Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 92 The Wild Town

" Meritorious service? Title?"

Lu Feng vaguely understood. Just as someone called Xiao Er to put wine on meat, and Xiao Er answered, "Come" and left. Lu Feng raised his glass and touched Lai Liu and said, "Shaming Village is indeed too small. Only when he came out did he know that it was like a frog in the well. He has lived for nearly ten years in vain, don't you think so?" Lai Liu drank wine and slitted his lips and said, "Thank me. You are still blindfolded and living in your own world without me." Lu Feng raised his glass and said, "Okay, three cups to you."

Three glasses of wine, Lai Liu ate a few mouthfuls of meat, picked up a plate of peanuts, and a plate of beef stood up and said, " meritorious deeds, the title is a little interesting. I'll figure it out." Lu Feng glanced around a few times. Seeing that there were three flowers lying on their backs on their backs, picking out their ears and basking in the sun, she smiled and said, "Have you found your colleagues?" Lai Liu said, "Exactly." He turned around and walked over with the plate.

Lu Feng watched Lai Liu greet the three flowers, sat cross-legged, put two plates on the ground, and greeted them to eat.

After a good time, Lai Liu came back with two empty plates and sat down and said, "The meritorious deeds are divided between Wenxun and Wu Xun, and the titles are divided between Wenxun and Wujue. Wenxun can be exchanged for the title of Wenxun, and Wuxun can be exchanged for the title of Wuxun. The title of Wen is a symbol of status, but the title of Wu is a military officer. As long as you get the title, you can become an official after assessment.

Lu Feng thought about it and said, "Is it so easy to be an official? If this is the case, then the imperial official position will not be messy?"

Lai Liu said, "Is it so easy for you to get merit?" He asked back and said, "Well, let me tell you the level of titles first. The titles of literary titles are from low to high: grassroots, civilians, male (female) titles, viscounts, counts, marquises, dukes, and each of which are divided into first, second and third grades. Ordinary people are grassroots, such as us, who are grassroots. If the grassroots has a certain literary value, it can be exchanged for the titles of first-class civilians, and then second-class and third-class. Although the title of literate is not an official position, it is a symbol of status, that is, nobles. Many places can only be made by nobles. It is not easy for grassroots like you and me to enter, understand? And the nobles enjoy the imperial salary every month, which can be said to be worry-free..."

Lu Feng is not interested in this division of people. Maybe he still doesn't know what the title of civility can bring, so he interrupted Lai Liu and said, "Let's talk about the title of Wu." Lai Liu said, "The title of Wujue is interesting. As long as you have the ability, you can become a captain, battalion commander, regimental commander, and even a general, leading thousands of troops... Er, first of all, the title of Wujue is divided from low to high: soldier, small captain, captain, captain, battalion commander, regimental commander, legion Long, general... General, what else is there on the general... I'm depressed. Why did I forget? Forget it, it doesn't make sense to say so much. Anyway, we don't dare to be interested in this, right?

Lu Feng seemed to be very interested and said, "Can you change the title of Wujue if you have Wuxun value? It's not that easy, is it?" Lai Liu shook his head and said, "Wu Xun's value also has requirements for the personal level of exchanging the title of Wu Jue. For example, if you are in the entry stage of 3 or 4 stars like us, you are a second-class soldier at best. No matter how much Wu Xun is worth, it is impossible to change a captain. Besides, Wu Xun's value is not so easy to take it. This time, the reward order of Commander Maiton said that 1 magic tooth can only be exchanged for 1 point of Wuxun value, while a first-class soldier needs 100 Wuxun value to exchange for second-class soldiers, that is to say, the higher the title of Wujue, the more Wuxun value required for exchange. When it comes to the title of regimental commander, the required Wuxun value is equivalent. It's horrible, so it's not so easy for Wenjue or Wujue.

When Lai Liu said this, Lu Feng became clear. As soon as he thought about going to the wilderness town to experience this time, he wanted to kill demons. It's better to collect some magic teeth. Whether it's kept them for exchange or given away, it's all a harvest. He said, "It's done. Eat it and go on the road after eating."

The two ate and drank for a while, ate enough, prepared enough food and drinks, and then went on the road.

Murou rode away a horse, and now there is only one left. On the way to the barren corpse town, Lu Feng could no longer run in armor, so he waited for a long time on the roadside and bought one from a family horse team at a high price.

The two of them drove their horses and rushed to the periphery of the corpse town that night.

On the periphery, they can see many barracks, sentries, barracks and sentries arranged in a circle, almost every ten meters, surrounding the whole corpse town. A team of soldiers patrols staggered. With such vigilance, it is estimated that a fly can't fly out of the deserted town.

Of course, they also saw some scattered tents, which were people who came to the wilderness town to practice. They killed demons during the day and rested on the periphery at night. I heard that demons become extremely violent at night, so few people kill demons at night.

