Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 82 Purple Girl

Two black horses dragged a dilapidated carriage on a faintly visible sand road.

After running for a while, I couldn't see any way. Looking around, the river was full of yellow sand.

It is difficult to identify the direction in the desert. Fortunately, this sand road connects Shaming Village and Geyuan Town, which is a supply road for families and merchants in Shaming Village, so it is also an important road. Although the sand road is often flooded by yellow sand, there is a road sign every 100 meters along the road, so you won't get lost.

Lu Feng drove the carriage for a while, and Shaming Village was left far behind and could no longer be seen. He strangled the reins and slowed down the horse.

The sun is hanging overhead, with blue sky and white clouds. Such weather is definitely a rare good weather in a cold winter day.

Looking at the blue sky and the vast desert, Lu Feng's heart leisurely rose a sense of birds flying high and the sea wide and fish leaping. This feeling is great. He hasn't been so leisurely for a long time. Well, it should have been many years.

With his hands on his chest and leaning against the carriage, he allowed the horse to run on its own. As long as the horse did not deviate from the direction, he would never raise his hand and wave the whip.

He leaned so lazily, like a real groom.

His face is very calm, but his heart is excited.

It has been ten years since I crossed to the Manling Continent.

For ten years, he has been active in Shaming Village, which is a palm. He has never left. He knows nothing about the world outside Shaming Village.

"Ten years..." He muttered, "Ten years, I'm still an ant that can be pinched by others. How many decades are there in a person's life... If I were in that world, I should be more than 30 people."

His mood suddenly became terrible and messed up.

He could no longer leisurely drive the car in the sun and enjoy this leisure time. He suddenly stood up and shouted into the carriage, "Lai Liu, come out to catch the car." With a flick of the body, the man has reached the air, and the light flashes. The iron armor has been worn on the body.

Lai Liu got out of the carriage and looked up and saw Lu Feng, who was wearing armor in mid-air. He understood what Lu Feng was going to do, but he still shouted, "What the hell? What's the disease again? Come on up."

The carriage has rushed out, and Lu Feng landed on the ground.

Looking at the distant carriage, he took a deep breath, ran, and caught up with the carriageway in a few steps: "You drive the car, I'll run."

Lai Liu smashed the back of his head and said, "What's wrong with your brain?"

Lu Feng said, "It's rare to have such an opportunity to run freely. I can't miss it. I must improve my body and mobility to the limit."

Lai Liu shook his head and said, "Do you understand self-abuse?"

Lu Feng smiled faintly and said, "Yes, it's self-abuse. If you don't be cruel to yourself, how can you become a strong man? Do you want to come down together?"

Lai Liu shook his head, took out a pot of wine and drank, "I'm not interested. You can run by yourself."

Lu Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the horse's buttocks and said, "Too slow, speed up."

The horse was shocked and suddenly pulled the carriage and ran wildly. Lai Liu was notware. The wine pot shook and the wine spilled directly on his face. He wiped his face and turned around and scolded, "Mr. Gu, you are crazy." Lu Feng ran wildly, caught up with him in a few steps, and laughed, "Let's play the game. Let's see if the horse's four legs are faster or my two legs are faster." With that, he rushed over the carriage. Lai Liu raised his horse whip and said, "Okay, let's compare."

The two horses suddenly accelerated and left Lu Feng far behind in an instant. Lu Feng took a deep breath again, opened his pores, and absorbed the spirit crazily. He could feel that the spirit of war in the whirlwind of war was stirred again, and in the excitement, there was a trace of wild spirit spirit transformed into the spirit of war into the whirlwind of war. He thought that if he ran through the night, with the help of Yue Lingzhu, the transformation speed of the spirit of war would definitely improve a lot.

The day has not yet risen to the top of his head, but he is already looking forward to the arrival of the night.

Wearing heavy armor and running in the vast desert, anyone will think he is a madman. Except for the madman, no one will gallop in the desert.

Five large carriages came from the opposite side, each with a triangular flag with two words "Bart" painted on the flag. These carriages are all supply vehicles of the Bart family. Every three days, the Bart family in Gowon Town will send supply trucks to deliver goods to the Bart family in Shaming Village. Not only the Bart family, but also the residents of the Lu family and Shaming Village also rely on the supplies distributed by the family and the empire. The Gobi in Shaming Village basically can't grow anything. Without supplies, it is difficult to survive.

When the carriage passed by Lu Feng, the groom who drove the car looked at Lu Feng with some surprise. Just looking at it, no one speaks. Lu Feng also did not squint, but just ran away. Passing the third carriage, the window of the carriage was lifted, and a girl in purple came out and said, "Hey, are you crazy? If you run like this, you will die soon." Lu Feng slowed down, looked sideways at the beautiful face that poked out of the window and said, "I won't die."

He doesn't know the purple girl. He doesn't have a good impression on the Bart family, so he doesn't want to say one more word.

"Are the first two carriages with you? Did your companion lose you? The girl in purple suddenly flashed her eyes.

Lu Feng didn't say anything and was about to step out.

The purple girl said again, "I can take you back to Shaming Village."

