Killing Eight Wastes

Chapter 101 Night in the Desolate Town

The old man in green robe wanted to kill Lu and Lai very much, but he couldn't take Lu Feng's words, so he could only watch them leave.

The eight familymen were beaten before, but at this time they dared not stop them and had long been far away.

The wolf dog was half crawling not far away, and Lu and Lai surrounded them.

The intention was obvious. The wolf dog noticed it and didn't wait for them to walk in. They stood up and turned around and ran wildly.


Lu Feng drank a lot.

The wolf dog ran away, and the direction was actually a barren corpse town.

The demon in the barren corpse town is no better than the one on the periphery. Lai Liu hesitated and said, "Do you want to chase it?"

Lu Feng's ambition to swallow the devil's clavicle will not decline, and his speed will not decrease: "Chase, for the sake of the collarbone, even the Longtan Tiger Cave, I will also break through." Suddenly, his body tilted and fell to the ground, and then he felt a pain in his shoulder. Looking down, the hole pierced by the fire snake burst and bled. He bit his teeth and took out another bottle of spiritual dew and poured it in. Fortunately, the flame snake passed through the shoulder and did not hurt the bone, otherwise he would have suffered.

Lai Liu caught up and looked at the wound and said, "I said, let's find a place to recover first. The dog's breath has been locked by you and can't run away. Why are you worried? Your life is important, isn't it?"

Lu Feng was afraid that the poison poison in Fang Bai would be forced out by the old man in green robe and catch up with him. The dog is extremely clever. If he runs back to them at that time, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to do it again. He rubbed his shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter. It's not too late. Let's chase the dog."

I don't know when he fell asleep again. He took it off his wrist, stroked it a few times and stuffed it into his arms.

Yiyi saved his life and also confirmed himself. From then on, relying on his heart* is no longer a simple summoning beast, but a friend of life and death.

Yiyi's seemingly smooth skin can resist the blade, and her body is highly poisonous, making a master of spiritual transformation helpless, which confirms that Yiyi will never be an ordinary summoning beast, let alone a pet. Its excellent performance has impressed Lu and Lai.

Lu Feng did not know that Yiyi's body was highly poisonous, let alone whether it was fatal, but judging from the tension of the old man in green robes, it was mostly fatal. He randomly told the old man in green robe a way to force poison, and stuffed an unknown elixir for Fang Bai. Fang Bai was probably hopeless.

He doesn't care about Fang Bai's life and death. Fang Bai's death and immortality are the same. The Fang family will seek revenge on him unless he turns around and kills all the old man in green robes. He wants to, but he doesn't have the ability.

After taking a breath, he and Lai Liu continued to chase the dog. The dog rushed into the barren corpse town, and they followed.

But it's not close. They have a satisfactory calculation, waiting for the dog to be bitten to death by the demon. As long as the dog is bitten to death, there will be no memory and will not go back to Fang Bai. Dogs become demons, and most of them will be killed by the experienced practitioners here. At that time, they only need to pick up the bones.

In a blink of an eye, near dusk, the wind and snow have stopped.

The barren corpse town covered by white snow doesn't look so gloomy.

This is the charm of heavy snow.

No matter where the snow covers, there will be a snow-white world, even hell.

The periphery of the barren corpse town.

The old man in green robe is still constantly crossing into Fang Bai's body to avoid poison.

He is sweating profusely and soaked.

The white snow in the place where he and Fang Bai sat has already melted, like sitting in two puddles. But he still doesn't move, even if he moves somewhere. The poison can't be interrupted. This is Lu Feng's words.

The poison has been forced for nearly two hours. At this time, he also faintly felt that he had been fooled by Lu Feng. When the magic gas enters Fang Bai's body, it is still swallowed up by the poisonous fog and cannot disperse the poisonous fog. At this time, the poisonous fog has spread to Fang Bai's whole body, and Fang Bai is no longer white. His whole body is as black as coke, and it is faintly dark green.

It took two hours of Dharma gas. Fang's deacon's magic circle was empty and completely forced to support him. If it hadn't been for Fang Bai's death, the Fang family would have investigated his responsibility, and he would have patted his buttocks and left.

Suddenly, his brain was shining, he withdrew his palms, and said to himself, "Why am I getting older and more confused? Obviously, even if I take this old life, the two teenagers will not be saved. Why don't I stop killing these eight families and fly away? If I can't stay in the Red Sky Empire, can I still go to the Shayue Empire?" At that moment, he took out a "back elixir" and stuffed it into the entrance, slowly raised his arms and began to recover his vitality.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and said to the eight men standing far away like eight wooden piers: "Come here and carry the second young master to the carriage."

Eight families rushed over. But as soon as he saw Fang Bai lying on the ground, he couldn't reach out his hand.

Fang Bai is not only black like a coke, but also his whole body begins to rot, with a pungent stench. At first glance, it looks like a rotting corpse turned out of a coffin.

Seeing that the eight family did not do anything, the old man in the green robe shouted fiercely, "Why don't you do it?"

Forced by the majesty of the old man in the green robe, the eight family had to say, "Yes, deacon Fang." Pinch your nose and lift Fang Bai.

