Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 97 Surprise brought by vicious dogs

Lu Feng thought about it for a while, picked up the knife and practiced his combat skills for a while, and suddenly said, "I understand."

Lai Liu turned around and said, "What do you understand?"

Lu Feng said, "15 points of the additional damage value of 30 points are additional combat skill damage, and 15 points are flame damage. People say that there is no five elements attribute that can only play half of the damage value of the combat skill, which refers to the attribute damage value in the additional damage value."

Lai Liu shook his head and said, "The knowledge of fighting skills is very big. I don't think it makes any sense for you to think about these." Lu Feng said, "What do you say?" Lai Liu got up and walked to him and said, "Think about it, a fruit knife and a dragon knife have high attack power?" Lu Feng said uncertainly, "Of course it's a dragon knife."

Lai Liu stretched out his hand and wiped it on Lu Feng's neck and said, "What if two knives are applied to your neck at the same time, or poked in your eyes at the same time? Is the effect the same?" Lu Feng nodded and said, "I seem to understand." Lai Liu said, "Our hunter's thinking skill has its weakness. I don't know the combat skill of a fatal blow, but I think it's a reason, just like killing the demon. I'm afraid you can't kill the demon's life with a knife, but if you cut it on your neck, will directly cut your head?"

Lu Fengxin said, "There is some truth in what Lai Liu said. The essence of fighting skills should lie in the moves, which lies in how to deceive the opponent, contain the opponent, find its flaws, attack them unprepared, and win surprisingly, not the attack power. The attack power can be completely compensated by weapons and fighting spirit. In this way, I don't have to care too much about it. There are five elements of attributes and can't exert all the lethality of fighting skills. Thinking of this, the depression in my heart eased a lot and said, "What you said makes sense. That's it." But after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "No, this is too one-sided and not lethal. What's the use of any fancy fighting skills? Who will stretch out his neck and let you cut it? In the face of powerful attacks, everything is floating clouds, isn't it?

Lai Liu broke down a little and said, "Damn, you've finished everything. I won't say anything."

Lu Feng said, "It seems that we really need a master to answer our questions. Well, I will go to the 'root bone gate' in a few months. When I get to the root bone gate, there will be a teacher. Looking back, he saw that the demon was still fighting with the imperial army, so he said, "Go, continue to practice. I want to understand the essence of 'flame swing'." Recall Yiyi and run with Lai Liu again in the wind and snow to hunt demons.

The demon army fought with the imperial army all night, and countless casualties were killed and injured on both sides. The air outside the whole corpse town was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The imperial army persisted until the early morning, and finally the demons who failed to break through the defense line began to retreat. Many experienced practitioners flocked in at this time, chasing and killing the retreating demons. The demons stocked in the battle are high-level demons, and the magic teeth are naturally high-grade.

The magic teeth are divided into grades. The lowest grade is one grade and the highest grade is seven grades. The Wuxun value that can be exchanged for different grades of magic teeth is naturally different. 1 magic teeth can only be exchanged for 1 point, but 7 magic teeth can be exchanged for 1000 points, which is the difference.

Lu Feng and Lai Liu practiced on the periphery of the barren corpse town. The demons killed are all entry-level, and the magic teeth obtained are naturally 1 grade. The grade of the magic teeth is divided according to the level of the demon's qi practice level.

The demon has retreated, and the heavy snow has not stopped yet. Lu Feng really couldn't figure out how such a heavy snow could fall on the edge of the west wind and the Gobi, but the snow just fell. It was his own business.

The bodies of soldiers and demons are piled up the whole defense line, like hills.

Several teams of soldiers are pushing unicycles to carry the bodies of soldiers creakly in the wind and snow. The snow is very heavy. If it is not carried in time, it will be difficult to separate them from the blood and the devil. Several teams of soldiers are pulling the demon's body and collecting magic teeth. Occasionally, when the demon moves, they will poke a few times with their spears.

Lu Feng and Lai Liu stood aside from afar and watched the tired soldiers busy. After watching it for a while, Lu Feng sighed deeply: "People are like grass mustard, dead souls overnight." Lai Liu said, "If we are soldiers, just like them, we may be lying on the cart." Lu Feng wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything in his heart, so he stood so stunned.

The snow fell on them, and they were like two snowmen.

Lai Liu couldn't stand and said, "Just stand like this?"

Lu Feng said, "They haven't finished their work yet."

Lai Liu said, "Just wait like this?"

Lu Feng said lightly, " Standing is also a kind of experience. Witnessing death is the washing of the soul. There is no harm."

"Damn!" Lai Liu couldn't stand it. He shook his whole body and shook the snow all over his body and said, "You should practice slowly and wash it. I'm going to make a fire, drink and eat meat." Turn around and walk not far away, set up a simple tent, clean up the snow, take out firewood, light a bonfire, and enjoy a happy time.

Lu Feng still stood and watched the soldiers push the cart to carry the bodies.

It was not until the afternoon that the soldiers were busy.

When he saw the soldiers close the team, he gently said, "Go, Yiyi, go and eat enough and let me see what kind of changes you can happen."

