red Sky Empire, and even the children of princes and nobles, will lower their status to visit this person, hoping to get guidance."

Lu Fengqi said, "What kind of character is this? Is there a way to improve people's bones?"

"He does have a way." Lu Chengfeng said, "This man is called You Daozi. He has an excellent talent for absorbing spirits, but his roots and bones are flat. He is still in the spiritual transformation stage for a long time. Do you know why?" Lu Feng shook his head. Lu Chengfeng said: "It was precisely because he ignored the roots and bones and blindly pursued the improvement of the realm that he found that the difference between the roots and bones made it impossible for him to become a real strong man, so he was disheartened and gave up practicing. After giving up his practice, he painstakingly studied the root bone, spent decades of effort, and finally established a set of root bone identification and a series of root bone improvement training programs. In order to prevent more gas refiners from ignoring the roots and bones and regretting for the rest of their lives, they opened up a school and created a 'root bone door'.

Lu Feng sighed and said, "This senior wanderer is really a broad-minded person."

Lu Chengfeng said, "It's true. Since the creation of the 'root bone gate', I don't know how many strong people have been created. The magic cold he just said came out of the 'bone gate'.


As soon as Lu Feng heard this, he immediately said, "It seems that I have to go to the 'root gate'. Uncle Chengfeng, does this 'bone door' have any requirements for the selection of disciples?

"Of course, and it's extremely harsh." Lu Chengfeng said, "You Daozi only recruits disciples with excellent spiritual talent. He is not interested in mediocre people and does not want to waste his energy, so the disciples who come out of the 'root bone door' are basically strong."

Lu Feng said, "How harsh is it?"

Lu Chengfeng said: "It goes without saying that a professional noumenon has formed before the age of 12, and the younger the age, the better. The maximum age must not exceed 13 years old. If he is over 13 years old, he thinks that he will lose plasticity. Even if he receives training, the effect will not be very good. In addition, it is also required that all the basic attribute values of the human body should be more than 5 points, which is a little difficult, because the gas refiner himself does not know this value except that he can measure, and can only rely on intuition. Many gas refiners who were rejected for this are very puzzled. They have asked him the reason. His answer is very simple: intuition is very important, and I will not waste time and energy on people with poor intuition.

"It's really harsh." Lu Feng said and measured his own conditions and said, "I am 12 years and 2 months old now. The conditions for spiritual absorption talent are met, but I feel that the basic attribute value is far from enough. It seems that there are only 10 months left. In these 10 months, I must raise the attribute value to 5 points."

Lu Chengfeng said, "To be precise, you only have seven months." The root bone gate is far away in the southwest of the Red Sky Empire, near the 'Tianyin Mountains' in the Valley of Warcraft. Even if you take an imperial airship, it will take at least a month. You have to reserve some time to deal with small accidents halfway, so the time is very tight.

Lu Feng felt that time was in a hurry. After Lu Chengfeng said this, he was a little anxious and said, "It seems that Feng'er can't relax for a moment. If you miss the opportunity to enter the 'root gate', Feng'er may regret it for life."

Lu Chengfeng nod his head and said, "Well, you have to plan well this July." After saying that, he said, "Take advantage of the wind to give you a suggestion." Lu Feng said, "My uncle said it directly." Lu Chengfeng said, "You build a pair of armor for yourself first. You have to remember that you are a warrior. Warriors can't live without equipment. You must adapt to equipment. Equipment is the way for soldiers to survive.

Lu Feng thought to himself, "Time is tight. I'm afraid it will waste a lot of time to build armor." At that moment, he said, "Time is too tight. It's better to build armor in the future." Lu Chengfeng shook his head and said, "You are wrong. Forging is also a way to refine the body, and wearing armor and practicing under heavy burdens is a kind of exercise for you. When you wear armor, if your body method, mobility and non-wearing armor, does it mean that your bones have been improved again?"