Lu Feng and Lai Liu stood on a hill and looked at the dark for a while. There were some chaotic corpse towns, and they couldn't help but want to practice.

They led the horse to the entrance of the corpse town.

There were two groups of soldiers standing guard at the entrance. As soon as they reached the door, a soldier shouted, "Hold, who is it?"

Lu Feng said, "I have come to practice."

"Exercise?" A soldier with a big knife came forward and looked at Lu Feng and Lai Liu. He waved his hand impatiently, "Roll, go to death, don't fucking trouble me." Lai Liu said, "What trouble does my practice cause you?" Hearing that Lai Liu dared to call himself Laozi, the soldier said angrily, "Do you dare to call yourself Laozi in front of the captain?" Look for a fight." He slapped Lai Liu. Lai Liu quickly jumped back.

He regretted his impulse. Now he is facing the soldier who licks blood at the edge of the knife. He is the army, not the group of people in Shaming Village. Just now, the soldier is actually the captain. As long as he is ordered, he can't fly even if he inserts his wings. At that moment, his eyes turned repeatedly, and he quickly took out a handful of gold coins and handed them over, "Master, your small mouth is unobstructed. Don't care about people like me."

As soon as Lu Feng saw Lai Liu's move, he suddenly had the impulse to cry. What are they? They are just two beglings without any*, and Lai Liu actually took out a handful of gold coins. Isn't this pure death?

Sure enough, the captain took the gold coins and said with a grin, "Kid, steal it. If there is anything else, hand it over to me." As soon as Lai Liu heard this, he was a little annoyed: "I stole gold coins?" The captain said, "I said you stole it." He raised his hand and shouted, "Come on, take down these two thieves."

Lai Liu wanted to resist and looked at Lu Feng for advice. Lu Feng shook his head gently. He did not struggle and let four soldiers tie them up.

The captain went down and pulled the spiritual ring in Lai Liu's hand for a long time. After greedily plundering all the gold coins, he came to pick up Lu Feng's spiritual ring. Lu Feng did not struggle and let him turn over. They only wear inferior spiritual rings on their hands. Except for some gold coins, silver coins, personal belongings, food and forage, and spiritual rings containing precious items are all worn on their toes. I don't think the captain would have other spiritual rings.

Sure enough, after the captain searched all the ring * gold coins in Lu Feng's hand, he waved his hand and said, "Let it go."

Lu Feng moved his arms and said, "Can we go in?"

The captain turned his eyes and said to himself, "I robbed the gold coins of these two kids. If these two guys meet people, they will say that it's not good for my reputation. It's better to let them in and let them feed the demons go." So he said, "Okay, let you in." He said to the soldiers guard, "Let go!"

Two soldiers opened the wooden fence, and Lu Feng and Lai Liu led the horse into the barren corpse town.

After a few steps, Lai Liu immediately scolded: "Damn it, I must kill that dog-fucking, fuck."

Lu Feng smiled and said, "Come on, let you have a memory, and don't always take out gold coins to show off in the future."

Lai Liu said, "Look, I will definitely kill that dog X. Do you believe it?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I don't believe it, at least you can't kill it now."

Lai Liu said, "I will kill you sooner or later."

Lu Feng said, "That's the future."

After walking a few more steps, Lu Feng felt strange and said, "Why can't you see an experienced one? And why didn't those soldiers let us in?" Lai Liu also felt strange and said, "Forget it, let's not go inside first, find a place to rest, and wait until tomorrow morning."

Lu Feng agreed. The two led the horse and turned their heads to find a place to stay.

Suddenly, the horse he led hissed uneasily.

Lu Feng sniffed and immediately said seriously, "No, there should be a demon. The breath is very strange and different from human beings."

Lai Liu said, "How many?"

Lu Feng sniffed again and said, "No, there are three. I'm afraid we can't cope with them."

Lai Liu said, "What should I do? Why don't we escape?"

"It's too late. Get ready to fight against the enemy."

While talking, the leading horse gave a sudden hiss and stood up. Lu Feng was almost thrown out, but fortunately he let go of his hand. Turning his head, he saw a pair of dry dark green withered hands stretched out on the ground and grabbed the horse's two hind hoofs.

"Damn, what?"

He put on his armor, pulled out an iron knife, and cut at the withered hands.


The dead hands were not cut off together, but made a "bang" sound. Lu Feng was shocked and took a closer look to see that although the skin of the withered hand was cut off, the blade was cut on the arm bone, but it was bounced back.

"The bone is so hard that my iron knife keeps cutting it."

He looked at the blade and thought about how to kill the demon if it was really like this.

"Card wipe, swirling~"

The sand fluctuated, and two withered hands came out of the ground holding the horse's hoof.