At this time, Fang Bai's body, which had become a rotten corpse, suddenly moved.

The eight families were shocked and retreated and said, "Fang...Deacon Fang, is the second young master alive or dead?" Deacon Fang glanced at Fang Bai and said, "Naturally, we are alive. If we die, we will only die when we go back." Eight families knew that it was not a fraudulent corpse, and they were a little relieved and carefully walked towards Fang Bai.

Several family men tore off a piece of cloth from their clothes and wrapped it around their hands, then grabbed Fang Bai's wrists and ankles.

Suddenly, Fang Bai's eyes suddenly opened, with a faint red light. The head turned twice, and as soon as he roared and pulled his hands, he pulled the family holding his wrist to the front. His mouth opened, revealing a long white tooth and bit it.

"Magic teeth? The young master has become a demon, and the young master has become a demon~"

"Run, the young master has become a demon~"

The family shouted, let go of their hands, and ran towards Deacon Fang.

As soon as he heard that Fang Bai had become a demon, the deacon turned his eyes and shouted, "Get out of the way." Rushing up, he restrained Fang Bai with a few moves and said to several families, "Master Fang's magic has been suppressed by me. You send Master Fang back first and tell the patriarch the truth about the incident. The old man will go after the two bets to avenge the young master."

The family had a lingering lingering heart, but he still carried Fang Bai to the carriage and drove the carriage to Geyuan Town in a hurry.

Looking at the carriage galloping away, Deacon Fang stood still and shook his head and sighed: "There is no way to escape. The second young master must have a way to become a demon. As long as the two stinky boy is caught, the patriarch will not be embarrassed by me..." He withdrew his sight and fled to Lu Feng and Lai Liu. Run away.

When night fell, the corpse town was shrouded in darkness again.

There is no moon or stars in the sky. The night is unusually dark, and you can't reach out.

The Lu family, the largest family in the deserted town in the past, is now also a remnant of a broken wall and has become an abandoned empty house.

Tonight, the Lu family has some vitality and can faintly see a faint light in the hall.

The demon can't light the lamp. If there is a light, there will be someone.

There is a bickering in the hall.

One said that he should not light the lamp, which would attract demons; the other said that demons were afraid of light and would not come when he saw the light.

The two people who quarreled were Lai Liu and Lu Feng.

It was dark, and they just saw this compound and came in.

At this time, the two are arguing about whether to light the lights.

This is a ridiculous topic, because they are all holding two candles to do their own things.

Lai Liu was patrolling the hall with candles. There were no more than a dozen demon corpses on the ground of the hall. As he patrolled, he looked at the hall and secretly arranged fire and thunder in several suitable positions.

Lu Feng sat on a master's chair, holding a candle in his left hand and a bright black bone in his right hand.

This bone is the king's clavicle, which seems to be a left collarbone.

Fortunately, not long after he rushed into the barren corpse town with the dog, the bone was obtained by him.

As he expected, not long after the dog plunged into the barren corpse town, it was bitten to death by the demon and turned into a magic dog. Later, it was met and killed by several practitioners who were about to withdraw from the barren corpse town. This bone is nothing special except that it looks black and bright. Naturally, no one will want it. He took this treasure after the practitioners left.

They planned to withdraw from the barren corpse town, but they were afraid of meeting the deacon above, so they dared to spend the night in the barren corpse town.

Last night, the demons suffered a lot of casualties, and coupled with the pursuit of the practitioners, they did not see many demons when they entered the barren corpse town, and many practitioners did not want to to toss around, so they chose to spend the night in the barren corpse town, which is why they dared to spend the night here.

Lai Liu arranged it properly, blew out the candle in his hand, walked to Lu Feng, and said sullenly, "If I want to become a demon, you will be the first one to bite." Lu Feng didn't seem to hear it. He turned around the bone in his hand and frowned, "Why doesn't this bone automatically shoot into my body like a skull?" Lai Liu despised and said, "If it's that simple, this bone should be in the dog's body, not on the dog's neck." Lu Feng glanced at him and said, "Nonsense? Do you need to say this? I'm thinking about the way." Lai Liu said, "Then think about it and ask me dry hair." He waved his hand, took out a piece of beef and nibbled it himself.

Lu Feng looked at it for a while and said to himself, "Since there is a clavicle of the devil swallowing the sky on the mainland, there must be other bones. People have 206 bones, large and small. How can it be easy to find them." When Lai Liu heard this, he almost spit it out and said, "Do you want to find all of them? Dreaming? Do you know where those bones are left? Do you know how big the Manling Continent is?

Lu Feng smiled and pointed to his nose and said, "I have a nose. Just keep in mind. Finding one is one." After saying that, he held the collarbone flat and stared like a baby and said, "This bone is so magical. If I can incorporate all the bones of the devil's swallowing sky into my body, I will be immortal. With a skull, I have escaped from death twice, and it's not that you haven't seen it.

Lai Liu also felt that the bones that the devil swallowed the sky were a treasure and may even send them back to the earth, but it was a joke to find bones on such a huge barbarian continent. Unless the shit is quite lucky, it will never be possible.