Lu Feng said, "I won't go back."

The girl in purple said, "Where are you going?"

Lu Feng said, "I don't know."

The girl in purple said, "Is there anything unhappy about you?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Why is this girl so interesting? If it hadn't been for her being from the Bart family, I really wanted to have a relationship, but it's a pity..." He shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I accept the girl's kindness. Say goodbye." With two fists, his footsteps have moved.

The purple-shirted girl waved, "Wait, wait."

Lu Feng turned around and said, "What's wrong with the girl?"

The girl in purple took out a water bag from the car and handed it out: "Take it." Lu Feng hesitated and reached out to take it. The purple-shirted girl smiled and said, "It seems that you are not crazy." Lu Feng said, "I'm not crazy." The purple-shirted girl said, "You run forward, there is only one way to die, run back, and you can also run to Shaming Village before you die. Hey, are you from Shaming Village?"

"Miss, he is mostly not from Shaming Village. The little one has never seen him in Shaming Village, but I have seen the people in those two carriages just now." The groom who was driving the car looked over.

Lu Feng looked sideways at the groom. In his fifties, he has a thin face and silver hair, which he has never seen.

The purple-shirt girl asked Lu Feng again, "Where are you from and where are you going?"

Lu Fengxin said, "We just need to pretend to be crazy or mute." He took a deep sniff and stored the breath of the girl in purple.

The groom urged, "Miss, let's go."

The purple girl nodded, "I'm leaving. I hope I won't see your body when I return."


The groom shouted with a whip, and the carriage pressed the yellow sand and creaked. The purple-shirted girl waved a few hands to Lu Feng and put down the ramp.

Lu Feng's heart was a little warm. He stood for a while, looked at the water bag in his hand, sniffed it in front of his nose, pulled out the plug, drank a few sips of water, and collected it into the spiritual ring.

I don't know when Lai Liu's carriage stopped far ahead. He ran up, caught up with the carriage, jumped up, and sat side by side with Lai Liu. Lai Liu shouted, and the carriage moved again.

Lai Liu said, "What are you talking about with the Bart family?" Lu Feng said, "I didn't talk about anything." Lai Liu said, "Who is sitting in that carriage?" Lu Feng said, "I don't know a little girl. She regarded me as a madman and gave me a water bag." Lai Liu said, "Isn't it beautiful?" Lu Feng said, "Very pure." Lai Liu said, "She doesn't talk to me because of Mao?" Lu Feng said, "You drive the carriage. There is nothing special. People who are not special can't get into her eyes." Lai Liu smiled and said, "Women seem to be so strange." Lu Feng said, "Who said no?" With that, he sighed again, "I hope he has nothing to do with Shameng." Lai Liu asked, "Why?" Lu Feng said, "Because I will kill Sha Meng one day. If she has something to do with Sha Meng, I'm worried that I can't do it." Lai Liu said, "Shamon is mine. Don't bother you to do it."

The carriage rumbling forward.

The sand became softer and softer, and it was a little difficult for the two horses to drag the carriage. The two got out of the carriage and walked side by side.

Lai Liu said, "Jieya said we could go to 'Wildstone Town' to practice." Lu Fengqi said, "Wildstone Town? Experience in the town?" Lai Liu took out a map and spread it out and said, "The barren stone town, here, Jieya said that this place was indeed a town in the past, but now it is a 'desolate corpse town', the corpse of the corpse. We should be here now. When we walk here, 'Black Rock Hill', go straight to Geyuan Town, and turn left to get to 'Wild Corpse Town'. Shall we go to Geyuan Town or Wild Corpse Town first?

Lu Feng said, "The barren corpse town, are all the people in that town dead?"

Lai Liu said, "Jiya said that decades ago, a man in the town suddenly turned into a warcraft. He bit people and didn't even let go of poultry and livestock. Anyone who was bitten became a warcraft and continued to bite people. Overnight, almost everyone in the town became a warcraft."

Lu Fengqi said, "Is there such a thing? Is that monster so fierce?"

Lai Liu said, "I heard from Jieya that the Warcraft was almost equivalent to the strong man of Chaos. Later, the empire sent a sufficient mercenary regiment to destroy the mother of the Warcraft." Lu Feng said, "The mercenaries did not eliminate those demonized people, so that place has become a place of experience?" Lai Liu said, "Jiya said, saying that although those demonized people were fierce and biting at sight, they did not leave the barren corpse town, so the mercenaries did not kill all those people and let them become a place of experience."

"Life and death experience is indeed a good place." Lu Feng said, "Go to the barren corpse town first, and wait until I practice my basic combat skills." Lai Liu said, "I knew it was boring to go anywhere with you. Get in the car and go." He took over the car, shouted, and drove the carriage up again.

The carriage is running on the yellow sand and creaking.

Lu Feng lay in the carriage, drinking wine and chewing beef.

After only chewing a few bites, he suddenly felt something squirming in his chest. His eyebrows moved and suddenly remembered something. He immediately sat up, put away his armor, lifted his shirt and shook it twice, and shook the black snake out.

He is really afraid of snakes, even if this black snake is his own summoning beast.