Yiyi rushed out of his arms, plunged into the thick snow, and disappeared.

He shook off the snow and walked to Lai Liu's tent. The bonfire has been extinguished, and Lai Liu has curled up and fell asleep. He rekindled the bonfire, took out a piece of beef and put it on the tip of the knife and roasted it on the fire. He warmed up another pot of wine and ate a mouthful of wine and meat.

After an hour passed, Yi Yi crawled back. It looks lazy and not energetic at all. Lu Feng wondered. According to reason, Yiyi should be extremely energetic when he enjoys it. How can he look lazy instead? From the perspective of body shape and luster, there seems to be no change. He can't figure it out. Is he full? Or when those demons die for a long time, their blood and brain become new?

He asked Yiyi, "Are you full?" Yiyi struggled to light his head. He smiled, grabbed Yiyi and stuffed it into his arms and said, "If you are full, go to bed."

There was a shout from the groom not far away. Unexpectedly, someone drove the carriage to the place of experience. If they came to practice, why did they take the carriage again? He was curious and looked sideways at the snowy and creaking carriage.

The carriage with four horses and carved carriages looks very exquisite. On both sides of the carriage were accompanied by four horse-like little men, and the person sitting in the carriage must be a rich man.

What interests Lu Feng is not the identity of the character in the carriage, but a black-haired wolf dog as big as an adult goat running in front of the carriage, which looks very fierce and fierce. Lu Feng had never seen such a big wolf dog, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

When the carriage rucked forward and was about to pass by them, the wolf dog didn't know what was crazy. He stood suddenly and turned his head to look at Lu Feng, showing his fierce eyes. Lu Feng was shocked and said, "What's wrong with this dog? I didn't provoke it. Why did Mao look at me like this?" When he thought so, the dog roared, spread its four hoofs, and ran towards him.

"God's teeth, come back quickly."

The eight families on both sides of the carriage immediately came to chase the dog.

A teenager's voice was remembered in the carriage: "What's going on?"

The driver quickly replied, "Young man, Shenya suddenly ran away alone."

"Who is it?" The teenager asked.

The groom said, "The wind and snow is so strong that I can't see it clearly. It seems to be a little flower."

The teenager in the car said, "Don't worry about it. Without my order, God's teeth usually won't bite people. Generally, they are not people who take the initiative to bite. Let it go."

"This..." The groom was a little hesitant.

At this time, a loud old man's voice sounded in the car: "Did you hear the teenager's words? Call the family back, don't worry about the divine teeth.


The groom turned around and shouted at the chasing family, "When you come back, the young master said that it was not a man who bit his teeth. You don't have to chase him."

Lu Feng was furious when he heard this and pulled out a big knife and scolded, "Damn it, you are too domineering. I'm going to kill your dog and eat dog meat with a knife."

The wolf dog has rushed into the air, and he cut it out with a knife. Unexpectedly, the wolf dog twisted its body and dodged. Good boy, it's not an ordinary dog. He took the big knife and stared sideways at the angry dog that whined at him.

The wolf dog was moving slowly around him and was not in a hurry to launch an attack, as if looking for his flaws. He also stared at the dog. The dog is a little interesting. It wears a dark and slightly curved bone on its neck, which is not a problem. At first, he only thought he was playing with the dog and didn't care much, but when he shrugged his nose a few times and wanted to smell whether the characters in the car were his enemies, he suddenly smelled a deep breath from the depths of his soul. Smell this breath, he sniffed it twice, and his eyes suddenly condensed on the bone hanging on the wolf dog's neck.

He was excited. Feeling the slight fluctuation of the skull above his head, he immediately understood why the dog came to him and why the dog was so fierce and fierce.

"Damn, it's the bone of the devil swallowing the sky. Judging from the shape, it should be a collarbone. I didn't expect that the devil swallowing the sky's collarbone would appear on the dog's neck."

The devil's swallowing bones are not ordinary. If it hadn't been for the skull above his head, he wouldn't have come to the barbarian continent. If it hadn't been for the skull, he would have been slapped to death by Lu Fang. Whether this bone can solve the mystery of the devil swallowing the sky or bring him and Lai Liu back to the earth, this bone is definitely a treasure, and he must get it.

"Beast, after licking the magic bone for a few days, you don't know you are a dog? Unexpectedly, you still want to hit my magic bone. I advise you to leave the bone and walk away, otherwise I will kill you immediately.

Lu Feng made a big knife and threatened. He believes that the dog can understand people's words.


The wolf dog whined, his teeth were exposed, and he was fierce all his life.

"Okay, then I have to kill you."

Lu Feng jumped up and split it with a knife. The dog twisted his body, dodged it, and immediately rushed to Lu Feng's throat. Lu Feng lifted his backhand, and the big knife was lifted out from the bottom up. The wolf dog's neck was shaken, and the collarbone on his neck hung down. "When" hit the big knife, the big knife was directly bounced back. The wolf dog's offensive did not diminish, and he grabbed Lu Feng's face with one paw. Lu Feng bent his body, and his left hand became a fist and punched out. He just hit the abdomen of the wolf dog. The wolf dog "wooed" and was knocked out.